# posted by ron @ 1/30/2006 08:51:00 AM
Thats right folks, it's around 9am! I haven't gotten up this early in a long time. I'm trying to condition myself this week so that for next week ( my first week of work) I'll be able to get up.
Wish me luck, I'm about to become a workermonkey.
Ditto here. Woke up a few hours ago. Legislature called me and said for training this week I can come in at 10:30am this week instead of 8:30. YES.
hahaha "9am=early!?", Ok I am a morning person so it's cake for me (staying up at night is my hard part) but I have just started getting up 6-6:30 daily for class or lifting before class (or work, this includes weekends though maybe not until 7). With no alarm, I am up at 7:30. When I was working I was at work at 6 or 7, depending on the day or distance. So yeah, good luck you two adjusting to the working world, but I won't say "real world," and pretend it's hard. From my experience, student life brings more time management struggle, stress, and sleep deprivation, well at least compared to a young single guy. I am certain that kids change the equation, but now I'm off topic. Again. Sorry.
9 is early. Aside from a few teaching sessions that I had to teach for my GA, my class (actual lecture time) and GA schedule have allowed me to sleep well past 10 since fall of 2003. Of course when I did research in the lab past 2am on a regular basis, the actual sleeping hours become very similar.
I can only hope that my job, career and life challenges me. As far as the "real world" being hard; its only as hard as you wish to accept responsibility for.
Yes, as i have been spouting to you over the last year...its different (the working life). Theres the good and the bad just like everything else. With it comes a whole new set of expereinces and situations. And i do mean NEW. Not that you havent heard of them, but living them is a new.
fuck yeah. every now and then i find myself in a situation at work i never thought i'd be in. some strange incident or something you never thought actually happened in real life. just weird shit man.