# posted by josh @ 4/09/2005 11:41:00 AM
hey i have a question: how late does mcdonalds breakfast go? 1030 right? i remember when it used to be 11. those were the days. so i show up at the drive thru at 1022 today and they tell me bfast is over. what the hell? either mcdonalds is phasing out its bfast, or my theory that people down here are just fucking retards is correct. either way, i want my damn sausage mcmuffin.
chump, i share in your excitement over journalism. if i didnt pursue law school, that was up there on my list. you may remember my stint as sports reporter for the clinton recorder. then last week the interview on carolinatv. hmmmmm.
but i admire your searching about your interests to figure out what you want to do. i also encourage you to keep doing it. one of the best ways to be happy is to enjoy your job. i sometimes wonder what i'll do if i dont end up liking law (i obviously think i will like it, at least to some extent, otherwise i wouldnt be doing it, but i have to be realistic). with an advanced degree i could teach at a university. there's always lobbying. and there's probably a bunch of other things i could do with a law degree that i dont even know about. i could run for office i suppose. who knows. but seeing as much of your week will be consumed by your job, it should be something that brings you some sort of happiness. i kinda forget where i was going with this, i'm off on a tangent...
but i must admit, i'm somewhat concerned about the direction of my life as well. but only as to transferring. see, lately i've bene real interested in property law. but property law in sc, for whatever reason, is vastly different from property law in most other states. i'm worried about not getting in anywhere on transfer. because not only does successful transfer rely on my grades and class rank and recommendations being good enough, but there must also be space for me at the other schools. if seats arent open, there's nothing to get into. so part of the game is luck. so if i were stuck down here, and eventually did property law, i'd pretty much have to get a job down here, at least for a few years. and that would be my own personal hell.
so the question is, if i dont get in anywhere, what the hell do i do?? do i hang it up? i dont want to, especially after all the work i've put into this year. and what else would i do? when i talk to some people they're just like "oh well, cross that bridge when it comes." not only is that cliche, but also stupid. cuz sometimes you just need to plan ahead so you're not fucked later. and right now i have no idea what i'd do if it came down to it. i guess stay here at usc, and just settle for 2 more miserable years, then try desperately to find a job elsewhere. besides the potential property problem, if you're not at a top 15 school, it's much harder to get a job outside the region of your school. double the challenge, sweet.
maybe its the pressure of finals in a week, the pressure of having to find a summer job, or something else, but i'm feelign the heat these days. had i realized what i'd be getting into by going to usc, everything might be different.
it's a chaotic, crazy, fucked up world we live in
so, you're in the REAL deep south now and its not what you expected? you'll be fine, dude, you're a lawyer, it'll be alright. my biggest concern is you getting a good internshp this summer. find a lawyer/politician who could be a good contact. thats my best advice.