Tuesday, June 29, 2004
Stay focused...
# posted by Brancibeer @ 6/29/2004 06:59:00 PM
From what I here, the last meeting really wasn’t a meeting. Next time don’t even bother to attempt a rational discussion when you’ve been drinking, smoking and everything else. If you cant arrange your schedule to fit this in, or cant sit down for an hour without constantly itching for a beer, then your obviously not serious about this project- so fuck off. It’s easy to be negative, but very hard to make progress. If your not going to contribute anything helpful, or think this is going to be a cakewalk, stop wasting peoples time. It’s simply a waste of time, and its fucking frustrating for those of us truly trying. Fuck….and I wasn’t even there.
On a positive note I thought the stories were pretty good (contrary to the conclusion that “we suck at writing”). They need a lot of work of course, but it’s a start. One point that shown through is that we need to decide which stories we are going to really develop the characters in. Otherwise we will get a lot of repeat throughout the whole thing. And these character-developing stories will need to be our base (first stories in the book). Then we can work from there to build the detail even further. So lets start thinking about that.
Dealing with editing and reviewing- we can email the stories to each other when their ready (authors discretion). Then a one-on-one discussion between author and reviewer would probably be most beneficial. I know this was just a test run, but all of the stories went way too fast and breezed over a lot of things. Slow it down, take your time, and develop your story.
This is not a fucking homework assignment that you can scribble down 10 minutes before class to receive your C- (hey its passing). This is writing about your life and your friends. You have to want it. Have patience.
Boys I'd say your book is doomed. All I hear is bickering, and no clear goal. The analogy to homework assignments is dead on from what I see, as there is very little commitment, but that may be due to a lack of knowing what to commit to. Granted, I'm on the outside and haven't heard a meeting, but I feel you never settled on a vision to work towards. Nor was the "profit vs. written record" and "who's the audience" fights settled to everyone's satisfaction. Well, good luck anyway, but don't kill each other while you're at it.
# posted by ron @ 6/29/2004 04:14:00 PM
so is it bad to have a beer on lunch break? i had one today and i felt incredibly guilty, like an alcoholic or something. i saw my options in the fridge and i saw oj, milk that was teetering on old, and some beer. i chose the beer. it wasnt even that refreshing. it was a labatts, i may need to buy better beer or just go back to keystone light none of this in between crap.
so today i started my job. its going to be boring but hey, i need some gas money and i broke a very expensive part on my bike last week. i cant say for sure if i'll even replace the part anytime soon. i should try to give the bike a rest due to my knees. i didnt have the beer at work for those wondering, i'm only working part-time so i had lunch at my apartment.
have you guys heard about the stinky plant about to bloom at uconn? i'm sure brancibeer does so ask him about it.
i got this book on writing and i've read a chapter in it. looks like its going to be helpful. i'll pass it on when i finish it.
sure could use a scheduled setback night. thursday's anyone? i'll even host it if you guys drive up. otherwise it seems like matt's would be the spot.
-this has been a repot from the rpl300 up here in borrs connecticut.
Friday, June 25, 2004
Looney update
# posted by Brancibeer @ 6/25/2004 01:31:00 PM
I just got off the phone with Looney. He says the picnic planned for sunday is cancelled. Something about his grandfather not doing well. He also said that he was trying to postpone it till sometime in August around the wedding. Details pending.
Sooo, looks like we could do an earlier meeting.....
the earlier we do it the high the chances are that most of us will be sober. plus that leaves more time for drinking afterwards.
fat chance, i'll still be wasted from saturday. ha ha ha ha ha. just kidding. i dont get up early.
Im still not dressed
# posted by Brancibeer @ 6/25/2004 12:24:00 PM
So i have today off. Ill be spending it cruising the internet and writing. Atleast thats the plan. My tortoise paper is finally coming along and i told myself that id have the intro done this week. I also typed up what i started with my story. Its challenging, but i see it being fun and enjoyable for me in the future. I am already looking forward to writing more.
I have today off because i was supposed to be working tonight. I have to protect the endangered birds from the fireworks. Well, i actually have to protect the birds from the people, who come for the fireworks, but those details most likely dont matter to you. Anyway the point was that tonights fireworks are postponed until sunday. So i wont be able to make any meeting sunday night. If everyone wants to shoot for an earlier time that would be cool, but you will prob just forge ahead without me. I can always catch up later in the week. Not sure how were going to handle this next step either. Well prob just get a sense of how others are writing and compare it to our own. Then we will follow that up with harsh unconstructive criticism, make each other feel worthless and stupid then end the night by passing out in a drug induced stupor. Samson.
On a different note, we have a new cat in the Branciteam household. We adopted a 1 year old just pregnant female. She is super sweet. Ive been trying to get her adjusted to the dogs. Benny is scared shitless of her. Our past cat used to just sit there and take beating after beating from Benny. This cat immediatly took the offensive and showed the dogs who was boss. Now all it takes is a stare down from the cat and benny instantly turns his head and scampers under the couch. Quite amusing. Now they just have to learn to coexist.
