# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 6/04/2004 12:41:00 PM
one too many coffees today after not enough sleep and being a little hungover. can't keep my hand still. Right now i'm at work and theres no one here. i'm actually running this place today. JOe is gone until who knows when, frank left for the day already, Lucy and TJ are both MIA and diane is gone for a while. I've taken it upon my self to make things better around here because most other people don't seem to care about the little things. I'm trying to get the small things fixed and get simple jobs to come out right in the shop. Its a delicate balance between being a pain in the ass to the shop guys and getting what I want. I'm trying to keep my distance and trust these guys but that keeps coming back to bite me in the ass. If I try to get too picky with what they do I'm just bothersome. I have to walk a fine line between doing a good job and pissing them off. An another cup of coffee will keep me jittery all day.
Ok, on the subject of the book, I think its time we got something done and it would be easy for us all to start with the character sheets. When shows like the simpsons need scripts they find a writer and give them a show "bible". It contains rundowns on all the character profiles and basic information needed to write a script for that show. What we need to do is come up with characterized versions of ourselves and create our own "bible". We should each write a short description/profile of each other and then swap. we'll use parts of everyone's and filter each other down to usable characters. In my opinion, we should take little bits of eachothers personality and emphasize them to create individual characters. Using the simpsons as an example again, Homer is a big fat idiot, he does stupid things, says "d'oh!" and hangs out at moes to drink. Something along those lines.
By accomplishing these "profiles" it will be easier to write the stories. Its better to present a situation for a character to react to rather then just winging it. (eg: Setting moe's bar; homer walks in asks for a beer and says something stupid, marge walks in and is disgusted at the dirty floors or drunks at the bar, present the situation and let the developed character react to it) This is only a first step that we can each start on.