# posted by murphy @ 10/18/2005 11:03:00 PM
A week of rain, a wedding and a going away party. Its good to see everyone again but im off once more. back west for the next year, friends and family aside, CT licks my asshole.
What has happened to this Blog? all i see is posts from Damon, Josh and Matt. im not saying that you're guys posts are drawn out boring rants that have no begining or end. Im not saying that at all-you guys are at least keeping it alive. if it were not for you we'd be reading comments from sherlock " I like to smoke pole" Holmes. and listen to the occasional funny post by brian or ron. but dont worry I'll get to them next.
Im sorry Holmes I dont even know you and it is unfair that i assume you and Josh are riding the perverbial hobbie horse. Its just plain unfair. Josh, I still love you man. I didnt mean all that stuff i said about lawyers. Its noble really. Wanting to be part of a system that complicates itself so much that people devote their lives to study of law, spend thousands of dollars to learn the in's and out's and ultimately fuck the people who dont know any better ie. everyone. but thats another story and mostly about politics.
Hello? am I ranting-good heres some of your own fucking medicine. read on bloggers because you've got nothing better to do.
Damon, hope your doing fine-that is all.
Ron, Its been good to see you, dont really have anything to say quasi mean or funny other than you should get some fucking bike pads before you kill yourself FUCK. we'll get back to you later.
Brian, sorry to hear about Kim. Broads are fucking crazy, all of them, some just hide it better than others. There's alot of loose puss runnin round MT as long as your drunk and not picky-lot a hotties too but those make a take an hour or two of work before your plowing them out. Hang in there man. hope its not too soon to say this but i never liked her anyway. In fact i never liked any of your girlfriends. except that pirg chick...cant recall the name. keep on living.
Matt Barone. what is stopping you from tearing this post apart and starting from scratch. what loyalties can you possibly have at this point. no helpful suggestions for you on what to do but fix it and do it soon before its too late-were dying and we need some good reading.
Hope you and kolpak can work out your differences and live in harmony-i recomend prostitute night, worked for the odd couple?
Kolpak, good times and great oldies had by all i am sure of that! you must lead the pack on this one take hold of the few and make them into the many, dont leave any behind and send for me when the troop is assembled. get out of ct it sucks the life out of you and turns you 40 and then you are useless to me. trust me for once, please.
Tino, I know you and kolpak probably dont read this anymore but you know the score man, aces in my book. shifty bastard.
Ill end this shitty post in saying that you are all assholes
but your mothers love you anyway
Love Murphy
Ps let me know if anyone wants to come out to ski this winter-free pass and free lodging in exchange for buying the beer for the duration.
suck my balls
always good to hear from you murph. keep enjoyin the wild wild.
the only literature ive read in the last 6 months is playboy, Northwest river supply and some spy novel by ludlum. Im a god damned raft guide and I demand some respect. nice to meet you holmes
"How many assholes do we have on this ship?" - Spaceballs, Lord Helmet
Not that I take offense to you calling CT a shitty shit hole, but i sorta do. Just because you can go off the wire for extended periods of time, doesnt mean that everyone else is rotting away in static dumbness. I agree that "getting away" from it all can help put perspective into ones life and breathe new energy into you. But Murph, you got to hop back on the bus at some point, you know it. So be carefull which bridges you burn and who's lives you insult. I'm glad your living it up, but that doesnt mean that everyone else is idle. We all have different goals and perspectives...sometimes much more than getting laid everynight. Biiiitchhh.
ps. Its all good.
Are you kidding me? I heard the nicknames of some of these bitches out west Murphy - you know I gotta call you on that shit.
Squirrel Mouth
The One With the Man-Build....
Murphy's got no time to waste on women so he fucks retards. You've just encountered the Zing of the Day.
not squirrel mouth it was 'chipmunk with a beer gut' and my brother fucked her not me. I was fucking the 'war pig'. yes the 'Gardiner Goggles were on but the chicks were not all beat-I think
short round was not mine either. Branciteam the post was all in good fun, sorry if it pissed anyone off-pussies. In regards to rejoining civilization and hopping back on the bus, i dont see that happening.
If youre still in Fla in May im coming to get you and take you with me to the dark side
I'll be waiting...with a shovel....or a packed bag...or both.