# posted by josh @ 10/27/2004 08:10:00 PM
it is kinda crazy if you think about it, that no 2 people ever have the same experiences. ever. the closest is those identical twins who supposedly feel the other's pain, know they're in trouble, etc. that stuff. i can't speak from experience, for as far as i know, no twin. but even they can't have the same experiences. they can't occupy the same space at the same time. as charles bronson would say, no dice.
and some of your comments remind me of the butterfly effect; the theory that every flap of a butterfly's wings has an effect on the world. so theoretically, whether one flaps its wings 4 times or 5 times could have an impact on the way the world turns out. but we'd never know the alternate world of course, only the one which we live in. did a movie on it actually, called the butterfly effect. ashton kutcher's first real serious role. i think the premise behind it was interesting, but it was all about sick/dying people so it was kinda depressing. i think it could've had the same theme with more upbeat stories, but nonetheless worth a look if you have the time.
i think this idea of no 2 people having the same experiences has an interesting effect on the idea of empathy. cuz no one could really feel for another by knowing what the situation they're in is like. but i think we all experience analogous situations that mirror each other's so closely that it becomes irrelevant except in a theoretical world. just kinda fun to think about. would you want anyone elseto have your experiences?
aight, well time for some bob seger and the SOX game. end it tonight. reverse the curse. what would johnny damon do. why not us. hahahahahaha sorry chump, i know a little part of you died reading each of those.
signing off,
hugh g rection
Speaking of twins- these 2 scored identical SAT scores: