# posted by ron @ 4/12/2005 09:47:00 AM
as i sit here in my lab i can see through the blinds outside. i can see that it is sunny and that there doesnt seem to be a cloud in the sky. it was a bit chilly on the walk in but i know that by noon it will be t-shirt and skirt weather and the girls will be sportin' their shit today for sure. the spring time on a college campus is truly a beautiful thing. the only problem is me turning 24 this year makes these girls a little too immature for me (menatlly). when am i ever going to meet the physics major mountian bike chick of my dreams? enough dreaming
so focker #3 is a no show at seeing my car. you know, i'd appreciate some honesty from the buyers. i tell them its a beater (i'm being honest) and they say i'll give you 200$, i say deal and they focking no show? if you dont want it then fucking say so and dont waste my time. assholes!
branciteam, that cat is not fat. i'll get a picture of calvin when i'm home. he's a fat bastard, bigger than tunsis.
barone, you got to go back to the old style comments. we all would like the site to be more discussion friendly and this style of commenting doesnt promote that idea (by hiding the comments). its nice and clean in its own way but i think it sucks. give me back the poll. comeon you cant be that busy, no job. how is the job hunt by the way? i dont think you will be happy in a manufacturing environment but sometimes you have to get some experience the tough way. you cant expect to land a dream job or career your first time out and i think last time you basically took what was thrown your way, right? take something interesting with good people to work with, stay 2 years, make a ton of contacts and move on.
hey, i need dates of weekends that you guys are busy so i can plan the pig roast.
Couple things:
The cat is fat. I think its a genetic abnormality. When we first got him he had this huge belly that we thought was worms. Well its not worms because we gave him enough dewormer to sterilize a corps. His stomach sticks out on both sides and he waddles when he walks. Hes small but stout. Ask Murphy/ chump.
Yeah, chump, what the hell are you doing? You dont have a job and havnt had one for 7 months now. I kind of like the comments this way though (pop up window). Is there any way to have the popup writing but still see them under every post?
Ron, im planning to come to CT for a week or so in either june or july. Maybe it could correspond to the pigroast.
maybe if we had a fucking poll we could vote on the comment style!
i still say calvin wins. he's by far the biggest car i've seen.
ron, it's lookin like i'd be free most weekends this summer. good times.
i can vouche for the cat being fat. its not fat in the sense that it weighs a ton, but the fact that it has an amazing pot-belly for it's size. the cat really looks bloated at times.