Thursday, June 24, 2004
so yesterday i pissed in a cup
# posted by ron @ 6/24/2004 01:05:00 PM
now today i can take a puff from a joint. yea! i think i'm going to wait until i actually get the job going until i smoke. probably next week sometime.
kolpak, if you dont have a pool party/cook out/whatever this weekend i'm going to call your mom and start sweet talking her. i need the pool.
i tried calling looney last night but he didnt answer his phone. i was trying to confirm the pig roast at his house this weekend and that i told all you guys.
i havent started a story yet because i havent decided what to write about. i dont think we really need to use the blogger to catch up on details, just write what you can then the editing will fill in any missed events, people, etc. can i just write my story as an equation and then do some analysis? come on. please.
macunas, you should start picking up the slack and have a few parties. its bad enough you have a huge awesome party house and barely anything goes on there (that i know of lately). i know i missed the last one, but once every few months doesnt cut it.
anyway. storrs should be re-named snorrs. it sucks up here with everyone gone.
Next week huh? I give you until saturday.
holy crap, comics books are now a reality
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 6/24/2004 12:26:00 PM
Real life superman
blocking a gene that limits muscle growth seems like an obvious way to increase muscle, why hasn't this happened already? And that kid is going to be the greatest athlete ever, unless some nut job tries to kill him. "he's an aboration of humanity! god didn't create him, the devil did!" fucking religion.
I'm in the middle on the concluding chapter to Transmetropolitan and i'm loving it. This seris is amazingly relevent to the current administration in washington. It was started a few years before Bush ever took office and concluded within the last year. Its almost like warren ellis is a profit. These last few stories were published in 2002, and the similarities between the Bush conspiricaies and the story are striking. Fictional president Callahan kills people whose death would benifit his career and bush quite possibly let 9/11 happen for his own benifits to get all the crazy laws and wars passed. Spider jerusleum uses free speach to tell his story and get hidden information out and bush does everythying he can to alter the media and uses "national defense" as a grand excuse. Maybe ellis got his inpiration from Bush, but its just seems odd to me. I've said before that i'm jelous that Bush was able to do what ever he needed to do to get what he wants done. Ellis makes the same point at the end of this book. "Some people want to rule just to rule. Some people pick the wings off flies just to see what happens." (Transmetropolitan, book 57).
No way man. The kid is going to be enormous but useless. Nothing ever good comes of mutants, except to study them. Imagine all the defects and problems that are going to come along with having gigantic muscles that wont stop growing.
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
It starts...
# posted by Brancibeer @ 6/23/2004 08:35:00 PM
I had about 3 hours to kill. I didnt want to sit in my car. So i went to happy hour in New Haven with my old fashion paper and pencil. Good time as ever to start my first story.
So im writing about the time me, murphy, bergan went to the clinton house with danielle and ?. Need help to discover who the other person was. Murphy, give me as much detail as you can recall.
Got about 2 pages hand written. Going well, but slow. I realized that we will have to develop characters in the begining stories more than in the later. Whether this will be the begining or not i have no idea- im just writing. EVeryone should start to think about what stories we want to start out with. We can always see in time and adjust though.
Remember on sunday that these dont have to be finished stories, mine will prob just be getting started.
ps. 1 beer good for writing. 2 beers ok. 3 beers i find myself giving the stink eye to the man next to me wondering what the fuck he is looking at. I wonder if he would keep staring if I smashed my godamn bottle over his already ugly face....
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 6/23/2004 10:33:00 AM
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
# posted by josh @ 6/22/2004 11:56:00 AM
do we wanna write this from any particular point of view? 1st person from one of us? 3rd person?
i'm thinking of a first person omni-present for mine, i think third person would be a little hard to get across some of the feeling/insights we each have. also, dialog will be a little hard.
Yeah, i started mine 1st person. Seems to fit best. But well all open to differnt styles here. Experiment.
i couldn't spell ominecesnet so i went with omni-present, and instantainously IS a real word, suck it.
# posted by Brancibeer @ 6/22/2004 08:41:00 AM
Monday, June 21, 2004
The Second Coming...
# posted by Brancibeer @ 6/21/2004 05:50:00 PM
Meeting Minutes 6-20-2004
-People present- BB, MB, JM, MM, JK, RPL came late, JB came after meeting Jen B also somewhat present
-The meeting started with BB reviewing the last meeting. To the surprise of the secretary, everyone seemed to agree with the progress made a month ago. (Book of short stories, central theme, character development essential, etc)
-A universal meeting time was discussed. It was generally agreed that Sunday evenings would be good for meeting times. However, those who can not attend can catch up by conversing in groups of 2-4 people. Then some from that meeting can meet with others (chain effect). This is also a way of sharing ideas, and communicating to each other without actually being together. Important that these meetings be professional (no over a game of cards, etc).
