The Workermonkey


Saturday, January 08, 2005

Treatise on Success 

I'm not sure if any of us are qualified to ask "where did I go wrong?" It's just too soon. You'll receive that qualification if you're a failure at age 35. Just look at Dave Chappelle: he's very successfull now, but what was he doing at ge 23? According to his autobiographical skit, and I quote: "I love marijuana^"
I've been thinking about this lately. Growing up, we knew what people did when they were our current age or younger since we had been through that already. We had a good idea of what people over 35-40 did with thier time, because we had the opportunity to observe them. I always kind of wondered what people in thier 20's and early 30's did with thier time, since they weren't as visible. I now have a better idea. Of course there are a number of workhorses, gogetters, and young career upstart enthusiasts. We hear about them because they are an intelligent minority that has its ambitions synchronized with the production of social capital. They are the example that society would like many to follow, because they are the producers.

Perhaps Looney can clarify this sometime, but (as an example,) Republicans usually consider themselves "production-side economists". They prefer the business to the consumer, because the business fuck there goes that train of thought. oh well.....Supply-side economists act preferentially to the moochers of society. God bless me, I'm just talking out my ass here. I'll just leave this paragraph anyways so someone can rectify it.

Sooooo by and large many people around our age are not "successes" by any means, if you were to define success as money, fame, power, stability, numerous girls jerking my donkey dick, etc. (trust me, if i had that last one, my internal monologue would be shouting SUCCESS) But personal success can be measured by such a variety of criterea that you can be a winner without even realizing. Success is finding a new friend. Success is getting complimented. Success is learning a new skill, just for the hell of it. Success is unjamming your Deagle just in time to catch a goddamned kraut right between the eyes when he exits his bunker. Then throwing down fisticuffs on the rest because we don't use bayonnets anymore. I got your goddamned war right here, Captain.


success seems to be something everyone wants. so...

success = happiness

if you are happy or if something makes you happy, then that's a success. now there will be those who doubt, citing people who strive for sadness, angst, etc. but don't you see? these emotions are what make them feel comfortable, and we are most happy when we are comfortable. to these people, pain is happiness. it's like s&m without all the sex.

so if weed makes you happy, if work makes you happy, if whatever makes you happy, then you are successful.

what's more of a success than happiness?

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 3:13:00 PM  

happiness and money have a connection to a certian point. you have to maintain a minimum lifestyle that makes you happy. it all takes $$$$$$.

By Blogger ron, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 8:12:00 PM  

yeah it's funny cuz everyone says money can't buy happiness but i think i'm with you ron. let me decide that for myself, people. one of the best things is being able to live comfortably and support yourself and your family if you have one. why do you think people work so much? they need to provide. money plays a role and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. people just don't want money to matter because they see it as representing greed and selfishness. well you can also see it as representing sustaining life.

it depends if you see the glass as half empty, half full, or realistically, realistically being why the hell did someone use such a big fuckin glass if they didn't want/have that much milk??

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 8:42:00 PM  

money is the road to success because it can allow you to find what makes you happy or give you the freedom to explore new things until you find it. what you do with your money plays a big role. if you decide to help the homeless or feed the hungry, great. if you decide to use that money to allow you corporation to continue dumping toxic waste into the ocean, well, thats not going to make you happy. unless you're sick.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 11:10:00 PM  

I wouldn't nessacarily say that republicans prefer "supply side economics" (also Supply side = production side). Most probably wouldn't know what that actually is. And consumer side doesn't nessacarily give any preference to "moochers" since it takes money to purchase, and a job to get money. (unless you're rich or are spending with debt). As far as being "successful". If a person has their health, freinds, and is contributing more to society that they take, then irregardless of any fast-track get rich quick scheme (like gainful employement) then they are enjoying success, especially if they are content.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Saturday, January 08, 2005 11:38:00 PM  

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