Tuesday, January 31, 2006
no respect
# posted by josh @ 1/31/2006 10:19:00 AM
if there's been one theme of the 2006 nfl playoffs, its that the seahawks dont get any respect. every news show, every single day...no respect. and it's not just this nfl season, and its not just the nfl. every major championship of a major sport, someone doesnt get any respect. well, this no respect thing is so lame. first of all, even if they're making the league minimum, these players have money...so shut up. and if you're a seahawks fan (or steelers for that matter), you probably dont deserve respect anyway. finally, it seems to me that this constant talk about no respect, is in fact some sort of passive-aggressive, self pitying respect in itself. so you want your respect? how about the fact that every show ever talks about how you have none, and how you're underrated. there's your respect. now shut it. media day sucks. i dont even care about this superbowl, and might not even watch it...i dont know yet. honestly...worst...game...ever. there's your respect.
The Seahawks get plenty of respect, they were picked as NFC champs around mid season and there was a lot of talk about Shawn Alexander's huge year. Then there was talk of Tiki not getting respect and being overshadowed by Alexander because Tiki didn't get TDs. Well, NYG proved they don't yet deserve respect, but Seattle does and will show it when they hopefully whup the Stillers.
And while I don't think anyone else here cares about American football, the Canadian girl is keen for me to have people over and watch it live at 3am. I don't think she'll be up for it when she finds no one else wants to come, given my history of trying to hook up with her when I'm wasted.
Oh and tons of Swedes wear Yankees hats, just as a style they don't generally like baseball, and some wear Michigan stuff too, oh the fury that causes a PSU/Boston fan. Luckily, I'm not much of a Boston fan and the Yankees hats are much more common than the U Mich ones.
Start passing around Phillies hats and tell em they mean Phinland.
hows hockey over there? i must have a decent following, better then over here. i watched my first hockey game of hte season last night, flyers tied it up in the last two minutes and then won in over time over the rangers, sweet win.
They like hockey and I think it's the second most popular after (soccer.) But not the NHL, they have international tournaments and a national league. There is some news coverage of NHL too, and NBA for that matter.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Great Matsby's Radio Show
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 1/30/2006 02:25:00 PM
Went to the WESU staff meeting last night at Wesleyan. I GOTS MAH SHOW!! Unfortunately, since there were an unprecidented number of new applicants this season a lot of folks didn't get shows. Us newbies that did get shows have to share them in some way. Some people teamed up with others to make a host duo. The guy I'm paired with wanted to stay solo either way, however, so that's fine. Instead it's going to be every other week. That may seem like a raw deal at first but since I've got this new 6:30-7am wakeup for work it's just as well. I'll only miss proper sleep once every 2 weeks. So on my off weeks DJ Dick Erection will be playing "electro-booty" haha. Thus: Refined Moments with DJ Great Matsby 88.1 fm or online at www.wesufm.org 11:00pm-12:00am Every other Wednesday, starting February 8. Request Line: 860-685-7700 I sort of wanted to call the show Booze Pinata or just Party Music but I already wrote "refined moments" on the show application so that's what's going on the printed schedule, as far as I know. I'll just keep with the classy theme then. Right now I"m working on a lil' 30 second kicker to start off each show. I'm going to use the "Moosebumps" instrumental track off the Dr. Octagonecologyst album. If you know it you know it. It's like Bethoven over a hiphop beat. Perfect. Since it's only one hour every two weeks, I'm probably going to consolodate the genres a bit. Instead of playing shit all over the spectrum like I'm fuckin DJ Roygbiv I'll narrow it down. Just not sure yet. I think I'm best with indie rock and hip hop offshoots. I'll probably want to keep the previous show's listeners however, which will be techno, so I'll make a fluid transition if possible. Wednesday is actually the techno block night on WESU. From 6:30-11:00 there's 3 different house/electronic beats shows backtobacktoback. They're all good too and have been with the station forever, so they probably have a big following amongst the druggie rave kids and Europeans of central CT. Anyways, listen in!
Cool, and I will listen, so you can already proclaim your show to be "world famous!" like all the other stupid things that claim that, yet you can live 200km away and have never heard of them.
Matsby's goin to git git git you drunk. Get you drunk.
Friday Night there is a great show on WESU, "Karibbean Link-Up", they give some news, play some Reggae and talk Jesus and brotherly love.
Yeah Fridays and Saturdays are the reggae/carribean shows. WESU's biggest listener group is the Jamaican community. It's huge. I remember listening one of the DJs back in high school and he's still doing his thing now. Funny thing about reggae DJs ("selectors") is they'll stop a song in the middle and bring it back to the start. Sometimes ad nauseum. It's a weird part of that culture. But yeah I like listening to Calypso music when I'm driving to a party.
Up and Away
# posted by ron @ 1/30/2006 08:51:00 AM
Thats right folks, it's around 9am! I haven't gotten up this early in a long time. I'm trying to condition myself this week so that for next week ( my first week of work) I'll be able to get up. Wish me luck, I'm about to become a workermonkey.
Ditto here. Woke up a few hours ago. Legislature called me and said for training this week I can come in at 10:30am this week instead of 8:30. YES.
hahaha "9am=early!?", Ok I am a morning person so it's cake for me (staying up at night is my hard part) but I have just started getting up 6-6:30 daily for class or lifting before class (or work, this includes weekends though maybe not until 7). With no alarm, I am up at 7:30. When I was working I was at work at 6 or 7, depending on the day or distance. So yeah, good luck you two adjusting to the working world, but I won't say "real world," and pretend it's hard. From my experience, student life brings more time management struggle, stress, and sleep deprivation, well at least compared to a young single guy. I am certain that kids change the equation, but now I'm off topic. Again. Sorry.
9 is early. Aside from a few teaching sessions that I had to teach for my GA, my class (actual lecture time) and GA schedule have allowed me to sleep well past 10 since fall of 2003. Of course when I did research in the lab past 2am on a regular basis, the actual sleeping hours become very similar.
I can only hope that my job, career and life challenges me. As far as the "real world" being hard; its only as hard as you wish to accept responsibility for.
Yes, as i have been spouting to you over the last year...its different (the working life). Theres the good and the bad just like everything else. With it comes a whole new set of expereinces and situations. And i do mean NEW. Not that you havent heard of them, but living them is a new.
fuck yeah. every now and then i find myself in a situation at work i never thought i'd be in. some strange incident or something you never thought actually happened in real life. just weird shit man.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Jesus is not alright with me
# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/28/2006 03:23:00 PM
I'm still snapping shots here and there of the fucked up religious culture i see round heya. It really is overwhelming at times. Sometimes i forget because it all just blends into the norm. I suppose thats what happens. M- i need you to mix me up a sweet song for my upcoming slide show of it all. I've got some ideas. I'll be calling.
I sceduled a busy month+ and i'm entering the home stretch right now. What makes it real fun is that i picked up some kind of stomach bug right when it all started. I've had no appetite for the past week and ive lost about 10 lbs (which i really didnt need). So i've been sitting thru meetings attempting to maintain stability...aka trying not to vomit. This also makes socializing quite hard. I was in the 'hospitality' room all week- which means there was a party going on every night of the week in my suite. I'm sure i made a good impression while i was locked in my room swaying back and forth out of consciousness. Uggg. Figures i suppose. I havnt been sick in 2.5 years and sometimes life just likes to fuck with you like that. Just got to make it another 2 weeks and then i can rest fully. Got a presentation in Jacksonville next saturday in front of 100+ people then i go straight to fire school for the full week. Its an interagency course all about prescribed burning. Should be really intersting, i just hope i can make it thru.