-It was defiantly agreed upon that we need commitment here. You must be willing to put effort into this and realize that this is a long, slow process. We want to make this good, and not some half-ass collection of drinking stories. Don’t waste others time. However, different amount of commitment can work out (sharing ideas, suggestions).
About the stories:
-Stories can be Non-fiction with fiction- claim our stories to be fiction so we don’t get arrested (e.g.. mailboxes)
-A certain amount of embellishment is acceptable, but remember that we want these to be mainly true life experiences. Make them interesting my making them deep. Character development is key. Make your reader think.
-Ideas are good enough as they are, don’t need a lot of embellishment. However make sure they are not just funny and interesting to us
-JK’s suggestion of choose your own adventure theme was shot down with some laughs.
Central Theme
- Can arise through writing. Pick it out of the stories as we go and write
- Multiple themes throughout whole book. Each story could be a theme that tie into other themes.
-JK suggested that a theme of us being white, small town males stuck in our own world. Sociologic point
-Growing up/ coming of age
Change in character over time- high school to college, Chumps house to chumps apartment (circular twist)
-Man goes on journey
-General life lessons
-MB Stressed we need to play on differences of one another
Create Individuality
-It was demanded my JM that Melissa not be in book (to be determined at a later date)
-Around 8:10 Rpl 3000 enters.
-8:28 pm beer enters
-More than one character can be developed in a story. Develop character in a story that is mainly about that person.
-BB suggested “white devil”, JK suggested “Chicken soup for the bowl”as titles. Agreed that we are not at that point yet.
-JK suggested a map be included showing location of everyones houses and such
Ideas for stories!:
-Chumps house- wide open. Looneys dick, hot tub, taping beers to ankles, smuggling and distracting. Nothing to do, place to go.
-Area 52- everybody needs a place to go
-Bombacci incident
-House parties- Rons house first, many more. Addorissios. Crazy shit that happened at them.
Suggested that each person character development can be in story about the party that they had at their house
-Chump biting onion, Alan biting bottle
-Stonemill Rd
-Slater chainsaw incident
-TV news
-The hole
-Axe, Bat, Thunderstick
-Clinton house
-Church sign
-Campfires- ways of drinking, BB house
-Boyscout area
-OWF wrestling- macunes vs. macunes, holy bread
-Chinese Buffet, HK football
-The East campus dorm room- conservatory, amazing how never got caught with the massive amount of crap that happened there
-Chumps experiences in Rochester- good character development?
-Willi Oaks 108
-Murphs apart w/ puppet master- hookah, Heman pushups, iggy pop
-Danaher crashes with all beer cans in bronco
-HK teachers
-Spring weekends at Uconn- greese, arrests, nicknames, massive drunkenness
-Alan Tomazuski- punk rock bracelet
-247 F
-Skis house (under parties)
-The Bungalow
-Pig roasts
-The legend of Blackass
-Kolpaks pool- “fun” noodles
-Rum tree
-The Madison Mission (Welcome princip Doonan)
-Dr. Beast
-Addorissio- before and after
-Montreal- pink panties, bucket of ice, getting drugged by bums, hitting on bums
-Ms. Betts class- hanging stuff out window, etc
-Dunkin Dounuts
-Lipp sync
-Ski/ Liz bullshit
-Chapter about writing book- Last chapter?
-Package store hookup
-Obviously this is very unorganized. Many of these things can be incorporated into one story (like all/ some the parties). Also the stories don’t have to be strictly about the idea, but can be used as a jump start to get things going... who knows what it will turn in to.
-Once you sort of know what you want to write about, it would be a good idea to converse with others to brainstorm about everything you can remember about that subject. You never know what will come up.
Goals for next time:
-Try to write something by next week (at least a page?). This can be a test run, or a serious start to your story. (BB sees this as a stiff deadline but noone cares)
-Write on blogger what you think your going to write about and for help with ideas
-Editing stories is going to be time consuming. You think writing is hard...
-Make it good bitches
-Being sober is absolutely necessary! This was proven after meeting. Being altered makes it harder to communicate with others, increases loud arguing, and lowers productivity.
-Should all try and make it on time to meetings.
-If the first rule of Stonemill is not to talk about stonemill (could prove difficult in future)
-BB not going to tell people what to do, but voice recorder helped a lot in compiling this. May want to think about getting one, and having a notebook is handy at meetings.
Next meeting on Sunday 26th in evening. Don’t get too wasted at Looneys picnic.
(feel free to comment on things missed or whatever. Im only one man here)
umm... writing is hard
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 6/21/2004 02:26:00 PM
i spent my lunch hour today eating and trying out my new found passion for writing stories about high school and that was the conclution i came to. writing these things in an interesting manner if the hard part, the stories are easy but giving them meaning and trying to tie the little parts togeather is tough. oh well, so be it.
engineers get things done.
wish i had more to say. refer back to point A).
