# posted by ron @ 6/24/2004 01:05:00 PM
now today i can take a puff from a joint. yea! i think i'm going to wait until i actually get the job going until i smoke. probably next week sometime.
kolpak, if you dont have a pool party/cook out/whatever this weekend i'm going to call your mom and start sweet talking her. i need the pool.
i tried calling looney last night but he didnt answer his phone. i was trying to confirm the pig roast at his house this weekend and that i told all you guys.
i havent started a story yet because i havent decided what to write about. i dont think we really need to use the blogger to catch up on details, just write what you can then the editing will fill in any missed events, people, etc. can i just write my story as an equation and then do some analysis? come on. please.
macunas, you should start picking up the slack and have a few parties. its bad enough you have a huge awesome party house and barely anything goes on there (that i know of lately). i know i missed the last one, but once every few months doesnt cut it.
anyway. storrs should be re-named snorrs. it sucks up here with everyone gone.
Next week huh? I give you until saturday.