The Workermonkey


Friday, September 30, 2005

will this friday ever end! 

it's only 3:00, i've got a headache and i'm really just trying to look busy at this point. maybe friday will be a whole new day once i leave work. i can get home, bitch a kolpak for a few minutes, then smoke and leave to watch the fucking sweet yanks/sox game somewhere else. I never get headaches. usually if i do its a precursor to me getting sick. its been a long week and its been getting cold out. fuck. nothing else to say. go yanks.


hang in there buddy

By Blogger ron, at Friday, September 30, 2005 3:36:00 PM  

look, if you want you can watch it here. However, we are not going to be much fun because we have no grass (but do have 60 beers and a handle of jack). Also, don't come over unti 7 because the Mrs. did't get home till noon and wants to sleep. Also our house is a mess and I'm cranky.

This isn't best invite ever, i realize. its more like a "if you got no where else to go you can slum it with me....

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, September 30, 2005 5:09:00 PM  

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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Johnny's worst nightmare 

We've all been there. I hate these tools....


hahaha that's a great article

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, September 29, 2005 10:01:00 PM  

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Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Another Wild-obs 

On a recent boat adventure we saw a large figure shadowing under the water. Shark? After cutting the motor and waiting, we had a nice surprise. It was really cool to see this Bottlenose up close. Notice the beautiful emerald green, clear water indicating the name of the gulf (emerald coast). This was the fun part of the trip. I won't get into how we beached the boat in the crashing waves.....


sweet fucking pics!

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, September 28, 2005 1:31:00 PM  

yeah, nice pics. is that the bama' slamma i spy?

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, September 28, 2005 4:17:00 PM  

whoa those are sweet

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, September 28, 2005 5:44:00 PM  

That is indeed the slammer. Actually petting dolphins is not good. This dolphin however, was certainly used to getting handouts from local fisherman. It was basically begging for food. We didnt give it anything, but still couldnt resist getting up so close.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Thursday, September 29, 2005 8:41:00 AM  

anyone hear about the dolphins trained to shoot terrorists that got out cuz of katrina? who trains animals for stuff like that? that's idiotic.

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, October 01, 2005 10:05:00 PM  

Monkeys have sex for fun too. Monkeys are cool.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, October 03, 2005 8:50:00 AM  

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Fuck yeah giant squid 

anyone think this is amazing? they've been looking for this thing for ever and now we have documented proof. another amazing discovery. fuck yeah humanity, fuck yeah.


i dont know that i'd go as far as "fuck yeah humanity." fuck yeah japanese scientists, ok. what has humanity done for me lately? nothing.

cool squid though

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, September 28, 2005 12:33:00 PM  

Yaarrrrg. I've seen me many a giant squid. Tough creatures of the deep they arrrrrrgg. My hand once she had. Lucky I was.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, September 28, 2005 12:40:00 PM  

oh fuck yeah humanity. i get excited when people discover things or find something new or just science breakthroughs in general. and i see it as information that will be shared with the rest of humanity and used for the betterment of all people. even if its some giant corporation that is trying to screw us with it. or keep it secret. the more discoveries the better.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, September 28, 2005 4:20:00 PM  

dude.... lay off the CIV

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, September 28, 2005 5:44:00 PM  

Speaking of Civ....

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Wednesday, September 28, 2005 7:12:00 PM  

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Saturday, September 24, 2005

just how pro-technicality are you? 

here's a hypo for you guys. comes up a lot in law. say someone commits a crime. pick your crime of choice, it doesnt matter for the hypo. ok now stop fantasizing about your crime and pay attention.

assume the defendant, who has committed the crime, successfully convinces the state supreme court that one of his rights under his state constitution has been violated, and therefore he is found not guilty. but in reporting its decision, the state supreme court cites some federal cases and does not specify that the decision is based upon the state constitution separate and distinct from the federal questions of the federal cases. so then the united states supreme court reverses the state supreme court decision, and the defendant is found to be guilty.

what should the outcome be? after all, defendant did commit the crime. but the state supreme court found him not guilty based on a right from the state constitution, so shouldn't he be found not guilty? is it wrong for the supreme court to reverse simply because the state court fails to include specific language in its decision? and finally, am i a casebook writer? what's wrong with me?


many, many things.