Wednesday, June 16, 2004
batman's in trouble
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 6/16/2004 04:47:00 PM
the next bat film is off to a bad start already with the unveiling of a shitty batmobile
Yeah seriously, that thing is not the batmobile. Why would they change the look like that? Its looks like something out of Mad Max instead.
yea, that thing really sucks. i may not even see the movie because of it
Hmmm, Hollywood trying to hard and falling short yet again? Seems to be the theme this summer.
The point of the story was....
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 6/16/2004 04:17:00 PM
Ok, I think this is starting to get out of hand quickly here and could quite possibly be the reason stuff like this never actually works.
We are all intelligent people. Its something out of the ordinary that we are all still friends and have been for so long. There is no reason that TOGETHER we couldn't create something grand. Something, anything. We all have different areas of expertise and there has to be a way to bring them all together to create something great. None of us wants to work the rest of our lives. That's why we should create something that will bring us money. A book was only the first reasonable idea we had were we could all participate and add something constructive. The only idea we all came up with that was what we could all agree upon were stories from high school. Nothing was ever set in stone.
there are ways to go about doing a project like a book that we should all be able to come to the same conclusions about. The need for a tying theme, the need to set up consistent characters, basic story elements, that sort of thing. For some fucking reason we haven't been able to actually get this thing off the ground and have managed to piss some people off.
we are all friends, and there is no explanation as to why we can't make compromises. Obviously not all ideas are going to be accepted and not everything we think of can be put into the project. Let it go.
When you break down any process or project or job, there are always a few basic principles that you need to follow. Measure twice, cut once. Layout the parts first. Read the instructions. That sort of thing. This goes back to the point that we are all smart people. These things shouldn't be a problem.
there are no problems, only solutions.
see you Sunday (maybe)
Grrrrrrrr. I agree with chump. Enough bickering. We cant keep going over the same stuff over and over. We need progress. I think our ideas are good- ie. book of short stories with central theme, written by multiple authors about eachother and experiences with one another. Now we need to meet to discuss ideas for stories. Looks like Sunday is our best bet (sorry josh). I suggest later in the day, perhaps between 5-7 o'clock?
# posted by josh @ 6/16/2004 04:08:00 PM
i cant do sunday. fathers day. but i agree with ron, i would tend to move from our old high school stories to something more relevant today. or just our ideas. does it have to be a true story? i find our different philosophies interesting, but maybe that's just me.
so i've been sleeping late
# posted by ron @ 6/16/2004 01:16:00 PM
yep thats right, i usually stay in bed until around 11. i dont feel real good about it but its whats been going on. i've also been staying up real late playing video games. usual bedtime is 3 sometimes 4. i'm not really happy with the cycle i'm in but its tough to change.
on to other things. i've been thinking about the book. i like the idea but not so much the content. i dont feel the need to document what we did in high school. i think some of the crap we did in high school can be the ideas for some short stories but other than that the pain of trying to remember every detail or exacly what happened will cloud our goal.
personally i would like to see a book that shows the transition into adult life as we are all getting into. as clearly demonstraited by kolpak's last two posts we are all just doing our best to get through things and deal with whatever situations arise before us.
i'll be around sunday.
Monday, June 14, 2004
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 6/14/2004 05:58:00 PM
i gots sundays off...i'm down
Meeting time
# posted by Brancibeer @ 6/14/2004 04:43:00 PM
Hows this weekend for everyone (or some)? Im good for saturday or sunday. I know we are all busy, but we just need a couple core meetings till we can get started on our own.
sunday is no good. father's day.
sunday's good for me along as its not too early, i think i'm going to be in boston saturday.
Friday, June 11, 2004
the triumphant coming of santos
# posted by josh @ 6/11/2004 11:27:00 AM
home home home. but i've got santos. pretty well behaved, 95% housetrained so far. let him sleep in my room but he wakes up every 2 hours wanting to go out. sometimes just every 4. i put a small light on in the room so i dont step on him if i get up in the night. now when he wakes me up at 4 or 5 or 6, whichever it may be, he spends the rest of the morning in the cage so i can at least get a few hours of good sleep. did it last night, and i feel ok, not as much better as i was expecting.
i've taken up reading lately. well, i have been doing it more at least. i like grisham. suspense, and lawyers. maybe it'll be my life, maybe not. long as i'm bringing in enough bank to live comfortably in this ridiculous world i'll be fine. maybe instead of reading i should be workin on the book. well, i have been thinkin about that too. i like chump's bible idea w/ the profiles, but i suggested to him that we each do one of ourselves too. this way we have a very rounded, internal and external perspective of the character, and we can take situations and contrast how the character internally views it versus how everyone else views it/how it is.i know we tossed this idea around before, but i like it.
well that's all i got for now, gotta run errands and crap like that then meet my parents for dinner somewhere and go visit my grandmother.
Josh, i forgot to say that i agree that we should write about ourselves too. You mentioned that a while ago. I also think that when we write these 1st person (?) it is easier to describe yourself, and that can be a way of doing that.
