# posted by Brancibeer @ 6/21/2004 05:50:00 PM
Meeting Minutes 6-20-2004
-People present- BB, MB, JM, MM, JK, RPL came late, JB came after meeting Jen B also somewhat present
-The meeting started with BB reviewing the last meeting. To the surprise of the secretary, everyone seemed to agree with the progress made a month ago. (Book of short stories, central theme, character development essential, etc)
-A universal meeting time was discussed. It was generally agreed that Sunday evenings would be good for meeting times. However, those who can not attend can catch up by conversing in groups of 2-4 people. Then some from that meeting can meet with others (chain effect). This is also a way of sharing ideas, and communicating to each other without actually being together. Important that these meetings be professional (no over a game of cards, etc).
-It was defiantly agreed upon that we need commitment here. You must be willing to put effort into this and realize that this is a long, slow process. We want to make this good, and not some half-ass collection of drinking stories. Don’t waste others time. However, different amount of commitment can work out (sharing ideas, suggestions).
About the stories:
-Stories can be Non-fiction with fiction- claim our stories to be fiction so we don’t get arrested (e.g.. mailboxes)
-A certain amount of embellishment is acceptable, but remember that we want these to be mainly true life experiences. Make them interesting my making them deep. Character development is key. Make your reader think.
-Ideas are good enough as they are, don’t need a lot of embellishment. However make sure they are not just funny and interesting to us
-JK’s suggestion of choose your own adventure theme was shot down with some laughs.
Central Theme
- Can arise through writing. Pick it out of the stories as we go and write
- Multiple themes throughout whole book. Each story could be a theme that tie into other themes.
-JK suggested that a theme of us being white, small town males stuck in our own world. Sociologic point
-Growing up/ coming of age
Change in character over time- high school to college, Chumps house to chumps apartment (circular twist)
-Man goes on journey
-General life lessons
-MB Stressed we need to play on differences of one another
Create Individuality
-It was demanded my JM that Melissa not be in book (to be determined at a later date)
-Around 8:10 Rpl 3000 enters.
-8:28 pm beer enters
-More than one character can be developed in a story. Develop character in a story that is mainly about that person.
-BB suggested “white devil”, JK suggested “Chicken soup for the bowl”as titles. Agreed that we are not at that point yet.
-JK suggested a map be included showing location of everyones houses and such
Ideas for stories!:
-Chumps house- wide open. Looneys dick, hot tub, taping beers to ankles, smuggling and distracting. Nothing to do, place to go.
-Area 52- everybody needs a place to go
-Bombacci incident
-House parties- Rons house first, many more. Addorissios. Crazy shit that happened at them.
Suggested that each person character development can be in story about the party that they had at their house
-Chump biting onion, Alan biting bottle
-Stonemill Rd
-Slater chainsaw incident
-TV news
-The hole
-Axe, Bat, Thunderstick
-Clinton house
-Church sign
-Campfires- ways of drinking, BB house
-Boyscout area
-OWF wrestling- macunes vs. macunes, holy bread
-Chinese Buffet, HK football
-The East campus dorm room- conservatory, amazing how never got caught with the massive amount of crap that happened there
-Chumps experiences in Rochester- good character development?
-Willi Oaks 108
-Murphs apart w/ puppet master- hookah, Heman pushups, iggy pop
-Danaher crashes with all beer cans in bronco
-HK teachers
-Spring weekends at Uconn- greese, arrests, nicknames, massive drunkenness
-Alan Tomazuski- punk rock bracelet
-247 F
-Skis house (under parties)
-The Bungalow
-Pig roasts
-The legend of Blackass
-Kolpaks pool- “fun” noodles
-Rum tree
-The Madison Mission (Welcome princip Doonan)
-Dr. Beast
-Addorissio- before and after
-Montreal- pink panties, bucket of ice, getting drugged by bums, hitting on bums
-Ms. Betts class- hanging stuff out window, etc
-Dunkin Dounuts
-Lipp sync
-Ski/ Liz bullshit
-Chapter about writing book- Last chapter?
-Package store hookup
-Obviously this is very unorganized. Many of these things can be incorporated into one story (like all/ some the parties). Also the stories don’t have to be strictly about the idea, but can be used as a jump start to get things going... who knows what it will turn in to.
-Once you sort of know what you want to write about, it would be a good idea to converse with others to brainstorm about everything you can remember about that subject. You never know what will come up.
Goals for next time:
-Try to write something by next week (at least a page?). This can be a test run, or a serious start to your story. (BB sees this as a stiff deadline but noone cares)
-Write on blogger what you think your going to write about and for help with ideas
-Editing stories is going to be time consuming. You think writing is hard...
-Make it good bitches
-Being sober is absolutely necessary! This was proven after meeting. Being altered makes it harder to communicate with others, increases loud arguing, and lowers productivity.
-Should all try and make it on time to meetings.
-If the first rule of Stonemill is not to talk about stonemill (could prove difficult in future)
-BB not going to tell people what to do, but voice recorder helped a lot in compiling this. May want to think about getting one, and having a notebook is handy at meetings.
Next meeting on Sunday 26th in evening. Don’t get too wasted at Looneys picnic.
(feel free to comment on things missed or whatever. Im only one man here)