The Workermonkey


Wednesday, January 11, 2006


we if its a drunken rant you ask for its a drunken rant you shall RECIEVE!!

drink olny clear liquors, brown ones make you look like an alcojholic. like scotch. i love it. scotchy scotch scotch. i share the same passions as a Mister Ronald Burgandy. coffees brown, that doesn't make you look old, just tired if its in the morning, worn ut if you drink it at night. i'e been spending my nights playing half life 2, i'm addicted. its like crack for my brian, but with out hte hang over, just loss of sleep. i guess thats a a side affect, may just a byproduct.

mmuummm,.... scotch is smoooottthhhhhh......... drikn it down baby, drink it down.

i feeel ike a tech junkie, i've been using my new computer non stop andi just got a reciever and some big ass speakers for it. i can rock this place with halflife. my desk is covered with things that are plugged in. cell,phone, monitor, computer, reciever, external hard drive, electric razor, subwoofer, i pod amd a light. if you can imagine the living room is worse, theres two TV's a nintendo, a sega, an atari, a gamecube, dvd player, reciever, cabl,e box, modem, router, a light and a partridge in a pear tree. you can feel the interference walking by it.

bubble, bubble, bubble......... pppphhhhhheeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwww he he he

anyone even thinking of getting satelite radio? i just want to hear stern in the morning on my way to work, is that really too much to ask? you can get areciever for liike 20$ but 13$ a month is nuts. well maybe not, i don't know. i had wanted to put a bunch of money into sirius stock like three months ago in anticipation of his jump butu i just never got to it and missedthet whole thing. the stock doubled fora day and is still up two dollars a share. oops. anyone catch an article on CNN the other day about the new words that were created last year? they do it everfy year, make slang words legit. they always suck but one i hadn't heard before was whale-tale; referingto when a females g-string is showing above the belt line. noun. from the ancient roman; whalius-maximus. those fucking roamns had it figured out man, if they didn't like, they just killed you. someone pisses you off, just get it over with and stab them and be done with the whole thing. none of this nambly pambly lets-talk-it-over crap. thats for the commies in washington! take all my money. you've got to shoot those jumpy spider things withthe shot gun, it spreads out and hits awider target. plus it only takes one shot. saves on ammo forthe later levels when the combines come after you. and those fucking gun ships. who saw the shield last night!?!! fuck yeah, never skipped a beat. that show is sweet brick, are you just looking around and saying you love the things that you see, i love lamp, i love carpet.

MA MEEeeeeooooAAAAWWWW!!!!! ICE!, i need more ICE!

does ice count as water? thte ice melts in my drink and hten i drink it. if the drink ends up like 50/50 booze to melted ice ratio then maybei havea chance at saving my liver! FANTASTIC! i want to see more yankee games this year so i'm looking at buying a season ticket package that is like 10 home saturday games over the course of the season. is anyone interested in going to a few games its like 500$ per seat for really good seats. i think for like two grand we could all get 4 seats, or maybe i'll just get them and bring everyone. i want to spend mroe time in NYC and i'd love to see more baseball. ploping down a bunch of money would force my hand to make room to go into the cityand see games and maybe stay afterword. anyone? even like one or two games? its the yanks. go yanks. the yanks. yankees. yankee doodle. doodle dandy. dandy afternoon, nice day out maam, howdy officer, what seems to be the problem here boys, this doesn't look good, luck sebastian bear claws his way to the top of hte corporite world wide domination of the lesser race of sub hu-mankind, was the fucking sickest wrestler. that dude jumped from the top of that cage, put his tooth through his upper lip and walked off smiling. thats fucking hardcore. cactus jack forever man. comice on your ipod man, pdfs are asking for a serious reduction is size, it would be the perfcect medium to convey a massive number of 32 paged books. i guess you'd have to change them all to fit in a square or just convince everyone to get an e-reader from sony. those babys are fuckign sweeet and my picl as best of CES. E3 is not long off in may and there a big apple con in february, i was jokingly talking withtthe owner of our company today about a used equipment show in orlando in february that i got an email for. he said he might actually be intown for it becuasse some guy he knows offered him a funished condo when ever he wants it down there. fuck yeah. this was the same owner i had the hear t to heart with the other day. i'm convinced that if he iddn't inhearit this company he'd be a mad scientist. maybe thats why we get along. 5.1 dobly ditital surround sound porn. thats what its all about right? new ways to enjoy porn? i've read the arguments for and against porn, but hte pro porn people made a hell of an argument when they bring our all the advancement porn has brought to our society. like the edible panty. and the DVD. plus i've heard rumors its linked to the video ipod. the ipod is having porns' baby. SHE'S PREGNANT! AAAAHAHAHHAHAHHHHHHH OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD OHMYGOD AAAAHHHHHHHHHHhhhh...... OHMYGOD! ZONK.


best drunken rant in a long, long time. long live rome!

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, January 12, 2006 1:32:00 AM  

He's right. HalfLife is ill. And you can tell where spiders usually are from the messy blood trails on the walls. Those headcrabs wigged me out for about mmmmm a night.

By Blogger DJ Booze PiƱata, at Thursday, January 12, 2006 9:43:00 PM  

thats it, two comments? thats all i get? fuck!

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Sunday, January 15, 2006 3:59:00 PM  

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