Thursday, June 10, 2004
The day after yesterday is today
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 6/10/2004 08:58:00 PM
The early afternoon sun has brought the much needed warmth of summer that has been missing for some time now. it’s a clear sky and people are coming out of everywhere to enjoy the nicest day we’ve had in awhile. Me, I’m sitting at computer tune and lube waiting for my radiator to get flushed. Much more enjoyable then floating endlessly across a lake in an inner tube, smoking a joint and drinking some luke warm beers. I’d try to preform the work my self but in my current living conditions I’m devoid of tools and space. Coming here is just easier.
So, instead, I’m sitting In the waiting room trying to drownout the excessive noise provided by the TV in the corner. There is a woman sitting across from me watching some crappy movie on A&E as if she’s interested. In my head, I stand up and throw the TV through the window to my right and then slap the woman. In reality, I sit here punching away at these keys wondering why my car hasn’t been brought into the shop yet.
I’m barraged with advertisements telling me what I should and shouldn’t be, what I should buy and how a cup of coffee can slow down my life. I glance at the woman sitting with me and see that she has broken her concentration away from the TV while the commercials air. I guess I give her credit for that. She is thrilled by the half assed acting and cheesy story line about a washout mother trying to keep her kids, but when the commercials come on its like a switch goes off in her head telling her to snap back to reality. She picks her head up and looks around as if trying to see whats changed about her surroundings while the television had her mind captivated.
There are two plant existing in the waiting room, one fake, the other half alive. It sits on top of the candy machine and its leaves are falling off faster then the seattle mariners. Its obvious it hasn’t been watered in some time. I’m guessing that’s why the other plant is fake. Are these plants supposed to take the place of atmosphere? I wouldn’t think the grease monkies in the shop could care less about them and there is no office here which means no managerial type to take care of them.
A new lady has entered the room. She sat down and showed the same quiet disgust I did for the lame A&E movie showing and picked up the copy of yesterdays paper sitting on the table. She doesn’t notice that its yesterdays paper. I’d be shocked if it even made a difference. She came in in a rush and was just shy of being polite to the staff here.
I look over at the contents of the waiting room table and see a few kids books and some crayons. I’m sure this isn’t the most exciting place for kids but I’m also pretty sure that a box of crayons with no paper isn’t going to add to the excitment. At this point I have no idea where I’m going with this. It will also come to abrupt end once my name is called and the job is finished. Hearing your name is like winning the lotto here, it means your time is up and your car is ready to re-enter the abuse we all put them through everyday. The dull numbness of a waiting room is lifted and you can continue with life again. This waiting room proves to be another great use of my new laptop.
Have you ever sat in the middle of a calm lake? You produce small ripples in the water that extend outward, continuously increasing in size until they fade into nothing. These ripples remind me of an auora or a sphere of influence. Like the influence each of us have on our surroundings. It can be large or small depending on how much we act and its span is of a limited distance. Your influence only effects so much in the world around you. the more you move and cause motion the bigger your influence is. That was my stoned thought for the day yesterday.
nothing beats Break Dancing Transformers
You make me want a laptop. Thats the best time to write- when your in a situation like that. Maybe once i get a real job, but for now its a luxury i cant afford.
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Do something
# posted by Brancibeer @ 6/08/2004 10:51:00 PM
Godamn it ron, if someone asks josh 1 more time when he is coming home, im going to get mad for him. Keep up with the site man- its down a couple blogs!
Life is somewhat hectic. Its these damn transition periods. I got a seasonal job at the DEP for a duration of 6 months. It’s a research assistant position- doing a lot of field work and stuff. It should be great experience and good for the resume. Which will make it easier to find a real job later on. Pay sucks, but good enough for now. Well see how that goes, but first impression (today) is not optimistic.
Moved back home. Kinda weird. Kims also in trasition, but she doesn’t have a home to go to round here so she is having a hard time with it. We are trying to deal with it.
I hate how I always tell myself that once (A) happens, I will be able to do (B). Example- once school is over im going to start excercizing. Its total bullshit. Im not doing any of the things I told myself I would now that school is over. Im going to try and work on that
1) Write paper
2) Write book
3) Excersize
4) Yoga
Like those things….i haven’t done any of them.
There’s only so much you can literally do in this world. Really though- think about. You cant possibly do everything you would like to. Like learning the guitar, being fullfilled professionally and personally seem to conflict at times, travel, make money, relationships, family, free time, drugs, reading, learning, writing, bullshitting, foosball, keeping in touch, etc. Makes you think when you catch yourself watching tv 2 hours a night. Multiply those hours monthly then ask yourself what you could have been doing for those 56 hours in your month. Choose your time wisely, its limited. And also…listen to your own damn advice.
Sunday, June 06, 2004
At last we meet for the first time for the last time
# posted by DJ Booze Piñata @ 6/06/2004 10:57:00 AM
Haven't been here for awhile. That being said, on with the show!