By Blogger josh, at Sunday, September 25, 2005 2:16:00 AM  

If the person can be clearly found guilty, then so what if there is a technecality in the State's constitution. Unless the right violation actually lead to to the crime or the conviction, it should not matter.

By Blogger Damon, at Sunday, September 25, 2005 2:18:00 AM  

well that was my point. even though the guy committed the crime, assume the prosecution didnt have enough w/o the evidence obtained by violating the defendant's right.

By Blogger josh, at Sunday, September 25, 2005 11:08:00 AM  

Oh ok, my opinion is that if the violation is directly related then it counts, if not, irrelevant.

By Blogger Damon, at Sunday, September 25, 2005 12:09:00 PM  

I may be only half understanding the case you are presenting here but... it is my take (maybe from that one environmental law class in college) that the federal courts always trumps the states. In this case the state found him not-guilty due to the state constitution. However the state must still obey the federal constitution (being the highest power). It is set up like this for a reason- for example, Kansas could enact a constitution that burns all Aetheists at a stake. The Feds could then step in and say that is actually unconstitutional. We are the U.S.A. but still one nation goddamn it.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, September 26, 2005 10:04:00 AM  

haha, everything you said is true brancy, except that there are certain cases in which federal courts dont automatically have jurisdiction. they can't hear just anything.

state constitutions have provisions which arent in the federal constitution. what i tried to do here is make it where the state constitution was violated but the US constitution was not.

what i meant to have happen was for the supreme court to overturn based on the federal law found in the federal cases which were cited (though not relied on). but basically, my hypo was more confusing and vague than anything.

By Blogger josh, at Monday, September 26, 2005 11:02:00 AM  

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Friday, September 23, 2005

Its like a bad episode of the wonder years 

the course of events of my day today reminds me of a badly produced wonder years episode. it started out kind of bad, something happened and in the end everything was back to jolly old normal. we all had a good laugh and it was over. haHAHA...HA!..

I haven't been posting lately because the internet has been down in our apartment and i don't like posting at work. today the problem seems to have fixed itself and now i'm online again. but iTunes doesn't work. there's always a trade off.

I'm mildly happy and a little bit drunk, it been too long since my last drunken rambeling. enjoy.


well its going to take a little longer then i had thought, i got too drunk and passed out at 11. no rambelings. sorry

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Saturday, September 24, 2005 7:51:00 AM  

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question and a favor 

question: ron and brian, should i just delete my fantasy football and hockey bookmarks or are we actually gonna have the drafts?

favor (as promised): if anyone sees or talks to ski, can you tell him i wont be able to make the wedding cuz i have a brief due right after that date? he called me, but i dont have his number (it didnt come up in my phone either). thanks, i appreciate it.

fyi: everyone feel free to rip on holmes, for he is a friend of mine. no need to curse him out or anything, as he's not just some lost soul roaming blogs trying to "fix" people. check out holmes' blog too, but keep it apolitical. blog rules.


Stick with the hockey, i know at least 3 more that will sign up but havent yet. Comeon people, sign the fuck up.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Friday, September 23, 2005 2:16:00 PM  

aight, sweet brancy

By Blogger josh, at Friday, September 23, 2005 2:24:00 PM  

send me another email mine got deleated

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, September 23, 2005 3:05:00 PM  

no football. delete it.

By Blogger ron, at Sunday, September 25, 2005 3:25:00 PM  

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Thursday, September 22, 2005


Change is coming to my life. I know it, I feel it, and I see it. It’s that feeling of expectation. That big wave is rolling in and it’s going to crash, hard. I can’t do anything about but stare and wait for it to come and engulf my unmoving figure.

