# posted by Brancibeer @ 6/23/2004 08:35:00 PM
I had about 3 hours to kill. I didnt want to sit in my car. So i went to happy hour in New Haven with my old fashion paper and pencil. Good time as ever to start my first story.
So im writing about the time me, murphy, bergan went to the clinton house with danielle and ?. Need help to discover who the other person was. Murphy, give me as much detail as you can recall.
Got about 2 pages hand written. Going well, but slow. I realized that we will have to develop characters in the begining stories more than in the later. Whether this will be the begining or not i have no idea- im just writing. EVeryone should start to think about what stories we want to start out with. We can always see in time and adjust though.
Remember on sunday that these dont have to be finished stories, mine will prob just be getting started.
ps. 1 beer good for writing. 2 beers ok. 3 beers i find myself giving the stink eye to the man next to me wondering what the fuck he is looking at. I wonder if he would keep staring if I smashed my godamn bottle over his already ugly face....