Chump'ey: your thoughts on most things are both impressive and positive. Keep up the good work. You should definitely engage in creating that comic blog you mentioned. Believe it or not, some people actually are able to attain more success from doing something they like than from doing something they're academically specialized in. I bet it'd be a kickass site that would trump others'. I was contemplating visiting home today for weekly food/laundry/family cordiality re-up, but i think i'm just gonna swing by your pad and try your dividends. Priorities.
Branciteam: you're on some bullshit, son. Haha just kidding.
I'm sure a few folks would agree upon not knowing many cats at the Mem-day party. This tends to be standard procedure when I try throwing a bigger party and invite every number on my cell phone. As my magnificent memorial memory recalls...:
There were representatives from the core crew there, as posted.
Many of Sean's present and former co-workers from C.O.Jones, plus affiliated parties.
The "Hippie-Reactionary Households", as I like to call them. (sidebar: although i enjoy thier company and share some similarities with them, there's always been this really strange group-dynamic when you put alot of them together.)
Friends from our time at Cedar Ridge (Sean and Jay's time was of longer duration than mine.)
And finally, various mish-mash and nefarious riff-raff.
Overall, I would say that the 'hustler' status doesn't augment the draw-in of guests TOO much, although it does magnitize the house a little more than average. Plus it gives me the sketchy mystique of a gypsy!
And yes, I was wasted by mid-afternoon and then REALLY stoned by mid-evening, all the while trying to maintain composure for woman-pimping.
*M2 tries to pimpslap B2, misses.
But I DID kick Flores' dad off the bearpong table. Son of a @#$#@ kept trying to bounce.
Worked overtime at 3 different points this week. Once my fucking state paycheck finally decides to come in, I'm gonna have BANK. Had to go to diversity training with all the new employees, cuz it evidently only has a 3-year lifespan before diversity wears off. (took it when i worked at Wadsworth Falls in Middletown 3 summers ago). Soooo boring and also redundant. One example of a problem: a truck driver with cargo comes in and asks to speak with the maintanence crew leader (perhaps....Murphy?) who is black (perhaps not). When directing the trucker to him, apparently it's not okay to say "the tall, black guy by the lake". I suggested using euphemisems like "dark guy" or "ebony gentleman", which made the one black guy in the room laugh alot.
Friday, June 04, 2004
The greatness of wireless networking
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 6/04/2004 09:44:00 PM
rightnow i'm sittin on the otilet , smoking bowls and using my computer. i'm actually moving music from one to the other and itsw very smooth. piece of cake. but the most important thing i've learned tonijght is that i can use my new laptop while sitting on the toilet and still pick up a good signal. One of the selling points of this laptop was it's 802.11g wireless connection. I bought a d-link wireless router and nowi can use my laptop anywhere with-in 400 meters of my apartment. unfotunatly, this also means that anyone with-in 400 meters of my apartment can use my wireles network. i'm not too good with the networking stuff, but i also pick up 3 other wireless networks since 30 percent of hte population of middletowbn lives in this 2 mile radius.
once again i'm going to emphesize the uselessness of pants. right now i'm wearing a bathrobe, boxers, socks and an undershirt. now i'm compleatly covered up but i'd be thrown out of any store if i tried to enter the public air stream. if you were to see some one waring a bathroveout on the street you would probably think that they were depressed or they had just given up on life. but what if its me strolling down 372 in my bathrobe to get some wouster st. pizza? Maybe that guy you think is down on his luck is really just some drunk college kid?or maybe thats just my perspective of a person walking in a bathrobe... like i've never seen it before, but if it had been a common sight in boston, i might think its normal. or not think twice about it, but if i've though of it this way, which way am i missing?
i just got the fastest Amazon.com shipment ever. i order all my big comic book orders at amazon.com because its the cheapest place. normally the super-saver shipping takes 10-15 days, but this time it took 3. very quick on some fairly odd items for them. it restored my faith in amazon.com.
this boook it going to be sweet. i was thinking about the charactor thing today and its going ot work nice, we all break down into very good characters for thebook. I think its going to be a simple process to get the "bible" togeather and work with it.
i'll kill all you fantasy bastards, i am king, i've been playing you for the fool for weeks and now it is time to shine! Sig hail!
i'm going to start my own comic book Blog. i've been sufing the comic blog-o-sphere lately and i like what i see but it is still very small. there is really room for something that i myself may be able to deliver. Everyone does reviews of individual books but ithink i woldbe albe to do a different style of books and give a fresh outlook on the industry. That link i have to the Johnny Bacardi Show, it seems to be a fairly common source. the guy just got a free box of comic for whining about not having read a companies books. fuck that, i could use free comics. I think i'd try to infiltrate my way into that blog frat to get free comics. spite is a very good motive. i read enoug of the "comic press" to be able to make good outside assesments of whats going on in the comic collective. The comic news sites i read just deliver truncated information from other sites. its fairly often they over lap quotes and deliver each others news. i'd like to keep the two sites separate becaue i think i'd like to attact a differnt crowd with the comic book one. no offense but i don't think any of you read enough comics to comment on any of them.
