# posted by ron @ 1/18/2005 08:50:00 PM
once you leave you can never go back. things change and evolve when you are gone. then when you return you are basically a nuisance, disturbing the norm of the family. well, thats my take on it. i also sleep on the couch when i go home because my sister stole my room. but just being home and seeing how odd everyone acts disturbs me a bit. someone will complain about something and then i'll offer a few solutions. nothing changes. i'm sure i'm the same way too but i dont notice.
over break i was home and i think i did exactly the same as matt. with nothing to do the next day i stayed up until i was tired. i also drank what i pleased and burned one late most nights. i nearly inverted my sleeping schedule sleeping from about 5 or 6 until 2pm. yesterday (at home), no one woke me and i slept until noon. its hard to break the habit once its formed but being back at school should break me quick.
for those who want an update on my wrist read further. otherwise i'll bitch some more. i'm still the single-handed typing wonder. i saw the doc today to get the cast off. i though i'd be able to move it and actually do things but i was mistaken. it fucking hurts like hell. i have a velcro splint now to wear for my 8 weeks of recovery and physical therapy. 8 fucking weeks! fucking-A this sucks, but i asked and i should recover 100%.l
Personaly I like living with my family. Family is Inportant to me and i believe in the extended family.
In the last half century American house size has doubled and family size has steadily decreased yet people complain they cant live with there family. I dont understand.
This may be due to the farm family structure on my dads side, or possible my own asian influences. I was just thinking about this the other day, historicaly and even today East Haddam had alot of farm lands and this is where my dad grew up, but i cant remember one farm in Haddam. Which leads me to believe that possible the entire life view of people just across the River is different? It upsets me to this day that the Haddam school system in all its glory did not have any FFA class's and i didnt get to take them till i was a senior over here in East Haddam. =(
dont get me wrong. i love my family and i expect to settle myself close by to them so i can better stay in touch. i think my situation is different because i live out of a backpack when i go home. as i said before i dont have a bed there anymore.
i also greatly enjoy being with my family. part of it is that i don't see them that much, since for the last 3 years i've been in virginia, and now i'm in south carolina. also, it's one thing to see family, but during the day go off to work, or on errands, etc, and it's quite another to be with the family 24/7 like over vacations when people have time off from work/school. don't get me wrong that is great too, but i think it's natural that after too much constant time together any 2 people begin to have problems with each other.
anyway, home is great, and ct has much more than we ever appreciated in high school. whenever i'm back in ct it's always good to be home.
I think what it really boilds down to is each family's own dynamic. If you think about the fact the people can cohabitate the way that they do is amazing. I mean, in one house you'll have 5 people, each with their own personality, goals, perspective, morals and needs. Each one unique but often more similar than not. Then each of these groups and all the individuals somehow can come together and live crammed together like rats in cage.
Fact of the day;
The Republican party was founded by Abe Lincoln in response to Pres. Fillmores Comprimise Bill that allowed slavery to expand and increased the penalty's for helping runaway slaves.
Thought for the day;
Taxes. Do taxes act as a counter inflationary force by reducing the supply of money available to domestic consumers?
taxes are an unfortunate nessecity of life. if we didn't pay taxes the government wouldn't be able to exist. they need money to pay workers and do stuff. it how the goverment uses those taxes that problems come into play. when the money is properly used, taxes and inflation can go down. when hte funds are misappropriated, trouble looms. that where we are now. a group of people who want nothing more then the government to fail and corporations ot rule are in power. its a slow process because you do need public support, even if hte public doesn't uinderstand what you are doing.