# posted by DJ Booze PiƱata @ 10/13/2004 08:40:00 PM
Just came from an historian's presentation on the accuracy of some of the things in DaVinci Code. First time I ever seen the Dodd Center actually filled. I tried looking online for this kind of stuff but it was mostly priests' websites defending thier position with facts of thier own (which are prolly true, i just wanted all sides of the issue). Figured I'd jot em down while they're fresh, since most of my religio-post info came from that book.
The Official Historian Position: they have no idea whether or not Mary of Magda carried on a bloodline w/ Jesus (the documents of which are the
actual Holy Grail, not a chalace). She definitely wasn't a whore, that's for sure. She most likely was the favored apostle.
Most of it was about the Nag Hammadi (collection of documents found in Egypt circa 1940s). It's pretty much a collection of gospels that weren't included with the big 4. Gospel of Mary, Thomas, Phillip, etc. they were written in the 3rd or 4th century; the ones we know were from 1st and 2nd. They weren't included because they didn't synch enough with the Old Testament and didn't talk about the crucifixion. the one from Thomas is not much of a gospel, just a catalog of things Big J was heard to say. i wanna find that one - it prolly sounds Buddhist.
It most likely was
not Constantine's unification that excluded the other lost gospels, it was the christians themselves in 1st-2nd century who established for themselves what they wished to believe. Everything followed from that. So the meek inhereted this or that. great.
I asked whether the book was accurate about the early Christian absorption of the lesser religions and they're icons/symbols - the 8Ball said "Outlook is Positive". Since the Christians became the conquering culture, the rolled right thru the pagans and subsequently took over their shrines and temples, especially in the Medditerranian. They just adopted thier symbology and holidays/traditions to make the (forced) transition that much easier for the losers. Thus Egyptian sun-disks became halos, the Asian cruciform symbol (swiss cross) got modified, they asked "what does our new God look like?"
"Err...long white beard, large and powerful old man style. Zeus. Just think Zeus."
"Yes, Father."
So this proves that the winners not only write the history books, but the BIBLE.
"Oh my God - they killed Gnosticism!!" "You bastards!!!"