Part of the reason I try to stay healthy physically is to maintain absolute mental health. The two are very much connected. And when you are going thru tough times (like breaking up with a loved one) it is essential to stay as healthy as possible. This whole sick thing just isnt working out for me. I had a rough morning hanging on to sanity. I find myself talking outloud. "Stop it. Thinking these thoughts is not going to help you". Stuff like that. Uggg....maybe its good to dive down to the bottom sometimes. Its a dark cold place i do not enjoy being. It takes effort to climb back up. I've been doing alright, but this bug threw me down there against my will. Plus coming home after a week away is hard. Home can be as lonely as comforting. I've also realized that it is probably not a good idea to appreciate things too much. I've always tried never to underappreciate what i have (health, wealth, friends, etc). But the thing is- when you lose one of those...you really miss it and it makes you depressed. So maybe it is better to maintain a cool neutrality to life. Never appreciate or depreciate something too much.
To sum in up: stress + traveling + sick + mental unstability = the possibiltiy of bad times.
All i can do is hang on and work on the integers i can control. And apparently, due to my new revelation, i need to start caring less.
sometimes going to the bottom can remind you that you're still able to get back up. it can be a nice reminder.
It is when you are having trouble, missing something, that recognizing what you do have helps. When it's all going well, you don't even have to try to appreciate things, but when there is apparent disaster, knowing what is left, and putting things in perspective, trying to step away from the subjective, is an effective way to cope.
By the way, religion is so absent in Stockholm, I think even going back to New England and passing an occasional nativity or ad for a church function, will seem creepy to me.
Appreciate the depression, it is a wonderful and natural state of being. Dont hold tightly onto happiness or its causes, for in the end this creates sadness. Let all things flow through you and appreciate it all for what it is... Life.
There's so many things in everyday life (food, air, etc.) that are so inherently good, but we're constantly exposed to the goodness so we tend to overlook it because it's normal. Since bad situations are irregular they stand out more. They need, however, to be there. Otherwise there's no comparible opposite for the good. It's hard to recognize good OR bad unless some element of the other is present. I'll give you my junior year term paper on this if it pleases you. It was mostly about Voltaire. Let's hear it for Oppositional Complementarity! (ugh....)
And yes Buddhism is still the answer for most troubles and hasselbacks, as pointed out by Damon and Jesse. And Matt's paraphrasing the new Batman movie I guarantee it.
Got you covered for whatever music you need.
Rock bottom is much further down than you think. There is nothing abnormal about getting a little down. How's that Zen proverb go "...nothing is as good or bad as it seems".
I understand and know of all the principles you all are speaking. No good without bad, its never as bad as you think, look at the big picture....blah blah blah. But when they fail, where do you turn? I'm not looking for a direct answer here, just merely thinking outloud. I suppose its not about coping with bad times...its about coping with life in general as usual. Maybe i just need a fucking vacation already.
Some turn to jesus......
i'll drive my ass down to FLA and personally kick yours if you even for a moment think of turning to religion. don't let it get to you. shit happens. soon more shit will happen to you and you'll forget about the original shit.
For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all,.. -The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians 6:8-10
i'm with matt. shit happens. cope with it however you feel most inclined (within certain limits of course). only you know what relaxes you and makes you feel better. i sit down and watch a good movie, or go golfing. other people have their own things. take some "brancibeer" time.
Brancibeer time eh? Hmmm, i suppose i could use a good lay...
Friday, January 27, 2006
White Male, Gainfully Employed.
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 1/27/2006 05:42:00 PM
Booyakasha! Got my call back from the Legislature today (a few weeks later than expected.) Bear witness bitches: I'm now the Roll Call Clerk for the State of CT Legislative Branch. Apparently I'm going to be "front-and-center" for all the chamber meetings at the Capitol. I was told "high profile"......erm.....I'm gonna be on CSPAN? Who Knows! Legislative session = Feb-May, so that's what I'm working with. Foot in the door. I start this coming Tuesday training on the "roll call machine". I'm joining the ranks with Bergan - machinists for life! Go AFL-CIO! Now that I'm blue-collar I'll eat steak and potatoes not once a week but every night of the week. Also: sold my old Protoge, got $600. Not a bad week I must say.
sounds like a pretty sweet week...nice!
Ya alright. Looks like 'civ' time may take a hit. Or it could be you that will be cutting down on the 'hits'. What?
Booyah indeed, Mattlock for State Rep...for State Senate...for US Rep...for US Senate, I don't know about prez, do you want to be prez? Wouldn't that be cool, you're in a debate and you're flowing your arguments. I'm confused though, work at the capitol and the machinist's union?
I was just kidding about the machinist part. It'll probably be more like pushing computer buttons. And yeah I'm Bulworth.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Happy belated birthday Workermonkey!
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/24/2006 04:44:00 PM
i think we all missed it but our very own Multipupose Workermokey blog has turned two years old. i'm so proud. everyone gets a big round of applause for keeping this thing going. what started out as an easy way to get my crazy drunken emails to a mass audience has blossomed into whatever the hell it is today. i've grown comfortable with the monkeys appearence so i've had little motivation to really change anything but i'd like to make each post last a little longer and create more of a follow up conversation. i'd rather avoid a forum style design because it's very cold feeling and i just don't want to have to fuck with it. is anyone against a smaller font? each post will take up less room thus pushing the comments a little higher on the page. who knows. happy birthday little monkey. i love you. congratulations everyone. CLAP! CLAP! CLAP!
All I see is two years of evidence.
As in evidence that we might be enemies of the state, or of actual illegal acts? They don't need this site to consider me the former, and if you mean the latter, I am missing something.