Change is reckless. It throws everything you know about the world into turmoil. I see it in my head as being caught in a tornado- clutching, clawing and grabbing at nothing and everything. It can suddenly be a fight for survival testing and prodding your innermost primordial character. Its you versus the beast that is you. Are you up for it?

Change is dangerous. God it’s dangerous. I’m cut wide open and exposed to the world. Who and what may enter is half chance mixed in with a healthy dose of self control. That big muscle-bound rottwiler breaks its leash and not even he knows where he’s going. Or why. He’s just running for something. Be careful. I’m scared to take it all in. I’m alive with so much fury and feel it hard. I’m fanning the flames of life with a sickness for more not knowing when or where to stop. I’m lost in my own dreams.

Change is beautiful. It’s the feeling of being alive with all you have to live for. It’s opening your eyes for the first time to something that can not be described. It’s the feeling of accomplishment, of relief, of genuine peace and serenity. It’s looking back and truly understanding why. Trust that, know that. I yearn for this beauty. I mourn for this beauty.


Whoa, i gotta lay off the Kaluha in the mornings...

Comeon yall, dont be scared of a little poetry! Kolpakicus?

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Friday, September 23, 2005 11:38:00 AM  

actually, i'm a little scared

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, September 23, 2005 1:31:00 PM  

Yeah lay off the Kabbala too.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Friday, September 23, 2005 3:13:00 PM  

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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Those are fightin words 

Bill Maher's closing words the other night...

"Mr. President, this job can't be fun for you any more. There's no more money to spend--you used up all of that. You can't start another war because you used up the army. And now, darn the luck, the rest of your term has become the Bush family nightmare: helping poor people. Listen to your Mom. The cupboard's bare, the credit cards maxed out. No one's speaking to you. Mission accomplished.

"Now it's time to do what you've always done best: lose interest and walk away. Like you did with your military service and the oil company and the baseball team. It's time. Time to move on and try the next fantasy job. How about cowboy or space man? Now I know what you're saying: there's so many other things that you as President
could involve yourself in. Please don't. I know, I know. There's a lot left to do. There's a war with Venezuela. Eliminating the sales tax on yachts. Turning the space program over to the church. And Social Security to Fannie Mae. Giving embryos the vote.

"But, Sir, none of that is going to happen now. Why? Because you govern like Billy Joel drives. You've performed so poorly I'm surprised that you haven't given yourself a medal. You're a catastrophe that walks like a man. Herbert Hoover was a shitty president, but even he never conceded an entire city to rising water and snakes.

"On your watch, we've lost almost all of our allies, the
surplus, four airliners, two trade centers, a piece of the Pentagon and the City of New Orleans. Maybe you're just not lucky. I'm not saying you don't love this country. I'm just wondering how much worse it could be if you were on the other side.

"So, yes, God does speak to you. What he is saying is: 'Take a
hint.' "


i saw that too. i love real time. bill maher is the man.

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, September 21, 2005 6:35:00 PM  

Before 9/11 the organization of US intelligence contributed to the tradegy, but Bush's ideals help to cause terrorism so combined with his lack of concern regarding CIA warnings, 9/11 can be seen as partly his fault. However, there are probably very many wrong CIA warnings so taking all of them as 100% true would be a mess, and although I hate him, I have argued against foreigners who think 9/11 would not have happened had Gore been elected. Little of the quote relates to this and its weak.

Hurricanes are of course, not the fault of the president of the US, however, his status quo opinion on climate change and support for fossil fuels increases the CO2 concentration in the atomosphere (US is of course, largest contributor) This causes a documentable warming (which yes for data known so far you could explain as statistical anomoly or whatever), and as the waters in the South Atlantic warm, the likehood of more and stronger hurricanes is increased. It is a fact that over the past decade average temperatures are higher, and storm numbers are up. Most people correlate this to CO2 concentration, a few crackpot scientist do not think so, even the Bush Administration no longer says they are unrelated. Anyway, with Katrina, the issue is the lack of proper response, not the storm. Why did Bush continue meetings with businesspeople after the storm hit? Why were there no aircraft and national guard available? Oh yeah that one is easy. How come the government could not access the city to help, yet news crews could?

