# posted by josh @ 1/20/2005 08:16:00 AM
every system of government is inherently flawed. nobody wants to be governed. unfortunately, some sort of organization is necessary to have a "society," if you can even call it that these days. there needs to be structure. without it, we would go back to a hobbesian state of a war of all vs all. we would be base creatures, alive only to defend ourselves from outsiders and eat. people would be too concerned with sustaining life to deal with things like progression, and much of our technology would not be around as it is today.
the problem is never finding the perfect government, but finding one that is good enough. that's the best we can hope for. with the natural flaws of human beings combined with our instinct and desires and autonomy, we could never all be perfectly happy while being governed, a la brave new world.
moore's "utopia" is an interesting read on the subject.
i have constitutional law this semester which i like, because though it deals mainly with the judicial branch and its powers under the constitution, it touches on the other branches a little as well. as close to govt as i'll get here for now.
shit i have class...i'll have to finish later...if i can remember