# posted by Brancibeer @ 10/24/2005 10:08:00 AM
When visiting Northern Florida, you may find yourself in an unexpected environment. Your yankee ass has never seen the likes of such biodiversity, social non-progressivness and good ole redneckedness. The lower lattitudes may ooze a tropical climate, but they hold many different dangers. If you decide to go for a little walk, you have to watch out for these:
Be wary freind! If you find yourself hiking on a less traveled trail, you might get caught up with these 7 legged freaks. But never fear, for they are not aggressive and rarely bite humans. But damn, they ARE big and scary and will activate your arachnophobia.
It also may be a good idea to watch out for stationary dangers that could potentially cause pain. Yes, the woods are beautiful, but keep your head up son! You do not want to walk into a vine like this:
If you happen to find yourself wrapped in a tangle of these babies, the first thing you should do is panic. Because goddamn it, its going to hurt.
Nonetheless, if you decide to brave the danger, your trip can be very rewarding. Many things creep and crawl throughout the forest and if you are lucky, you will not step on any coachwips, and you may get to hold your very first lizard (ron):
Warning: never attempt to capture or hold any lizards without a certified somewhat qualified biologist around. Hey look at you now! As you stroll deeper into the woods, you may want to switch to traversing by the water. These springs bubble from deep aquifers and may carry you swifty to great rewarding sights such as this one:
Enjoy the drunk and stoned bitches while you can. Yes, they may be fun to look at, but they can also be very annoying. If your super lucky, a looose top can be a godsend in a shaky canoe. But alas! Enough of the girls! You didnt venture on this trip for them. You want to see nature at its finest. The clear water, bottom-crawling turtles, and the sprawling/ winding creeks:
But don't take my word for it. Ask your very own social circle travler from the rural CT. What do you say ron? How was your trip to visit the ole Brancibeer?
~Brancibeer's bloggin it ole school
nice, i'll make an effort to post up my pics tonight. I havent even unpacked yet.
It took forever to publish that post because of all the pics. I didnt even think it worked...
Simply smashing, mate! I hear Team Zissou is looking for another member....
"Do the interns get glocks?"
"They all share one."
"don't point that gun at him, he's an unpaid intern"
"where'd you come from? you look pregnant."