# posted by ron @ 10/27/2005 12:40:00 PM
So I'm finally gettting around to posting up my Florida pics. It was a great trip and I can't believe that branciteam pays the same for a 3 bedroom, 2 bath house that I paid for my single bedroom apartment up at school.
Trip highlights include flying on a plane for the first time. It was great. I was watching the wings flex and watching the cars like ants. Then it hit me that I'm actually qualified and might be building these machines in the years to come. That spooked me out a bit.
The first day I went to the beach. I'll have to blame this on my ex-girlfriend. Until I dated her I didnt give a shit about the beach. Now I love it. The sand made all sorts of cool noises when you walked and the shells were wicked cool. Have a look.
Branciteam sent me up this nature reserve the next day to do some hiking. I dropped him off at work, took out the road atlas and hit the road. The nature and wild life in florida is pretty extreme. Everything lives in Florida. I cant even imagine what lives in the rain forests or the congo. Probably one of anything thats ever killed a human. Check this out, I found a little pine tree that was about my height so I hung my camera on a branch and took a picture of myself.
Those freaking yellow spiders were everywhere! my spider sense was on extra alert. So to combat the situation. I grabbed a stick and swung it infront of me the whole time I was hiking to catch any webs. This was a pretty remote area and I was the first person out on the trail. I felt like a goddamn city boy until I learned that the locals did the same exact thing.
On the ride back to the house I decided to take a little road trip on the way back. I scouted out another route and though I'd see a bit of Florida scenery. I couldn't have been more wrong. The roads were straight and the scenery was pine trees.
I got to take out the ATVs at Tyndall air force base to do a bird survey. It was really sweet. I even spotted a few snowy ploves. Is that what we were looking for? The beach was sweet and abandon. We also found a dead sea turtle.
A day or two later we took a kayak/ canoe trip that will go down in history. If you tried to script the events you would surely fall short. Lets just say that the only way to stay safe was to avoid the canoes. Maybe we all have a bit of an edge because most of us grew up either with a canoe or using murphy's on the river from a young age. Either way it was a live comedy show (alcohol includded). We barely made it to the shuttle back without paying a late fee.
Sorry for the folks on dial up but seriously, isnt it time to get broadband? It was a great trip and it sure was a good time to relax. Other events include some late night tetris playing, drinking a few dutchboys (local brew) and shootin the shit about the past, present and the days to come.
Plovers not ploves, but close. And it was a strict scientific study. And that little pine tree is a Long leaf pine sapling. It has significance which i will not get into here. Glad you got to do some cool stuff and had a good time.
Photos with the ATVs look like you went to see him in Alaska in the snowy woods.
i see branciteam gave you one of those US fish.wildlife shirts-score
Hurray Justin! A post without swears and one that makes sense in proper English (spare the formatting, but few people bother with that these days anyway) congratulations. Please keep it up.
thanks for the encouragement