Monday, January 23, 2006
oh man this thing could be falling apart
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/23/2006 10:43:00 PM
the World Baseball Classic (WBC) is falling apart before it even begins. cuba is finally allowed to play but none of their defectors are allowed to play, arod scratches his pussy about who to play for and now bonds calls it quits. the best international tournament i've seen is on BaseballProspectus.comspeaking of falling apart, i've been having a hicup at work where i'm arguing with one of my bosses. he's the only non-family guy and i would put money on him having some kind of inappropriate realtationship with My Hot Boss (soon to be a major motion picture). We've been arguing over this job him and this crazy genius guy who consults have been working on. i drove out to Utica, NY on friday to visit this customer. the guy i'm fighting with thought he was punishing me for screwing up this job. First of all, i covered my ass on this one, i got approvals more then once from everybody and bernie saw this shit twice before it was too late and no one said anything. but i'm proud of my self, i didn't mess up, i gave them exactly what they wanted and now they're changing stuff. not my fault. I'm proud because i'm handleing it well, I'm not getting upset at my boss, i'm simply taking more of it to avoid conflict. i'm doing a better job of handling the situation and covering my own ass at the same time. it simply doesn't help me in any way to pick a fight here. i'd rather not start something that could cost me my job and this really isn't worth fight over. i think i'm growing. it gets scary. i'm eating better and working out. i eat the salad bar at stop n' shop in north haven and i joinedthe YMCA on tuesday. i went three days in a row before i had to miss friday and the weekend. tino fed me some wings last night that made my day a little less enjoyable and caused me to just pass today. tino, that fucking glaze passed through me completely. it was messy and loud. on another topic, one of the guys in the shop kind of noticed i was stressed out today and said something that was so inappropriate that i just lost track of whatever was one my mind at the time and smiled. turned my day around, but it never should have been said in anysort of professional environment. ever. i'm missing one of the classic-gaming-super-fun-pack-christmas-present boxes i got off of ebay and i'm not sure what to do, the guy says he shipped it, i never got it. the post office can't do anything can they? what ever shipping company he claims he shipped it from should have a record, if he did send it there should be a paper trail. if someone just swipped it when it was left outside my door ( a real possibility) then what happens? is it hte shippers responsibility? did i just loose $11.00 for a sega menecer light gun?the scotch bills just keep adding up. up and away, there's a new superman movie coming out, should be like the death of a thousand sons of the atom, up, it equals 7 plus the square root of glenliviet, thats tonights scotch of the week. i've been drinking nicer/fancy/older/smoother scotches lately as a treat to myself. Because i can. of tuna, tuna on rye whiskey, it all comes back to whiskey in the end, it doesn't even matter, i had to fall, to lose it all, the shrimp you can eat at red lobster baskets that we make from 600 club gets you into the hall of fame, goose gossage got robbed of a congestional medla of honor because during his 12 year career he helped fight t he nazi's in panama and emilinated the word "Rubes" from the english language some time in the late 20's during prohibition when the alcohol was expensive and the back room gambling was something to be proud of. thats how superman got published. i read the book about sup's creaters, very interesting about jewish settelers and how the fan letters really did make a difference and how all t hese guys came from the same circle of people and were all interconnected with the mob and bootleggers because it was a form of distribution. they had to, to get the paper during war time and to get an outlet for moving issues of thier comics. creative bastards. i'd love to say the republican party if falling apart but i'm now going to hold off until we actually win the 2006 election. never under estimate he supidity of the american people. we could fuck this one up too.
On the surface the Republicans look like they are in trouble, but really...
In 2005 the Republican National Committee brought in over $100 million, to the DNC's $51 million. The RNC now enjoys the largest cash-on-hand lead over its counterpart in more then a decade.
So dont think their support is fading, plus what is the Democrats plan? Ya, i dont know either.
what hurts about the democrats is that this administration has given them so much ammunition and done so many bad things, yet they still can't take advantage of it. it was time to play dirty years ago and they still haven't. there needs to be somesort of big push to bring these guys down. not a bunch of pussy crap.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Incentive to learn more Swedish: The Press
# posted by Damon @ 1/21/2006 03:44:00 AM
"Kidnapped gnomes found in snowy forest
Published: 20th January 2006 18:04 CET Twelve garden gnomes kidnapped in western Sweden a month ago were found on Friday in a snowy forest, standing in a ring beside a lighted bonfire and a small hut, Swedish news agency TT reported. "It looked very cozy," Bo Larsson, a police officer in the town of Kil, near Karlstad, told TT. The gnomes mysteriously vanished from their gardens just before Christmas. A letter from the "Garden Gnomes Liberation Army" later claimed responsibility for their disappearance, explaining that the dwarfish figures had pined for freedom. Larsson said the gnomes had, however, declined to collaborate in the investigation. "We've tried to squeeze them for information, but they're staying mum," he said. The police station extended its opening hours on Friday so owners could come by and claim their property." The Local
I heard that the Sandanista and Zapata movements started in the exact same way. First the gnomes are all happy with what they've got. Next thing you know they're asking for equal distribution of wealth or some such hijinks. All they need are some illy Klashnikovs and BAM there's your movement.
Friday, January 20, 2006
you didn't have to do anything
# posted by ron @ 1/20/2006 01:50:00 AM
gwen stefani? b-a-n-na-ssnasn asblbh ablah ablalh blah balh whateefer! I've had quite a bit of time to sit and think about life , society and the future. all I've really got to say about all tof my thinking is "screw you guys, I'm doing my own thing"
Maybe if you have the time, it is good to do some interesting, thought provoking reading you wouldn't otherwise do. During my airport waits, etc I read "The Art of Happiness" by H.H. Dalai Lama and some American shrink as I happened across it in the small English section of a local bookstore. It was good, and Buddhism is cool in how it affects this life, though I don't buy the reincarnation and karma bits.
Does anyone else ever get the word verification wrong or am I that blind?
yeah, i agree with damon. do anything that you've ever said "i wish i had time to do ________." it also could be a good time for general reflection.
and yes, i also occasionally get the word verification wrong. sometimes they're ridiculous.
"The Art of Happiness" is an excellent book on Buddhism for the western mind. I have read it multiple times and given copies of it to friends and family.
How can one not believe in Reincarnation? Unless one only thinks of their own, preconceived, notion of reincarnation. We are all made up of energy, this energy flows around the universe, being reborn into different things at different times. Along with this energy flows the elements of the past, things do not appear out of nowhere, they flow forward through space-time, so to say you dont believe in the law of causation(Karma) is illogical as well.
I believe in karma and reincarnation..... all of my own definitions of course.
Of course what we are physically made up of comes from previous matter and energy, but since I believe our mind and consciousness is only the flowing of electricity and chemicals in our brains and bodies, then I define myself as this continuous flow. When my body dies, it will cease to flow, and I will no longer exist. That my body will decompose and eventually be eaten by worms or roots is inconsequential to me, because what made up my mind will be gone never to return. Molecules and energy don't know anything about good and bad, so the atoms that were used in the Crusades are not later trying to rid their bad karma when they are used in other objects. I know little of the Buddhist ideas, but I do not believe that causation is carried through individual beings over hundreds of years.
ah damon, the quantum world is far from being understood.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
I had to do it too.
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/18/2006 07:40:00 PM
You Are Gwen Stefani! |  All guys dream about you And all the girls want to be you "Sappy pathetic little me That was the girl I used to be" |
atta boy...someone reads my blog!
i think i did better then you with gwen stefani, ani defranco sucks worse.
i agree. though my description is ok, ani is a rabid man-hater.
Yeah I got Ani D too. Her voice and guitar skills kick ass but as my spirit animal she'd hate the fact I'm a man. I like Dead Prez, but they'd hate the fact I'm white. Gosh it's like a white man 18-34 just can't win in this world!
If your mentioned white man lives in the US, is Christian, and straight, and middle or upper middle class, then he is in every dominant category there is, and he still can't win? Come on, it's a stacked deck, does he even know the rules of the game? I'm only in the oppressed group in two categories and life has been a cakewalk for me because of the remaining dominant ones.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Cataract Canyon, Utah
# posted by murphy @ 1/17/2006 12:14:00 PM
   Me and Eli with the might Colorado in the backround The "dollhouse" itself. On top of the rim of the canyon on a hike called the doll house. Justin Murphy, Kristi Yerg, Evan Russell, John Donovan and Eli Murphy.
Hey man looks like you are putting on a few pounds. Better lay off the booze and get on the chicks. Cool pics! That looks like a bunch of stoners if i ever saw em.
lost:pack of hippies last seen in Utah, one guy barefoot.
nice pics!
in those pics i was about 245. When i left CT last may i was about 30 pounds heavier.
Awww sorry murph. I guess i havnt seen you in a while thats all. You fat bastard! Ha ha
Let Us Remember
# posted by wyldshaman @ 1/17/2006 10:16:00 AM
We can no longer afford to worship the god of hate or bow before the altar of retaliation.
Even when pressed by the demands of inner truth, men do not easily assume the task of opposing their government's policy, especially in time of war. Nor does the human spirit move without greatdifficulty against all the sympathy of conformist thought within one's own bosom and in the surrounding world. Moreover when the issues at hand seem as perplexed as they often do in the case of this dreadful conflict we are always on the verge of being mesmerized by uncertainty; but we must move on. A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war: "This way of settling differences is not just." This business of burning human beings with napalm, of filling our nation's homes with orphans and widows, of injecting poisonous drugs of hate into veins of people normally humane, of sending men home from dark and bloody battlefields physically handicapped and psychologically deranged, cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love. A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.
We still have a choice today; nonviolent coexistence or violent co-annihilation.
By Rev. Martin Luther King Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence, 4 April 1967
Full Text: http://www.nippies.com/martin_luther_king_speech.html Listen to at(Jan 16th Show): http://www.democracynow.org/streampage.pl?issue=20060116
I was actually thinking about this the other day. We as leaders in the world should be waging peace not war. What kind of example are we? If we can influence people with brute force, why cant we influence through peace and kindness. Sappy i know, but ideals are what discussion is all about.
I read about a video game (don't know if it'll be released in US) that is all about nonviolent protests and building your movement up by joining with other groups to topple a regime. It was made by the leader of the Croatian group that brought down Slobodan Milosovic. He was actually saying how half the leaders in his rebel group were avid video gamers so they made thier own.
"Q: What's the key to winning?" "A: Stay low until you can accept a blow from the regime."
i dont know if anyone will look down this far, but here is the address to that Video Game: http://www.aforcemorepowerful.org/game/index.htm
I looked down this far.
Bush on Global Warming (funny)
# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/17/2006 10:00:00 AM
"Don't listen to the liberal Godless scientists with their so-called 'facts'"
Monday, January 16, 2006
In other news
# posted by murphy @ 1/16/2006 09:13:00 PM
Nice work boys, your bringing back the rants that make this site great. Doctors appointment tommarow at 11am, so no work for me. got to get my weekly shot of penicilin. Just kidding, last week i separated my shoulder skiing. Did a sweet eight foot drop and nailed it. I was feelin a little over confident and was flying through the woods and came out into a small, unexpected drop fell face fist into the snow and yard saled. Landed on my face and shoulder, got up screaming and couldnt move my arm. I couldnt move my arm at all, and i thought i was fucked. Bone moved, thump, back into the socket-fuck yeah. I thought i was going to have to go down with Patrol on one of those fucking sleds. But I skied down and have been icing it and self medicated as I know best. Going to the doctor to make sure I dont have a tear in my shoulder somewhere. Wish me luck. Last friday, my friend from Livingston, MT brought over some human nip and we partied. I had to work but everyone came in and we got shitfaced. Stayed up till 8 am, slept till 4pm and worked again until 330am. So this weekend was rather quick, lots of drugs and altered states. met some nice ladies at the bar. I came to and it was monday and i was at work hitting on some high school chicks, dont worry its all legal, I had the parents consent-part of my own personal sociological study. Its gonna be real hard for me to come back to CT for any lenght of time. Ronny, my roommate bought a Tornado Fooseball Table. For everyone else this table is like the king of tables, like new is like 1000 dollars but he got it for five hundred-mint condition, got it from an out of work chemistry teacher. said he was too good and couldnt find any competition. Lost the love for the game. House is good, jobs are good, too many hours, not enough sleep and not enough sex, but their can never be enough-can there? NO. The trifecta is almost complete.
god damnnit Murphy I hate you!!!!! stupid foosball table arggg!
That reminds me I saw Hostel yesterday. It's really sweet. Graphic. Think along the lines of Murphy's accident except someone else is dislocating your shoulder for you. Blowtorch to the eye? It's outta there!!!
Found this one
# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/16/2006 12:30:00 PM
 Diggin thru the photo archive...
I can't tell where it's from....
me either, but i'm guessing ski's house.
a ha! Thats because its not from any of our houses. I think it was a random stay at a house my sister jen was watching. Must be around Xmas time 2004.
Its Official
# posted by wyldshaman @ 1/16/2006 08:21:00 AM
Just to keep you all informed of the Populist movement south of the border. The Socialist Michelle Bachelet has won the election in Chile. Bolivia has a new native and pro-coca lefty leader. Riding this wave of support Ollanta Humala, a left-leaning nationalist, has gained alot of ground in the Peruvian presidential race coming up in April. The Zapatistas are making the rounds in Mexico to rally the base there for this summers presidential election. And things are looking good in Brazil. Of, For and By The People!
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Out-Of-Control America
# posted by wyldshaman @ 1/15/2006 09:36:00 AM
So im sitting here reading the days headlines about the bombing in Pakistan... and im thinking. Can you just step back for a second and imagine. There you are sitting, reading the morning paper, drinking your coffee, when BLAMMM!!!! Two huge explosions go off near by, after going to the bathroom and cleaning yourself up a bit, you go outside to see what the hell happened. You look to where the sounds came from, your next door neighbors house and its gone, just this flaming wreckage, maybe a chimney flue. Later you come to find out that 17 people were killed in the attack, 6 women and 6 children. The Royal Canadian Airforce had dropped bombs on suspected anti-royalists rebel hideout, or some other such nonsence. Anyway, i dont know what i would do in this situation, but i would be very upset. What the hell is going on? Who the hell gives the right to the US Airforce to just bomb any country in the world? Where is the due process in bombing a house full of people? This is not a war zone, this is not a military target, this is just bombs targeted at a residentail home. What the Fuck!!!
Why do you hate freedom Jesse?
sometimes freedom is messy. free people are allowed to whatever they what, thats why freedom is so great. you must hate freedom.
if a bomb like that were to go off near me i'd be freaked out. are there more? should i run? what did that hit over there, did they miss, whats going on, who was it. that sort of thing. it would certainly be hard to go on having a nice day after that.
On the Topic of Freedom.
The men of Iraq are happy about the old "Mutaa" tradititon being back, these "pleasure marriages" were outlawed under Saddam.
Oh and you dont often hear on the news that the old Saddam regime was one of the most progressive in terms of Womens Right's in the Arab world. But we did away with all that with the new constitution. Hurray! FREEDOM..... for some.
Which crown were the anti-Royalists against? Canadian or Pakistani? I assume authorities gave the bombers clearance. I'm as big a fan of Canadastan's sovereignty as the next guy.
Scariest Picture Ever!
# posted by ron @ 1/15/2006 02:06:00 AM
Make it stop!!
