# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/20/2005 01:05:00 AM
i'm reading "what's the matter with kansas" by thomas frank. very good so far, its all about how people in the midwest can vote against thier own interest and why so many people are lashing out at the democratice party. i've been reading more and more political books lately and this one seems to be right down the ally i'm looking for. why are apeople voting against their own interests? it baffels me. people who are negitively effected by the bush administration are still voting for him. it makes no sense.
part of my problem is i don't know how to arguie with them. i've armed myself with facts and logic but that doesn't seem to work. what else do i need? i'm trying to understand these people from the botom up. i'm watching "the O'Reilly factor" at least once a week and tuning into Fox news channel constantly to see how thier coverage differes from the rest of the news. i just don't get it, i see through it, why can't they? why do people believe lies? what makes them trust bill o'rielly more then bill clinton?
i'm slowly but surely looking for a job and i really can't find a connection between engineering and politics which i seem to be obsesed with right now ( i watched 3 hours of hte Rice confermation hearings the other day). shit, i could hav ewritten a better daily show jab at it. they didn't play up the piano lessons part nearly enough, it went on for ever!
i'm fairly sure i'll have a better time finding a job in VT then in Ct or even boston. if that happens i'm planning on taking more classes here but not really in engineering. i was thinking some management classes and something to do with politics or writing. i'm sure i could get a second degree in about two years if i wanted it but then what? i'm a mechanical political science engineer? sure what the hell. what i need is a permanent place of residence where i can set up shop and run for some sort of local government position. shit, i'm sure i could have been a represenitive for charlotte by accident if i ran as Matthew Phillip Barone, enough people around town would mistake me for my father or check my name because i'm higher on the list alphabeticlly. sad isn't it? but these things start from the bottom up and even if the town hall is as high as i get, its still a good thing, the democratic party needs people working from the ground up. thats why the republicans are able to steel the elections. everyone who counts the votes are republicans. all the people who run the elections are republicans. those people need to be democrats, or at least progressives.
i found a site: www.Standupdemocrats.org Its running a contest based on 100 new ideas for the democratic party. they're going to distribute the 100 best ideas to all the democrats at a bunch of levels of government. i'm writing an essay for my own ideas. hey, maybe its a start.
There is a problem with the system. It really only allows 2 parties. No new ideas coming in, or being heard. While your studying politics look at how other "democratic" countries work. With a parliment system or what not. I did this and found out that the US system is basically corrupt and needs to be changed? So that leads me to......
Matt I have the same degree and similar plan, but we do not need Political Science degrees. An engineering degree lets people know you are a problem solver and a good decision maker. So that's an easy in to local government, which is an in to state, which is an in to federal. Kinda my plan, with the initial local positions going while making full time major cash in engineering while saving the planet from global warming, which will be a pretty good accomplishment to run with. Then again I'd have to fake it or to run Green or something because our two parties and useless. Course this plan is going to fail when I marry some Swedish hottie and decide all this work to change America just isn't worth it and don't return.