By Blogger Damon, at Friday, September 23, 2005 9:13:00 AM  

come on holmes, you know better. he isnt responsible, but he is responsible for cleaning up the aftermath of both, and has done a poor job there.

By Blogger josh, at Friday, September 23, 2005 10:25:00 AM  

Atleast Gore read. That might of helped with 9/11. I believe there was a memo entitled something like, "Osama Bin Ladin to attack WTC with airplane", of which was probaby pushed aside for sunday fishin with pa.

And Global warming is plain common sense. The vastness of the Earth proves difficult for measurements of stats, but the one that we do have offer a settling trend developing. Thats why the theory is such a surfacing topic these days. Again, common sense- artificially upsetting the CO2 system will throw off all other systems connected to it. Warmer oceans will feed stronger storms. Thats how things work.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Friday, September 23, 2005 11:35:00 AM  

i don't know you holmes, but i don't even know where to start with telling you how wrong yuor train of thought is.

no, bush didn't go downstairs and push some buttons on his fancy old huricane machine to create katrina. what he did do was increase the amunt of CO2 pumped into the atmosphere that IS causing global warming. i don't know how old you are, but i know i've paid enough attention to realize that there are more hurricanes in the last few years and they have been much worse then normal.

the federal governement is only whipping everyones butt now because they are the ones who smeared shit all over it. when you royally fuck up a major disaster like this, yeah, people are going to hold them accountable. The governor and the mayor in LA both called for the federal government to take control of the emergency BEFORE the huricane hit. Bush was too busy on vacation so he ignored it. bush co. didn't invoke anything becasue hey didn't want to be in control. plus, thier national guard was busy in other parts of the world, you know, iraq.

Bush also appointed an unqualified cronie to head up FEMA, which he also de-nutted by removing the position from his cabinate and making part fo the all-knowing Homeland security agency.

to pay for his little pet project (the war in Iraq), bush took money from projects like the one where they've been working on the levees in NO for 40 years. because you know, no one ever expected a city that's below sea level to flood. who could have seen that one comming.

so what has bush done thats good? well he handed out 5000$ to people who lost everything in the flood because when i'm looking for food and water, there's nothing like a fat 5 G's to quench my thirst. instead of spending a few million in maintenece, we've decided its better to spend billions in clean up.

its a little hard to swallow probelms they tell us the government is just finding out about when they've been on CNN for 3 days.

FEMA didn't take 19 days to respond to hurricane andrew, plus, i think you might remember a certain guy named George HW Bush running the country at that time. I think they might be related. you can't blame andrew on clinton because he wasn't in office when it happened. i know the republican war/media machine has been pumping the loyals with that nonsense for days now.

how long did it take to respond to the tsunami? oh we got there quicker then we were able to respond to something in our own country? those countries that we gave money too are now giving that same money back to us in our own disaster relief.

it's hard to take you seriously when you fight against global warming. the proof you speak of does exist and it been put togeather by many people much smarter then all of us. if you think pumping millions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year is natural, then i'm just lost for words. no amount of beating you senseless can fix that.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, September 23, 2005 1:28:00 PM  

ow... my... head....... bleeding...

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, September 23, 2005 4:23:00 PM  

ok i leave work in 15 minutes, then no more responses.

looking at weather in a bubble is a necessety becasue we haven't gone back and developed historical weather patterens yet. we've only been keeping track of the weather for the last hundred years or so. no CO2 does not equal hurricanes. yes, a rise in CO2 has caused the temperature to increase all over the globe. icebergs the size of rhoad island are breaking off of antartica at an alareming rate. the oceans ARE rising and the temp is higher and there is more water, so yes the ocean temp is higher, higher water temp is a key factor in the creatation of hurricanes.(Damon) when we fuck with one system the others that rely on them get messed up to. (Brian)

yes the levees were poorly built 30 years ago, thats why we needed to spend so much money every year to fix them and keep them working, when you gut the budget for that, they aren't going to work any more. that is bush's fault, he needed he tax cuts for the rich so badly. oh and his war.

