# posted by ron @ 6/02/2004 01:53:00 PM
indy was sweet. fast cars, good food and blues rock. its too bad i cut my hair because the mullets were all the rage. the race was shortened because of rain but was still awesome. i almost saw a tornado on the way back to the hotel after the race.
anyway. got in incredibly late today. i'm sure branciteam was late also. we had a few beers last night and needless to say i was not having anything to do with the morning hours today. thats why i dont like alcohol as much as weed. i would prefer the refer ha ha ha. i dont have to do any sort of drugs any night of the week, but as it turns out i'll usually have 2 beers. last night a few more. so on the nights that i feel like getting altered i'd prefer to get stoned because i've rarely experienced a weed hang over. and i've only been burnt-out a few times and thats only after months of being stoned.
so i'm selling my body to science. i got a call this weekend about doing brain studies. i havent gotten in touch with anyone yet but they want to hook up electrodes to my brain and make me watch/listen to shit. i say its a go. i think they pay 500$ they also have a few studies going on so i'm going to make my summer job to have experiments done on me. all i need to do is pay for gas really and i think i can schedual when i want the shit done so it seems perfect.
also i need input from you guys about a date for the pig roast. i was thinking july 31st. any objections? its far enought away where everyone should be able to plan for it.
branciteam is moving out of storrs this weekend. murphy is in haddam working for DEP. i havent heard from macunas in some time now and i missed his party due to the race. my knees arent 100% and all my riding buddies are home for the summer. i think i'm going to start writing some stuff.