I've moved from the bathroom to the couch and now the TV is showing me a movie about two indian ladies who are lesbian lovers. and it's sweet. there's nothing like an innocent indian nipple slip. now lean over.... yeah, thats it... now give her a hug... a hug.. oeah yeah, thats its, good job.........now,..now smell her. (silence)
Im not sure if ill want to use your computer anymore chump....Its been marked bathroom.
Too much coffee + an assignment
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 6/04/2004 12:41:00 PM
one too many coffees today after not enough sleep and being a little hungover. can't keep my hand still. Right now i'm at work and theres no one here. i'm actually running this place today. JOe is gone until who knows when, frank left for the day already, Lucy and TJ are both MIA and diane is gone for a while. I've taken it upon my self to make things better around here because most other people don't seem to care about the little things. I'm trying to get the small things fixed and get simple jobs to come out right in the shop. Its a delicate balance between being a pain in the ass to the shop guys and getting what I want. I'm trying to keep my distance and trust these guys but that keeps coming back to bite me in the ass. If I try to get too picky with what they do I'm just bothersome. I have to walk a fine line between doing a good job and pissing them off. An another cup of coffee will keep me jittery all day.
Ok, on the subject of the book, I think its time we got something done and it would be easy for us all to start with the character sheets. When shows like the simpsons need scripts they find a writer and give them a show "bible". It contains rundowns on all the character profiles and basic information needed to write a script for that show. What we need to do is come up with characterized versions of ourselves and create our own "bible". We should each write a short description/profile of each other and then swap. we'll use parts of everyone's and filter each other down to usable characters. In my opinion, we should take little bits of eachothers personality and emphasize them to create individual characters. Using the simpsons as an example again, Homer is a big fat idiot, he does stupid things, says "d'oh!" and hangs out at moes to drink. Something along those lines.
By accomplishing these "profiles" it will be easier to write the stories. Its better to present a situation for a character to react to rather then just winging it. (eg: Setting moe's bar; homer walks in asks for a beer and says something stupid, marge walks in and is disgusted at the dirty floors or drunks at the bar, present the situation and let the developed character react to it) This is only a first step that we can each start on.
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Farenheit 9/11
# posted by Brancibeer @ 6/03/2004 09:10:00 AM
Here is a link to see the trailer for micheal moores new movie. Its due to come out june 25. Im def going to see it.
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 6/02/2004 10:01:00 PM
 I just thought this was funny
you know in jersey you dont pump your own gas, i cant read the plate to see what state it is but it might not be her fault.
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 6/02/2004 09:22:00 PM
comments seem to be a go. don't bother complaining about the format, i have no clue how to change it. I consider my self a genius for getting this far with them so this is what you're stuck with. take it or leave it. i really don't care if people like them or not, i had originally not wanted comments at all but i now feel there is a slight need. If anyone can help me with the HTML part of it, feel free to try.
Its become appartent that there are outside people coming to this page. i've been watching the stat tracking and i'm amazed that there are so many outside people (like The Diva) that vist us. i've seen links to this page on a few other sites and i'm excited. i don't feel that we should watch what we say because that would be wrong, continue to write freely, there are no consequenses here.
As for photo posting, download the Hello program. all you need to do is have the picture on your hard drive and then open it in Hello and write a little comment. very easy. it doesn't take all file formats so beware.
Josh, i think you are starting to feel exactly like i did when i graduated and started this job. Its amazing how quickly i've been thrown into a postion of responsibility and now i have to take things seriously. things aren't always as hard as they seem. Most of the people who've told you law school was hard are the same people who told you college will be tough and i'm not so sure any of them have attended law school. I've found that i'm usually disapointed with how simple things are that i believe to be complex or difficult once i see how they really work. Take business for example, when i worked at pratt i found that it was really just a bunch of morons running around wasting time and playing office games. Not quite the think tank of ideas or smooth running money machine i had envisioned in my head. Everything had been simplified and dumbed down so that just about anyone could do it. I bet whats bothering you is stress, i think its getting me too, the only advice i can offer is more fiber and deep breaths.
maybe i spend too much time being bothered by things outside my control. but then, what is outside my control? maybe i could do something to help. but do i even want to? i'm repelled by lots of people day in and day out, attracted to only a few. how do i know the extent of my influence? I ask my self these questions everyday. It really hits hard when i think that george bush is our president. hes just some retard from texas, but now hes president. That makes me believe that any one of us could do it with ease.
Ron, Brian, sorry i didn't call last night, my phone was in my pants pocket on the floor of my room last night so i didn't hear it. and i was in VT for the weeekend.
Life in Vermont seems to be working out well for my parents. Well, my dad hates his new job but my mom is doing good with the realestate thing and my sister now has a job at the Shelburn Museum as a security guard. All she gets is a radio and most of the people who go there are bigger than she is so if anyone ever did try to steal anythign she wouldn't be able to do anythign mroe then call for help. good enough for her for the summer. I kind of miss Vermont, the weather is nicer up there in the summer since the air is cleaner and there isn't as much humidity as there is in CT. The nice summer days are just nicer up there. Thats it, now i'm rambling.