"I agree that as soon as Bush realized he was dealing with total incompetents, he should have used the Insurrection Act to wrest control from the Governor and declare Federal Martial Law, a step not taken since Reconstruction."

"I know it's a wonderful fantasy to think that the Executive of the nation actually runs every detail of every organization like the enlightened platonian monarch we wish him to be. , but that's just not reality."

so which way is it going to be? the president can't deligate every piece of work he has and then not be held at fault when his irresponsible delegees fail. its nice to be able to totally avoid resposibility when problems arise.

FEMA has nothing to do with the govenor of any state. the govenor is responsible for asking the federal government for help when an emergency arises and then FEMA takes over. at that point hte govenor is out of hte picture.

I'm sorry, i actually read the 9/11 commision report (it was one of hte longest most difficult things i've ever read). What the 9/11 commision wanted was a federal agency that was independant and had begetary discreassion so that they could workaround the president. bush changed all that and gave the commitee nothing. the only thing they have in common is the name.

i have to leave now or i'd go on for ever, and i'm sick of being at work.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, September 23, 2005 4:52:00 PM  

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Monday, September 19, 2005


international talk like a pirate day!

hours of entertainment. i've been knee deep in pirate during all my classes so far, which admittedly has been one. nonetheless.

i'd love to drop me anchor in your lagoon


Wenches scream for my hook in captain's cove.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Monday, September 19, 2005 2:04:00 PM  

ha ha hah aha2!#!#D

By Blogger ron, at Monday, September 19, 2005 3:08:00 PM  

you really shiver me timbers

By Blogger JLee, at Thursday, September 22, 2005 6:58:00 PM  

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Saturday, September 17, 2005

27 holes later 

and no i'm not talking about your mom. my dad's down here for the weekend cuz he was in baltimore for business this week and it's a quick trip up from there. we got some good golf in today, despite the fact that the meteorologists predicted rain from thursday all the way thru saturday (it should be known that it rained none of these days, and only briefly friday night. meteorology is so ridiculous. meteorologists get paid for bullshitting. maybe i should've done that). i shot an 83, then a 43 on the third 9. i'm getting there.

next week on thurs we have a mini golf tourney against dickinson students and our faculty (maybe dickinson faculty too). word on the street is there's prizes. should be sweet. but it got me thinking. we should have more of these competitions. make it an all day event. include lots of sports. and they should serve beer. and maybe at the end we can make it all high schoolish (since law school is kinda like high school anyway) and have a dance that night. god knows dickinson chicks have to be better as a whole than law chicks. and maybe the competition could even include some sort of drinkign competition. the law school would hold its own. alcoholism is a huge problem in our profession. besides, with sporting events its not whether you win or lose, but it's how drunk you get. or in the case of a drinking competition, it's both.

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Friday, September 16, 2005

worth your 2 minutes 

i think just about everyone on this site should appreciate this little song and video, which gives the bush administration the respect it deserves.


Ha. I liked reading the comments on the site. It's funny how much of the hate mail made "socialist" jabs at the maker of the flick.
"Where'd you come up with that idea, the World Workers' Party newspaper?"

It's kind of apt, though - when a leftist REALLY doesn't like a severe right-winger he calls them a Nazi or Fascist. Fascism = extreme right wing.
They counter by calling Libs what is considered the extreme of lift-wing thought: Communist.

My favorite comment was "Your an asshole song." Erm.....what??

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Friday, September 16, 2005 8:35:00 PM  

yeah, i enjoy how a lot of the hate mail comments have horrible misspellings, or the people are just heinously misinformed:

e.g. 1: imminent domain
errrr, it's eminent

e.g. 2: the nazi left
i think you mean communist. nazi's are far right.

calling education. education, where are you?

