# posted by ron @ 1/11/2006 02:59:00 AM
There is a certain standard by which email must be held to. I believe that all web entries whether email or otherwise should also be held to the same standard. The problem results from people writing emails like they talk and people reading them like they are written novel. Some people skip on spelling and punctuation, lots do.
I'm here to argue that it matters. If you use Gmail how hard is it to spell check? One click! If you use Outlook how easy is it to spell check? It does it every time you send, if set right! If you are just writing a one time thing, how easy is it to cut and paste it into word of whatever word processor you are using to spell check it? Its easy! I say that there is no excuse. I may be at fault sometimes for these fouls of etiquette but I'm not offering my excuse. I'm here to damn the others.
screw you
did we have a bad experience recently?
atta-....er.....that-a-boy, ron.
ron, i'd love to revisit this issue in two months when you've had job and seen every crazy email mistake ever invented. spelling is optional in most email and spell check can become long and arduous when the email chain is ten deep. plus, when you're just sending a quick email instead of calling someone who cares what kind of voice or tone you use. i rattle off quick emails every day, to reassure a customer, send drawings, get/recieve quotes, random advertisments for stuff i actually want to hear about insead of spam, info about conventions, people following up from the shows i've been to, tons of stuff. my name is consistanly spelled wrong, gramatical errors are everywhere. most of the time its just about having a written record of a conversation, reguardless of content. In bigger companies, sometimes it's the only way to find a person, and it's an easy way to show your boss you're doing somehting on a project by putting his name in the CC line.
in other words, your attitude will change, shortly.
If thats my best 3am drunken rant then this blog is really in trouble.