It's like nuclear fission baby!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Iranian Oil Bourse
# posted by wyldshaman @ 1/14/2006 09:24:00 AM
If you live in Cambodia and you want to buy something for more then 4000 Reil($1), the national currency, you pay in US Dollars. If you want to buy a house in Russia, you pay in US Dollars. If you are a Chinese business man and you want buy a barrell of oil you pay in, you guessed it, US Dollars. So what? Well throughout the world, the US dollar is held as a hedge against local currency fluctuations, plus, everything is priced in dollars, everything, mainly being the worlds #1 Commodity OIL. The Iranians and others are tired of this "Dollar Supremacy", as it gives the United States a huge economic advantage. Since the EU implemented the Euro, it has been fairly stable and since the majority of Middle Eastern Oil ends up in Europe and Asia why should the worlds oil be priced in only Dollars? If a Euro based Oil Exchange is implemented by the Iranians, it could have a devestating impact on the US economy. Why? If im a Chinese business man or a Russian homebuyer why would i want 3 currencys, my local for bread, my US dollars for some ocassions and the Euro for others? I just might switch to the Euro, its closer to home, just as stable and just maybe, i like Europe better. If this happens everyone and there uncle will start running to the banks and dumping their US dollars for Euros, thus a flood of greenbacks will come home to the United States. What happens when lots of cash comes back, in the order of Trillions of Dollars? Our Greenback will inflate and fast, if Foreign central banks even think this will happen, they will start moving their dollar holdings into a more stable currency, furthuring the inflation rate. Hyper-Inflation = Doom! Two articles about the Iranian plan and oil wars, the 2nd one is more current; http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CLA410A.html http://www.energybulletin.net/7707.html Of, For and By The People
Inflate the dollar? I believe it would devalue the dollar.
There will be a rise in sellers of the dollar, as people move more cash to Euros.
The dollor will drop and import prices will rise. Although Asian countries will still try to stay close to current exchange rates as they currently do.
U.S. businesses will find it easier to export. U.S. int'l companies will bring home bigger profits as they convert foreign currency back to a cheaper dollar.
Some inflationary effects as the price of some imports rise. If inflation rises, interests rise too, adding buyer interest in the dollar. Keeping it from free falling.
So, bottom line, it's a mixed bag. No big move down, but a continuation of the trend where inflation and interest rates start the slow move upwards again. And investment choices change as some will benefit more than others.
There's always an opportunity out there to make money if you get ahead of these trends and ride the out.
international money markets have all ways peaked my interest. Although I know nothing more than good investors place this game, not the stock market.
While anom. might be right on the theoretical economic implications of a collapsing dollar, I think the big concern is the loss of political influence. It's an unknown X, the measurement of which we can only speculate on because we are not privy to the true going ons of the international political scene. I would not be surprised if the gov't used our currency's status as "world's coin" as leverage to finance alot of our national debt. Or in any way that a large group of the most ambitious (and often crooked)Americans could think of to grab and hold onto power. I think the problem with economics, while interesting the hypothesize over, is that X-factor of political influence. J.B. if your anom. , remember that conversation we had about no true laizes-fair economy could exist? Regardless of where you stand politically, or how you think the international economic scene would equlibriate (is that a word?), you have to accept that such a major change would have very wide ranging implications. There could be effects that no one is prepared for. I think that just the uncertaintity of how our foriegn policy (foriegn aid, use of force, willingness to go along with the change ect.)would change would disrupt the system to a large degree. Hypothetically, one could argue that not the Euro, but the Yuan would be a stronger contender for the international denomination. There certainly would be a struggle between all the currencies to achieve pre-eminance in this arena. And no one could convince me that every major power, governmental, religous, or corporate won't seek to influence the outcome in every way concievable (including using more sordid methods of persuasion).
Fuck you Ron. It's one thing to have good spelling at work. But, on my time, I operate from the "NBR unbridged dictionary" where everything is spelt foanetically.
I hate you all. Good night.
The Yuan is strong, but it still does not completely free-float, also the Euro is a, im kinda making this up, decentralized currency, with many nations taking part and others able to join in, as opposed to just one, as is the case with the Dollar and Yuan, in my opinion this gives the Euro added value.
As for Anonymous's comments, i agree, if its inflation we are talking about ranging from 5-25%, but Hyper-Inflation is more of the fear here, in the order of 100-1000% a year, if this happens.... well really it could be good, as the what is it now, 7 Trillion plus we owe would be wipped out, as would our economy. It needs to happen some time, the sooner the better.
Anyway its fun to talk about.
Oh and i went off on the infaltion tangent(is that spelled right Ron?) i forgot to mention the point of this story.
Lots of people have nukes and want nukes, but we are really only threatening Iran. Why? Because they want to dethrone the Dollar, if we bomb the heck out of them, they will think twice about their Oil Bourse idea! Thats the Neocon thinking, i think.
I forget if it was a few years before USSR'S collapse or after Russia turned capitalist (Gorbechev's Perestroika plan was starting to move it that way) , but they ended up having to pay $1000 for bread or sugar due to hyperinflation. Soon only the rich will be able to make sugar cookies.
Friday, January 13, 2006
# posted by ron @ 1/13/2006 02:39:00 AM
You want some insanity!
# posted by ron @ 1/13/2006 02:10:00 AM
edit: what a bunch of crap eh?
if it had a point i think it would have been better, or maybe a punchline.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/11/2006 09:15:00 PM
we if its a drunken rant you ask for its a drunken rant you shall RECIEVE!!drink olny clear liquors, brown ones make you look like an alcojholic. like scotch. i love it. scotchy scotch scotch. i share the same passions as a Mister Ronald Burgandy. coffees brown, that doesn't make you look old, just tired if its in the morning, worn ut if you drink it at night. i'e been spending my nights playing half life 2, i'm addicted. its like crack for my brian, but with out hte hang over, just loss of sleep. i guess thats a a side affect, may just a byproduct. mmuummm,.... scotch is smoooottthhhhhh......... drikn it down baby, drink it down. i feeel ike a tech junkie, i've been using my new computer non stop andi just got a reciever and some big ass speakers for it. i can rock this place with halflife. my desk is covered with things that are plugged in. cell,phone, monitor, computer, reciever, external hard drive, electric razor, subwoofer, i pod amd a light. if you can imagine the living room is worse, theres two TV's a nintendo, a sega, an atari, a gamecube, dvd player, reciever, cabl,e box, modem, router, a light and a partridge in a pear tree. you can feel the interference walking by it. bubble, bubble, bubble......... pppphhhhhheeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww he he heanyone even thinking of getting satelite radio? i just want to hear stern in the morning on my way to work, is that really too much to ask? you can get areciever for liike 20$ but 13$ a month is nuts. well maybe not, i don't know. i had wanted to put a bunch of money into sirius stock like three months ago in anticipation of his jump butu i just never got to it and missedthet whole thing. the stock doubled fora day and is still up two dollars a share. oops. anyone catch an article on CNN the other day about the new words that were created last year? they do it everfy year, make slang words legit. they always suck but one i hadn't heard before was whale-tale; referingto when a females g-string is showing above the belt line. noun. from the ancient roman; whalius-maximus. those fucking roamns had it figured out man, if they didn't like, they just killed you. someone pisses you off, just get it over with and stab them and be done with the whole thing. none of this nambly pambly lets-talk-it-over crap. thats for the commies in washington! take all my money. you've got to shoot those jumpy spider things withthe shot gun, it spreads out and hits awider target. plus it only takes one shot. saves on ammo forthe later levels when the combines come after you. and those fucking gun ships. who saw the shield last night!?!! fuck yeah, never skipped a beat. that show is sweet brick, are you just looking around and saying you love the things that you see, i love lamp, i love carpet. MA MEEeeeeooooAAAAWWWW!!!!! ICE! , i need more ICE! does ice count as water? thte ice melts in my drink and hten i drink it. if the drink ends up like 50/50 booze to melted ice ratio then maybei havea chance at saving my liver! FANTASTIC! i want to see more yankee games this year so i'm looking at buying a season ticket package that is like 10 home saturday games over the course of the season. is anyone interested in going to a few games its like 500$ per seat for really good seats. i think for like two grand we could all get 4 seats, or maybe i'll just get them and bring everyone. i want to spend mroe time in NYC and i'd love to see more baseball. ploping down a bunch of money would force my hand to make room to go into the cityand see games and maybe stay afterword. anyone? even like one or two games? its the yanks. go yanks. the yanks. yankees. yankee doodle. doodle dandy. dandy afternoon, nice day out maam, howdy officer, what seems to be the problem here boys, this doesn't look good, luck sebastian bear claws his way to the top of hte corporite world wide domination of the lesser race of sub hu-mankind, was the fucking sickest wrestler. that dude jumped from the top of that cage, put his tooth through his upper lip and walked off smiling. thats fucking hardcore. cactus jack forever man. comice on your ipod man, pdfs are asking for a serious reduction is size, it would be the perfcect medium to convey a massive number of 32 paged books. i guess you'd have to change them all to fit in a square or just convince everyone to get an e-reader from sony. those babys are fuckign sweeet and my picl as best of CES. E3 is not long off in may and there a big apple con in february, i was jokingly talking withtthe owner of our company today about a used equipment show in orlando in february that i got an email for. he said he might actually be intown for it becuasse some guy he knows offered him a funished condo when ever he wants it down there. fuck yeah. this was the same owner i had the hear t to heart with the other day. i'm convinced that if he iddn't inhearit this company he'd be a mad scientist. maybe thats why we get along. 5.1 dobly ditital surround sound porn. thats what its all about right? new ways to enjoy porn? i've read the arguments for and against porn, but hte pro porn people made a hell of an argument when they bring our all the advancement porn has brought to our society. like the edible panty. and the DVD. plus i've heard rumors its linked to the video ipod. the ipod is having porns' baby. SHE'S PREGNANT! AAAAHAHAHHAHAHHHHHHH OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD AAAAHHHHHHHHHHhhhh...... OHMYGOD! ZONK.
