# posted by josh @ 4/28/2005 01:43:00 PM
while i was supposed to be studying, i was thinking. part of the problem with democrats, green, etc is that we lose the elections, then go around cleaning up after what the republicans do. why? clearly, we do it because of our ideology, and belief that we should help out others, protect the planet, etc. well i've got an idea.
why dont we just stop? let those who make the mess either wallow in it or clean it up. sure, i realize this will also affect us, as many of the problems are nationwide or global. but we need somethign to get the country on the right track again. with all our efforts, the damage gets minimalized. while this is good in one respect, it's bad in another. people think, oh, global warming isnt really happening. there's no scientific evidence to back it up. it's a nice theory. if it is happening it's minimal. so then what happens? well, people in the middle or those with no strong views think, oh well i dont need to vote. things are fine as they are. or they think, why are democrats making a big deal about something thats not a big deal? so they vote republican.
democrats spread themselves thin trying to solve problems, and it weakens their arguments and platforms.
so screw 'em. and when all the horrible stories about soldiers at war come back, just say, well i was against the war. i'd love to feel bad, but i dont. it's the disease of over-activism. the longer the republicans have office, the stronger it makes them.
you calling me rational? huh. huh. you wanna fight!
somebody get johnny weed an invite so he can post. i'm looking straight at you barone.....
I cant beleive you brought up Al Gore.
We have had this debate before about the gov't role in technology. I disagree with you. The gov't HAS to play an active role in directing and guiding science and technology. Thats why its there. If there were no regulations, it would be a free-for-all dump, pollute fest. The ball has to be pushed before it can start rolling. You say individuals, i say govt and individuals.
Sad thing is- there are no venture capitalists that are environmentalists. Thats part of the problem. Its almost an oxymoron. Drill whereever we can in the US?! Ok, lets also shoot first and ask questions later.