# posted by josh @ 6/02/2004 04:02:00 PM
ron- july 31 is no good for me. any other time b/w june 12 and mid aug is good though. but my lease in va ends then, so i'll be down here the last week of july to move my shit from here to either baltimore or columbia. so that week's out for me
oops, sorry
oh yea!
# posted by ron @ 6/02/2004 01:53:00 PM
indy was sweet. fast cars, good food and blues rock. its too bad i cut my hair because the mullets were all the rage. the race was shortened because of rain but was still awesome. i almost saw a tornado on the way back to the hotel after the race.
anyway. got in incredibly late today. i'm sure branciteam was late also. we had a few beers last night and needless to say i was not having anything to do with the morning hours today. thats why i dont like alcohol as much as weed. i would prefer the refer ha ha ha. i dont have to do any sort of drugs any night of the week, but as it turns out i'll usually have 2 beers. last night a few more. so on the nights that i feel like getting altered i'd prefer to get stoned because i've rarely experienced a weed hang over. and i've only been burnt-out a few times and thats only after months of being stoned.
so i'm selling my body to science. i got a call this weekend about doing brain studies. i havent gotten in touch with anyone yet but they want to hook up electrodes to my brain and make me watch/listen to shit. i say its a go. i think they pay 500$ they also have a few studies going on so i'm going to make my summer job to have experiments done on me. all i need to do is pay for gas really and i think i can schedual when i want the shit done so it seems perfect.
also i need input from you guys about a date for the pig roast. i was thinking july 31st. any objections? its far enought away where everyone should be able to plan for it.
branciteam is moving out of storrs this weekend. murphy is in haddam working for DEP. i havent heard from macunas in some time now and i missed his party due to the race. my knees arent 100% and all my riding buddies are home for the summer. i think i'm going to start writing some stuff.
it's everyone's fault but mine
# posted by josh @ 6/02/2004 03:32:00 AM
brancy i'm right with you. it's 332am. i watched some tv, read a little tonight. got a bit tired, took the dog out, got into bed. couldnt sleep. erica left today for teh summer. it's only been about 7 and a half months, but feels like more. roll over in bed. get up, go to the bathroom. back to bed. put coldplay cd on low volume, try to sleep. get up, turn the a/c on higher. dog's lookin at me like what the fuck, and i'm starting to ask the same.
everyone keeps telling me how hard law school will be, and how much work there is. really? wont i find that out for myself? i'm not trying to be sarcastic here. everyone has different abilities. high school was really hard for some people. doesnt ability play a role? maybe law school isnt hard (or as hard) for some than others. to me, that seems not only plausible, but definite. maybe people are trying to scare me? no, these are all people i have definite relationships with who tell me this stuff, so that's not it. maybe it's to prepare me, or so i will be mentally ready? i guess that's gotta be it, no? instead its giving me apprehension. i'm always so sure about my life choices. i never waiver. so what's the deal?
maybe i just got a lot on my mind. clearly all the law school stuff. erica and i are gonna do our best to stay together (seems silly not to when you really like the person and have put so much in already) despite the (temporary?) distance. my stomach's bothered me a lot lately. i cant eat dairy, so i've tried to avoid it, but that hasnt worked. an ulcer maybe? but those are usually cuz of stress, and since the main part of the law school app process ended i dont feel i've had much of that either. the nation's in shambles, and getting worse everyday. i cant eat fast food anymore, makes me sick to my stomach, but i had to today. mcdonalds. saw this kid, couldnt have been more than 11 or 12 yrs old, fat as shit. fat mom too. stuffing a big mac and fries into his face as fast as he can. sucking the end of a ketchup packet to get the last bits out. sweeping all of the things that fell off the big mac into the corner of the big mac box, then tilting the box to his mouth, drinking the edible fallout. it was disgusting. repulsive. i had to stop eating right then and there. all i could do was drink my sprite. how do you let your kid get like that? fast food is fine now and then, but this kid's been living off it. it disgusts me. are these average americans? i pray to the god i dont believe in that they're not.
maybe i spend too much time being bothered by things outside my control. but then, what is outside my control? maybe i could do something to help. but do i even want to? i'm repelled by lots of people day in and day out, attracted to only a few. how do i know the extent of my influence?
i'm also outgrowing the party scene a bit. content to just chill with friends and a few beers, and preferably a grill. setting sights on what i want to do with my life, and overcoming all the obstacles standing in my way. brancy dont get me wrong, your presence would be extremely missed, but if guam, or alaska, or florida is what you want to do, then get out there and do it . there's always ways to keep in touch. there's always reuinions, offical and weekends when everyone can take time off. you're doing something, and that's awesome. goes to show, everythings not lost.