best drunken rant in a long, long time. long live rome!
He's right. HalfLife is ill. And you can tell where spiders usually are from the messy blood trails on the walls. Those headcrabs wigged me out for about mmmmm a night.
thats it, two comments? thats all i get? fuck!
# posted by ron @ 1/11/2006 02:59:00 AM
There is a certain standard by which email must be held to. I believe that all web entries whether email or otherwise should also be held to the same standard. The problem results from people writing emails like they talk and people reading them like they are written novel. Some people skip on spelling and punctuation, lots do.
I'm here to argue that it matters. If you use Gmail how hard is it to spell check? One click! If you use Outlook how easy is it to spell check? It does it every time you send, if set right! If you are just writing a one time thing, how easy is it to cut and paste it into word of whatever word processor you are using to spell check it? Its easy! I say that there is no excuse. I may be at fault sometimes for these fouls of etiquette but I'm not offering my excuse. I'm here to damn the others.
screw you
did we have a bad experience recently?
atta-....er.....that-a-boy, ron.
ron, i'd love to revisit this issue in two months when you've had job and seen every crazy email mistake ever invented. spelling is optional in most email and spell check can become long and arduous when the email chain is ten deep. plus, when you're just sending a quick email instead of calling someone who cares what kind of voice or tone you use. i rattle off quick emails every day, to reassure a customer, send drawings, get/recieve quotes, random advertisments for stuff i actually want to hear about insead of spam, info about conventions, people following up from the shows i've been to, tons of stuff. my name is consistanly spelled wrong, gramatical errors are everywhere. most of the time its just about having a written record of a conversation, reguardless of content. In bigger companies, sometimes it's the only way to find a person, and it's an easy way to show your boss you're doing somehting on a project by putting his name in the CC line.
in other words, your attitude will change, shortly.
If thats my best 3am drunken rant then this blog is really in trouble.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Lift your head up High and Blow your Brains Out
# posted by murphy @ 1/08/2006 04:19:00 AM
Last night we had a party at our house. Invited alot of the Mountain employees and some randoms from town. I bought a keg of Neptunes stout, which is comparable to guinness but is a local microbrew. two bottles of whiskey and a bottle of tequilla walked through the door. Shot fest ensues... Girls from mountain show up. First wave, cafeteria chick shows up with friends. She looks fucking amazing, I didnt even recognize her at first. Her and friends were officially 'hoed out' and didnt really fit with the balance and vibe of the other guests. So im working on some night moves and i get a call on the phone. Broad from the mountain that is a ski instructor. I cease game on the Hoe train and decide to hold out for Second wave. By this time you can imagine im fucked up. I stopped trying with the cafeteria chick but continued to drink their seagrams and schnopps shot concoction. Fucking delicious... Second wave crashed the party. give girl the tour of the house, trying to keep it together, not exactly working on some night moves but trying not to fall over, same something moronic and puke on my own floor...thats when the cd starts to skip as far as my conciousness went. But it was a sweet party, lots of people from work came and me and my roommate got some credit in BozeVegas. Im must have done something right because i talked to the girl today and we are going out on Monday. Wish me luck boys. by the way New England is pretty cool, but their is some much more out there. You cant just right the rest of the world off because the 'standard of living' is better whatever the fuck that means. Its not the place itself but the people that live their that make home what it is. as long as you remeber it you can take home anywhere you go. later
I was a little to tall, could have used few pounds....she was a black haired beauty with big dark eyes...
TRANSLATION: ... so i was going to bang this chick until this other chick called. then i banged her. go giants!
i think thats a very apt interpretation, ron
Friday, January 06, 2006
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/06/2006 03:46:00 PM
the CES (Consumer Electronic Expo) is happeneing and for a sweet rundown as it happens of whats being shown off visit this site.Its all the crap that won't be released until next year, but its a sweet vision of the future of tomarrow. 103" HD-LCDs and TV's that are surrounded by batman.
400 GB memory chip!! Samson!!
that is some fantastic stuff, I'm gonna get me a claw keyboard.
Rent it
# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/06/2006 03:17:00 PM
I watched "Waking Life" last night. I just bought it (pretty cheap too) and it was the second time i've seen it (1st time >1 year ago). It totally blew my freakin mind! There is so much to that movie. Many meanings, thoughts, philosophies. It talks about society, religion, dreams, consciousness, perversion, intelligence, biology, evolution, and a lot more. I highly recommend it to you all who have not seen it. Warning: it is super intense and thought provoking. This movie takes your brain out of your head, beats the shit out of it, then throws it back in. It gives you so much that it is too much. But damn, if you are in the mood to think about life and philosophy- it can be a life changing experience. But if you want to veg and watch some canned hollywood crap-peice, this is not the movie for you.
it starts good, but I think it fades late and doesnt finish strong.
