# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 10/14/2004 04:56:00 PM
so Vt is relaxing so far, i've been helping figure out hoiw to put the camp togeather with my parents and trying to find things i don't even think of with my mom like bathroom fixtures and cabinit styles nad showers. i had no idea showers cost so much. right now i'm pushing for a shower with like 25 shower heads. it'll use approximitly 32.7 gallons a minute and have its own pump strong enough to power wash an elephant.
Think i'll be coming down tomarrow for the weekend. we should all get togeather somewhere for yanks/sox. go yanks. Sorry Josh, the braves never had a chance. West virgina made uconn look like a bunch of amatures.
at night i find myself staying up late and doing bong rips on the porch, then coming inside to watch adult swim. sealab kicks ass. i picked up the first season on DVD. i watched it in the car on my lab top on the ride up. fine work.
the debates do nothing but anger me now. bush lies around every corner and people still seem to believe him. i have to change the channel because i start yelling at him. how does he get away with this? are people in the country really that stupid?!? i believe they are. kerry won all the debates, the only close one was the second. after last nights debate i watched a republican claim that bush won all three of the deabtes because he "stuck to his principles" and "our economy has turned the corner". i think someone didn't get the memo, those were last months talking points.
republicans are slipping.
also i've seen an over welming increase of in the number of campaign ads on TV. maybe its just VT but they weren't showing this many in CT. Kerry took a few more shots at bush lastnight. he saved some new ones for each debate. the democrates really prepared him very well for these. he looked good, spoke well aned never looked flustered like bush did. the saved a few punchs for each one of hte debates. Last night it was cheneys gay daughter and how bush lies about the number of jobs created.
where's my hockey? the owners are going to get hurt in this one.