# posted by wyldshaman @ 1/15/2006 09:36:00 AM
So im sitting here reading the days headlines about the bombing in Pakistan... and im thinking.
Can you just step back for a second and imagine.
There you are sitting, reading the morning paper, drinking your coffee, when
BLAMMM!!!! Two huge explosions go off near by, after going to the bathroom and cleaning yourself up a bit, you go outside to see what the hell happened. You look to where the sounds came from, your next door neighbors house and its
gone, just this flaming wreckage, maybe a chimney flue. Later you come to find out that 17 people were killed in the attack, 6 women and 6 children. The Royal Canadian Airforce had dropped bombs on suspected anti-royalists rebel hideout, or some other such nonsence.
Anyway, i dont know what i would do in this situation, but i would be very upset.
What the hell is going on? Who the hell gives the right to the US Airforce to just bomb any country in the world? Where is the due process in bombing a house full of people? This is not a war zone, this is not a military target, this is just bombs targeted at a residentail home.
What the Fuck!!!
Why do you hate freedom Jesse?
sometimes freedom is messy. free people are allowed to whatever they what, thats why freedom is so great. you must hate freedom.
if a bomb like that were to go off near me i'd be freaked out. are there more? should i run? what did that hit over there, did they miss, whats going on, who was it. that sort of thing. it would certainly be hard to go on having a nice day after that.
On the Topic of Freedom.
The men of Iraq are happy about the old "Mutaa" tradititon being back, these "pleasure marriages" were outlawed under Saddam.
Oh and you dont often hear on the news that the old Saddam regime was one of the most progressive in terms of Womens Right's in the Arab world. But we did away with all that with the new constitution.
Hurray! FREEDOM..... for some.
Which crown were the anti-Royalists against? Canadian or Pakistani? I assume authorities gave the bombers clearance. I'm as big a fan of Canadastan's sovereignty as the next guy.