Thats what i thought the first time i saw it. But i think i actually just got burnt out. Some of the later conversations are as good as the earlier. It doesnt follow a typical 'movie' story like you keep expecting it too.
yea, burnt out.... sure sure sure
Fun City Facts
# posted by wyldshaman @ 1/06/2006 09:19:00 AM
After reading the Stockholm statement i started thinking about some cities i had been, figured maybe we could lists some cool things about different cities(or places) we have all been. Seattle, WA: The downtown bus system is FREE, its great you get on and off wherever you like, go to the art museum, the historic district, the first Starbucks, all free. The city has a funny history with Indians, Gold Miners and an underground city, you see the city was built on these salt flats and the first floors of all the old buildings are now below the current street level, you can actually go on a tour of the underground city its cool. Berlin, Germany: Hip city with a raging club scene. And here as in all over Germany, i think, the Subway is Free, well im sure technically its not free, but there is no turn styles its all open, and the only people i ever saw at the ticket machines were tourists. Not to be confused with the train system where, unless you want to spend the entire trip in the bathroom, you must pay.
Cape Town, South Africa- Mother City of Africa, an area which is regarded as one of the most beautiful regions in the world. The City is a rare cultural gem, resulting from the amalgamation of Indonesian, French, Dutch, British and German settlers, the local Bushman and Hottentot tribes and the Bantu tribes from the north. The impressive presence of Table Mountain, flanked by the legendary Devil's Peak and historical Signal Hill, stands proudly above the city. Beautiful white sandy beaches along a peaceful coastline frame the Cape Peninsula, which is famed for its unique floral kingdom, bountiful rivers, vleis and dams and magnificent countryside. The surrounding area extends far into the winelands, green in summer and red-gold in autumn.
As far as transportion- there are these somewhat legal small bus's that zoom all around (the name escapes me). Like taxis but with multiple people in them. These roves of bus's also have turf wars like tribes which many times end up being fatal.
Florence, Italy - Center of Art in Europe. Amazing architechture can be found here, even in some of the hostels. Try the Archi Rossi. There are countless museums, as well as a hip nightlife. The municipal buildings have attractive foliage that can serve as a decent canopy for vagrants. Enjoy the pogo-punk music being blasted from the front of a spontaneous Socialist Youth march. Do you enjoy babies? Let a local gypsy woman put one in your face as her children approach other parts of your person.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
well that was fun
# posted by ron @ 1/05/2006 01:12:00 AM
I'd like to announce that banning any unforseen mishaps in my background check that I will be employed in febuary. I'll be doing numerical simulations and analysis on aerospace components. translation being: contractor work for pratt & whitney. I've come to realize that about 80% of engineers in CT are in some way working for UTC. There is really no way to avoid it. I'm not discouraged about this or anything. The military jet engine market is pretty good now and I should be able to get a few years experience doing some advanced work. This is one of those jobs that has some skills that can be used in many different fields. good stuff. My first paycheck will probably go to paying my credit debt and bettering my social situation (moving out of my parents house). I'm going to look for a place up around hartford. I'd considered getting a house with the boys in middletown or something but I think I'm going to explore the hartford downtown for a year or two (newbritian by CCSU might be a second choice). Plus it gives us a new starting point for nights out that don't invole La Boca and might provide me with some social opportunities to meet some chicks (no offense to you guys but I'm never going get any ass playing setback and drinking beers every night). With my second check I'm going to buy some bike stuff and a computer. Third check will probably get to some saving because the new computer will have my newly developed budget spreadsheet completed on it. I must admit that the anticipation of getting a job hasn't brought joy. I've never seen this much money in my life but I also realize that this is the start of the 40+ years of slavery to "the system". Fuck you all who say you're not slaves either. You work to get a check to pay your bills, its all plain and simple. If you get a house and a morgage are you telling me that you are going to take 6 months off to tour europe? ha ha ha fuck you. not going to happen. In a sense I feel that I have missed some exploritory time in my life. I've lived in CT exclusively and although I know by all poll standards and income surveys, New England is really the best place in the world to live, why should I complain? Well, I'm a stubborn skeptic and I usually have to be shown about 2 times that I'm wrong before I believe it. I guess that I just have to plan my vacations well eh? Either way, I'm going to be working for some awesome $$ in east hartford. fuck it. Onto other stuff. The rose bowl was good eh? The orange bowl last night was good too. Maybe the BCS does work?
In Europe they have what is called a "Career Break", i think a year worth of time off that can be used anytime during your career. So you want a year off at 40, or 6 months at 35 and 6 months at 45, any way its cool. It is unpaid, but you are guaranteed your job back. A great way to backpack wherever, do some serious volunteer work, or just de-stress. This is ontop of the 6 months-2 years of PAID maternity leave that you and your family get, that if you are really feeling adventurous, could be used to take that cross country/world trip you always wanted. Hey, but who wants that "welfare state" when we can work 70 hours a week for the corporation.
but won't the free market save us?
I think I read somewhere that the extended vacaions allowed by europeans decrease unemployment. either way, I'm not going to be working 70 hours a week for anybody. I'll do less work for less money.
i took an informal poll of living places, otherwise known as my life, and i have to agree that new england is the best place to live. granted, my poll only covers the east coast, but it covers it up and down (me, ct, pa, va, sc). i can tell the midwest would be out, i need to be around water. colorado might be cool, but not for me. and fuck the west, though i think something like portland or seattle might be cool.
As far as natural disasters and such are concerned New England is one of the safest places on the planet and by far the safest place in the USA.
A few weeks ago(or was it months), when we had alot of rain, i saw an overflowing river on CNN, i was shocked to find out it was in MA, but kinda proud New England got into the worldwide disaster scene, even if it was just an old damn that held anyway.
Oh and I LOVE NEW ENGLAND! Blue State Pride!!! No really i do.
Ron, if you have only lived in CT, than how do you know New England is the best? I had to live in PA for four years (well actually it hit me after a few months) to appreciate New England's more mild climate and better access to water and metro areas. So with two New England addresses, two foreign ones, and one in PA, I also am a big fan of New England, but if I were not so dumb in language learning, or if I could see a career in Stockholm, I'd stay here as it is my favorite place.
I'm saying its best soley on quality of life, income and crime surveys/statistics. not really my experiences.
I've visited a bunch of states on the eastern seaboard, some for extended amounts of time, thats all I really have to go on there.
how about a little support here eh? I already took an offer in CT and will probably work for atleast 2 years.
i'm with ya ron, i haven't really lived for too long out side the northeast (VT, CT, NY, MA) but i've visited many palces and seen a lot. there are many other places in the world that are just as beautiful but they all have something different about them. Italy was sweet but igot the impression they have a different government evey week over there. paris was cool too but thats never a great representation of a country.