By Blogger josh, at Sunday, September 18, 2005 2:24:00 PM  

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i started digging 

a hole to china in my backyard. but then i saw this and decided it was worthless, as i'd just end up in the indian ocean. damnit. oh well.

fuck, ok i tried it and the map thing is fucked up from this link. so go here to my buddy's blog and check it out. it's cool. it's under the september 15 post.

on a side note, this woman who i went to usc with got busted for consipracy in filing misleading reports to the SEC and faces up to 5yrs and a $5000 fine. and it's only that lenient cuz she's "cooperating fully". her legal career is obviously now shot, cuz she can't sit for the bar exam with a felony on her record. and even if somehow she does, who would hire someone who defrauded investors out of hundreds of millions of dollars?

i guess maybe the bush administration, but not too many others. . .


nothing wrong with a little digging, right?

By Blogger ron, at Friday, September 16, 2005 2:41:00 PM  

Wow, almost every place I dig I wind up in an ocean. That's not cool....

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Friday, September 16, 2005 5:18:00 PM  

Of course you'll end up in an ocean since the vast majority of the earth's surface is water. And why when you dig, does it zoom you to somewhere other than the point you'd end up? I had used a globe to figure out when I was a kid that digging all the way through would put you nearer to New Zealand than China, but of course we all know you'd melt.

By Blogger Damon, at Saturday, September 17, 2005 2:44:00 AM  

YOU'D melt

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Sunday, September 18, 2005 3:47:00 PM  

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Thursday, September 15, 2005

An Indecent Proposal 

Freaking Looney, do you do anything besides play video games?

On that note, Tim is right, Civ 4 will be out soon (I'm guessing christmas). So I think what we need is to have a Civ Off. Here is my proposal.

I'll start an entirely random game on King or Regent or Deity or whatever we agree is fair.
I'll save the very first turn, and post it.

Who ever can get the highest score (or build a gunpowder unit first, or get the most wonders, whatever we decide) I will buy a copy of Civ 4 for. All you will have to do is save your game on the last turn you play and email it to who ever we name impartial judge (I think wyldshaman would be a good idea, since he no longer plays video games). We can set a contest end date/time by which all saved games will need to be submitted. It would only be fair if we each tried several times through. It would be too hard to moderate people to taking only one attempt.

I think we have enough Civ fans to make it interesting; Matt, Matt, Myself, the two Loonies. That makes at least five. Jesse, you can play. Tino, Murph, Josh, Damon, Kellyn, Ron..I don't know if you guys play, but it's open to you too.

Obviously, for legal purposes, this is a non-binding contract and the contest is only open people I approve of. Timing of the prize purchase will be determined by local economic conditions (namely; am I employed or not). Any time I reserve the right to refuse giving a prize, end the contest or eat pussy, as I see fit. Please no Irish need apply.

sorry to steal the top spot josh 

but i just had to

obscure buffett reference? no? ok. Ya' know? well, ah' wuz ax'ed t'weigh in on whut ah' dought about da damn Leroys quesshunin' so's far, and ah' also dink it'd be waaay coo' t'get some conversashun goin' about it.

Man! afta' watchin' some decent amount uh de proceedin's, ah' have real mixed feelin's right now, so cut me some slack, Jack. on one side, ah' would likes t'know mo'e about how he would decide certain cases. BUT, ah' actually agree wid most republicans in dat ah' can't real fault Leroys fo' not answerin' some uh de quesshuns. naturally fo' policy reasons bod sides (particularly de non-nominatin' democrats) wanna know how he would decide doodads. but deo'etically, judges is impartial deciders. should he cut certain stances now, he would gots'ta recuse himself fum certain cases in de future, and dis would defeat da damn purpose uh havin' some full supreme court. Man! however, it's also de reality dat it often seems dat some judgments is policy based, and den judges look fo' suppo't among de constitushun, precedent, and statute. dis be clearly backwards, as dey is supposed t'examine dose documents fust, den mosey on down out wid deir decision fum dose. and it be true dat dis duz happen, as fum time t'time ya''ll hear justices sayin' how dey wuz real against da damn rulin' dey made but dey wuz bound t'it.

