# posted by wyldshaman @ 10/24/2004 10:23:00 PM
On Politics:
Lately i have been reading alot while home and watching a little CNN(i like Lou Dobbs) when im at work. I have been trying to deal with or maybe i should say trying to figure out how i should deal with this coming election. Its not so much the President that i fear really, its that in my opinion the worst American president in recent history is about to get relected by the people of America(or should i say electoral college, but this is not the topic of the day). How did are country get taken over by the Ultra-right, what happened? But as i read more and think more about this the thought occured to me that maybe i was really living in a fantasy land.
Let me explain, i really only remeber one other president and that was Clinton, and he was an ok guy. It seemed everyone liked him a democrat, the economy was good and he kept us out of major wars and he was libral to the point that he fooled around in the white house and thats ok with me too. But looking a little further back in are history i see many very conservative Presidents and it seems to be getting worse. I now understand that living in the Northeast im somewhat sheltered from the vast middle of america that is ultra conservative and seems to be pushing this country more to the right.
But i still have faith, faith in the people of America to set things right on November 2nd.
On Religion:
Last month i went to see His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Florida. He gave a public speech and some teachings. One of the main things he stress's is meditation, as it is the basic practice of Buddhism and allows you to find a peace within yourself. Similar to the experience of Yoga that many people are into. Just Relaxing and letting go and being happy with oneself and surroundings. Id say these things transend Religion and maybe are the true point of religion, but people cling to tightly to the doctorines to truely see... or not see, maybe....?
Also the October, 25 edition of TIME was about faith "The God Gene". It talked about how in primitive times faith brought people together, this naturally lead to protection and a shared cause. The most faith driven people tended to do best, and so this "faith gene" became stronger and stronger with us. It was fairly interesting to think about, it lead me to think about some of the great Civilizations of the world, like the Aztecs, Egyptians, and so on....
The faith gene. Huh, i never thought of it but that makes sense. Even if its not an actual trait, the concept can still be applied.