some of hte caribian islands we beautiful but you run the risk of revolt and/or kidnapping. mexico was ok and very nice, just poor as dirt and the people are lazy poor bastards. the NE has a stable government (even with Bush Co. trying to destroy it from the inside out) nice land, cities, fields, mountians, four seasons (which surprisingly doens't occur as much as i had thought in most places) and we speak english. i've come to terms withthe fact that i'm probably going to live in the NE for the rest of my life. fuck yeah america, fuck yeah.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
holy unblogtastic batman
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/04/2006 04:26:00 PM
wow, not much posting lately. it would appear as though our blogging declines significantly when people are home. i expect ron to quantify some sort of third order differential equation to properly express my observation. have you ever found a problem before something happens where fixing the problem would be easy and save a lot of time before its too late? i did something similar yesterday at work but it was met with a "so what?". So, i'd like to fix this problem before it actually occurs. It had to do with part numbers, and how we create them. I cought a little flack from one of the owners because i've been using our computer system differently than everyone else. (OK, long rant about nothing you guys want to read) ******** It's an old system and not ment to be used on windows but we're stuck with it so i make the best out of it i can. i don't screw it up, i just get what i need from it and make sure the system knows whats going on. When i get a RFQ (request for quote) i work up a price and send out a quote. our system is set up so that you first put in the RFQ and then make a second file for the Quote. i've been skipping the RFQs because no one uses then and its a giant waste of time, these things don't sit on my desk long enough to justify making a list of whats on my desk out of them. So i told my boss that's why i don't use them. "Well what if one of the sales guys is going to a customer and needs to see whats out to be quoted?" well, i'm the sales guy for all my stuff and if anyone is going to the customer, it's me. plus the RFQ screen doesn't let you add new customers so i would have to take even more time to add them to the database the long way instead of hte short quick easy way i'm going it. Our sales guys don't ask about any of the stuff i build when at customers and have not tried to sell any of my stuff since i started. i got a few odd looks for that one in our production meeting because everyone gets nuts when you stand up for yourself. But anyway, MJ likes to tell me that i'm doing things wrong in him system (it's his system because he like to make problems in it so he can fix them and he's the only one that like it) so i asked him about what the propper part number would be for a part before i entered it. it came down to something simple like "TUAB0.75" absolutly meaningless, and our system is filled with this stuff so it's impossible to find anything you're looking for. i brought this up to MJ because i didn't want to create a partnumber that would be as useless as the rest of them. he went on and on about how no one here uses the system right and everyone just puts inthier own numbers. so i stopped him and said that why i was asking for his help, so i didn't continue the trend, but his answer was even worse then the story because it caused the same problem again, createing part numbers that no one can use, its actually easier to create anyold number and just go with it then try and find the right one. he didn't believe me about not being able ot find stuf so i have to show him how 1980's computer tech doesn't work unless you have more information then you're looking for. at theend, he wasn't happy and iused th esame crappy PN i wanted to avoid. ********* It was nice to see everyone agian for the holidays, of course i'm disapointed i didn't get to see more of the people whose time was limited but, hey, that's the point of the blog, to keep in touch. My sister and a friend of hers are going to be in town for a few days doing something. i think we're going to head over to the casino friday or saturday night if anyone is interested. my sister has some crazy luck about her, she does well at card games and wins stuff, she once won bingo twice in one night at foxwoods. i'm hoping it rubs off on me. stay classy planet earth.
Well i'm hoping your sister would rub one off on me! BAM!
Theres something with sisters lately...
Come on?! Nothing? Awwww that was hilarious!!
that was pretty good, i laughed.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
back to bumfuck
# posted by josh @ 1/03/2006 12:42:00 PM
i'm headed back tomorrow morning, and sadly i'm snowed in today. some stuff just wont get done around here i guess, but i'm ok with that. it was good seeing everyone i saw over break. it was really enjoyable, and as such went by really fast. i feel like i've barely had any time off. i'm thinking this could be a problem as i still feel tired, burnt out, and completely unmotivated for school. on top of that i have all this work to do for the first week still, and its only gonna get worse once the semester starts. only another year and a half, right? mmmm 2 months til spring break.
it was good to see ya.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Happy new year bitches
# posted by Brancibeer @ 1/01/2006 09:14:00 PM
I had a relatively good night, and judging by some of the phone calls I made at the new hour, many of you did too. Except for Murphy, who was unfortunately working. But I stick to my previous boast of, “Central time zone in the house ”. From which Murphy responded, “Hey, you guys got id’s?”, and then hung up. But oh well, I felt some Central zone pride for a short second. It was all worth it. Speaking of CT (cental timezone)- it kinda sucks. We got NOTHING. I mean ET has NY. And the west has CA. But the central and mountain don’t have dick. “Comin at you live from Boise Idaho this is Tye Pennington.....” Uhhhhgg...we are probably better off anyway. Stepping out of the NE has done some good for me. Every location has their mind set. The NE is hard to describe- but some people would say its kind of like a Buddhist philosophy. All about self and going with the flow of things. Which I mostly like. But being stuck in any mind set is not healthy. Even if it is healthy. Catch my drift? As I write here in my current place of residence, I realize that I am probably still drunk or feeling its after effects of some kind. I had one of those ‘wake up back into life’ experiences this morning. You know the kind- where you pass out then all of a sudden you wake up some hours later and you realize how out of it you were. Kind of like being under anaesthesia. (Actually, thats more accurate than I care to discuss at this moment.) Anyway, I only had like 5 or 6 beers, and I remained under complete control. No friends... there were no slapped asses last night from ole Bbeer. Only a couple boob grabs, but those werent even under my will. (I’m makeing it sound better than it was.) Point being, I wasnt that drunk but I was still passed the fuck out. The couches were all full when I went to bed, but when I woke up- I was the only one there. Weird. Why the fuck and I talking about this? Oh yeah. Well, life is life. Some grow young and some grow cold (thanks tom). We all have the option to make it what it is. Really, think about that. You are under control, and thats a wonderful thing. So when I see people jaded about this or that, I realize that most of it is there own damn fault. They chose to be that way. Sure, some people get dicked over. But isnt it all just life anyway? If you have the control, you have the options. “How am I going to take this?”. “Why am I acting like this?”. Its actually quite silly. People are dumb. Life can be pretty simple if you want it to be. Catholics. Those fuckers. Talking about religion messing with your head.. Total life alteration and intrusion. “I’ll just throw in some mind fucks here.....and here......and here....and...sure why not....right there.” -Catholicism speaking for God Somewhere we messed up in human evolution. I’m talking about religion. We got it wrong at some point, and havnt been able to fix it. Luckily some people still get it and make it tolerable. But unluckily a lot of people THINK that they get it (but really don’t of course) and make it very intolerable. Do you get it? Einstein really was a genius. In conclusion...its all relative. ALL OF IT. Timezones, religion, mindstates, your life. I’m not saying I have it all figured out, but I’m getting closer. It’s a long road to travel. Hopefully I’ll see ya..
Happy New Year
# posted by murphy @ 1/01/2006 10:49:00 AM
Christmas was good, ma dukes came out and eli was here so it was a good PG weekend last week. New Years was pretty crazy, me the other bouncer and the two bartender chicks got all fucked up, shots- lots of shots, some chick pretty much told me she would fuck me if i let her underage brother in... Had a bunch of friends come in to hang out. Its pretty sweet when people you know are in the bar with you, makes the time go by and its not really like work. Its sucks when your their by yourself and you know nobody but sooner or later im going to take over this town called bozeman. Got invited to a swingers after party with a bunch of chicks i know... At this point your saying what the fuck happened. A funny thing about me when im drunk, i can never tell when im being hit on. Now Im not talkin, setback drunk. Im talkin, free beers and shots for four hours with three or four beers before I get to work- Fucked Up So we didnt go to the swingers party cause my roommate had to get up and work today. I didnt fuck that other chick cause she wasnt all that hot, I was trying to bang this other broad and a rubber was no where to be found. I hate condoms, always have, but their is no way in hell im gonna raw dog some chick that wants here younger brother in the bar and is willing to fuck some crazy asshole to achieve it. Happy New Year-Go Giants so I didnt get laid this New Years which broke the streak. I lost my virginity back in high school on new years and have had sex everyone since. all good things must come to an end. Im out like a fat girl in dodgeball
so you let him in, right?