Man! so ah' dink de real quesshun be 'gots'ta Leroys impartially apply precedent o' gots'ta he use precedent t'justify his own policy preferences?' so, ah' cannot totally fault him fo' not answerin' some quesshuns (answerin' all o' most uh de quesshuns often leads t'yo' own demise...see Leroy bo'k). blunt quesshuns such as "would ya' overturn roe v. Man! wade?" may be innappropriate, but ah' htink de reason fo' ax'in' de quesshun be quite appropriate. so's how do we find out if he gots'ta apply precedent o' overturn it based on policy? ah' suppose when we answa' dis quesshun we'll be able t'decide if he's some baaaad kindun didate o' not.

Man! rappin' t'his sucka'al characteristics, ah' dink Leroys be an 'sepshunally smart man. 'S coo', bro. he knows far mo'e constitushunal law dan do all de senato's combined, by far. Ah be baaad... but i'm not convinced dat dis alone qualifies him fo' de job. Co' got d' beat! if dere's no indicashun he gots'ta impartially apply de law and precedent ,den ah' do not dink he should be voted in. 'S coo', bro. but if it looks likes he kin separate his sucka'al beliefs fum his posishun as some judge (fo' which it might be useful fo' de senate t'look at some uh his appellate court decisions), den ah' dink he's qualified fo' de job.

Co' got d' beat! one final doodad dat should be noted, dig dis: many uh de beliefs he 'espressed in de early 80s wuz actually dose uh hte Kingfish administrashun, uh which he wuz an employee. dey wuz not necessarily his own. 'S coo', bro. however, ah' find it 'estremely troublin' dat da damn bush administrashun gots'ta not release certain documents fum afta' 1982. if he's real qualified and dere's nodign t'hide, why not let da damn senate see dem?

as some side note, ah' saw some funny shirt today. Slap mah fro! dis goat in mah' tax class wuz wearin' some t-shirt dat said "objects in dis shirt is larga' dan dey appear. Ah be baaad..." wheda' dat's true o' not ah' dont know, but it makes one dink, dig dis: damn, ah' love boobs.


By de time Leroy decides doodads, selecta gwan drop da needle pon de disk like it's MURDAAAHHHH

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 4:07:00 PM  

if you keep translating the words they turn into a long list of incomprehensible jibberish.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 4:56:00 PM  

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the john, roberts, society band 

obscure buffett reference? no? ok. well, i was asked to weigh in on what i thought about the roberts questioning so far, and i also think it'd be cool to get some conversation going about it.

after watching a decent amount of the proceedings, i have very mixed feelings right now. on one side, i would like to know more about how he would decide certain cases. BUT, i actually agree with most republicans in that i can't really fault roberts for not answering some of the questions. naturally for policy reasons both sides (particularly the non-nominating democrats) want to know how he would decide things. but theoretically, judges are impartial deciders. should he give certain stances now, he would have to recuse himself from certain cases in the future, and this would defeat the purpose of having a full supreme court. however, it's also the reality that it often seems that some judgments are policy based, and then judges look for support among the constitution, precedent, and statute. this is clearly backwards, as they are supposed to examine those documents first, then come out with their decision from those. and it is true that this does happen, as from time to time you'll hear justices saying how they were really against the ruling they made but they were bound to it.

so i think the real question is 'will roberts impartially apply precedent or will he use precedent to justify his own policy preferences?' so, i cannot totally fault him for not answering some questions (answering all or most of the questions often leads to your own demise...see robert bork). blunt questions such as "would you overturn roe v. wade?" may be innappropriate, but i htink the reason for asking the question is quite appropriate. so how do we find out if he will apply precedent or overturn it based on policy? i suppose when we answer this question we'll be able to decide if he's a good candidate or not.

speaking to his personal characteristics, i think roberts is an exceptionally smart man. he knows far more constitutional law than do all the senators combined, by far. but i'm not convinced that this alone qualifies him for the job. if there's no indication he will impartially apply the law and precedent ,then i do not think he should be voted in. but if it looks like he can separate his personal beliefs from his position as a judge (for which it might be useful for the senate to look at some of his appellate court decisions), then i think he's qualified for the job.

