# posted by josh @ 1/17/2005 10:40:00 AM
boycott capital one!
i know none of you give a shit, but i dont give a shit about that! read the article, it makes NO sense how we lost! yes, we won the championship, but we want more! all we want is what we deserved!
capital one is running things like the bush administration--nonsensically. if that's not a word i dont care, cuz you get the point and i think it makes it quite well. while i am upset by this, there's no need to do anything rash, as we did win the game, against the very same montana. i thought about punching the wall, but then i remembered what someone long ago once said. it was jesus. he said "ow, my hands."
well if i wasnt going to hell before i certainly am now, but that doesn't bother me cuz even if there were a hell i think you have to believe in it to end up there. but let's nto get all theological.
one of the funnier things i've read lately
this is exactly what i was talkin about when i said that political correctness has gone too far. shutup people, this is funny. and i did the online poll, and when i did 84% of people agreed with me. overwhelmingly shows this lady is beign way too sensitive, though it makes you wonder where those other 14 or so % come from. and yes, there was a small percentage who clicked on the damn question to put I DONT KNOW. what is wrong with these people? it's a voluntary, online poll. no one is making you do it! the "i don't know" or "not sure" answers should be constitutionally banned from voluntary online polls. if you answer i dont know, then there should be consequences (can you see the framers rolling over in their graves the more i write?). even if the person clicks i dont know just to see the poll results, this is moronic. why dont you just THINK about it for 2 seconds and form an opinion of your OWN. that's part of why everyone's so stupid, they don't think for themselves. you dont even have to get off your lazy ass for christ's sake!
ok that's enough for now, have mlk day off, as i guess sc finally decided to see black people as more than 3/5. bond marathon is on, and maybe a little bond on xbox
and remember: if you can't beat them, just slander them until the mindless majority believes you
I'll see you in hell. I'll be the fuzzy one wearing the straight jacket.
(For those of you who don't know me that well, I am an overly furry sasquatch and I've suffered from an unidentified mental disorder [likely alcoholism.] And my racist employer did not give us MLK day off.)
i didn't realize i was getting the day off until last week. even then i thought it might only be 3/5 of a day off, in which case i'd have some afternoon classes (or morning, depending on which part was off). imagine my surprise, the whole day!
3/5 bwa haha. I think the brothers would approve.
I had to work all day too. I also just did 65 stupid knuckle pushups in kungfu and for some reason my stomach hurts.
ok, i live in Vt and personally know the guy who created the VT teddybear company. his wife was my kidergarden teacher and i played little league with his son for a few years, we were in the same class. my parents were friends with him and how he started out was a true american success story. now a days he's faded into oblivion, he's divorced, lost his company to the "board of directors" when he developed a coke habit. he's now just a local legend and i have no idea what he's doing now. but hte bear is just funny and there is a real big controversy up here because of it. its been in the paper (we only really have one) and people are talking about it. i don't see a connection between mental health and a person in a straight jacket but i understand why maybe 0.000000001 percent of the population could be upset. fuck um.