one final thing that should be noted: many of the beliefs he expressed in the early 80s were actually those of hte reagan administration, of which he was an employee. they were not necessarily his own. however, i find it extremely troubling that the bush administration will not release certain documents from after 1982. if he's really qualified and there's nothign to hide, why not let the senate see them?

as a side note, i saw a funny shirt today. this girl in my tax class was wearing a t-shirt that said "objects in this shirt are larger than they appear." whether that's true or not i dont know, but it makes one think: damn, i love boobs.


nice barns, about the shirt that is.....boobs are the demise of man for sure.

no seriously this is a huge appointment. I've been hearing stuff about his stance on personal privacy. that worries me a bit.

my vote: judge dred

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 12:38:00 PM  

man i love boobs too.

roberts is an interesting case because there are a few documents that he himself created that piss off both sides. When pushed for answers to these questions he's said things like it wasn't his opinion but simply the policy of his superiors. this is troubling because, well, he's always worked for republicans and if he didn't agree with any of the policy they gave him, why was he working for them in the first place?

Also, many of the records people have been asking for pertain to Roe v. wade. the fact we even have to ask his opinion on a case like that is obsence. i know they can bring up old cases but this is just stupid. why don't we just go back to counting blacks as 3/5's a person and get it over with.

Roberts has been seen as a canidate that will over turn RvW and it seems to be the only real reason Bush would appoint a person that A) isn't all that qualified, B) is obviously trying to hide things, C) is so young he'll hang around longer then renhquist and D) he's one of bushs' "guys".

i was listening to Al franken today at lunch and he played a clip from the hearings where some crazy southern senator asked roberts if he thought looking at rulings from other countries was a major mistake when forming an opinion about a case. Roberts agreed with the senator but it was phrased in a way that made it sound like he was restraining himself from yelling at the senator for bringing it up since they are both republicans. i didn't do justice to the clip here but believe me, it wasn't good for roberts. and he basically said other countries are stupid and our judges are stupid for looking at how other countries handle things.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 2:27:00 PM  

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 3:52:00 PM  

Spent over an hour today on boobs. Big fan of Felicity Fey.

Senator Biden was taking a lead in asking pointed questions. Look for power moves from this guy in the next few years. He's been Delaware's powerhouse for awhile now.

Josh is right though about his lack of candidness - he's already a shoe-in, so he wouldn't want to Bork his way out of a nomination. Fuck, I'd talk Legaleese all day and just slide in.

Then Bork us all.

Partisan dual-issue joke of the day:
Q: What's George Bush's postion on Roe v. Wade?
A: He doesn't care how people get out of New Orleans.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 3:53:00 PM  


Biden will be a powerful person soon, i'd almost be surprised if he wasn't the dem's next canidate. besides hilary, he seems to be the only one stepping up to the plate.

on a side note about hilary clinton, i saw a commercial for some new show where gina davis is the president and couldn't help but think this was some stupid kind of public poll to see what it would be like to have a woman in the white house. it sounds nuts, but it also sounds like something i'd do if i had that kind of crazy money and connections.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 4:37:00 PM  

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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Wa wa waa... 

3 old ladies where sitting on a park bench. Ethel, Marge and Bessie. Just then a flasher runs up to them, opens his coat and exposes himself to the 3 ladies. Immediately Ethel has a stroke. Marge has a stroke also. But Bessie, being feeble and weak couldn't reach that far.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

oh man 

you can take all your political talk and shove it!

electronics are taking over. macunas now has a phone that plays internet video and cnn, not to mention stereo sound and mp3's. This gameboy is the size of a cell phone. fuck yea this is some cool shit eh?

I cant be the only one excited about the handheld electronic revolution.

oh, one more thing. I said this months ago. there are sso many tuned out people wandering campus like zombies its funny. When one blocks me on my bike or walks into me I yell "watch it IPod". stoopid motherfuckers gonna get hit by a car because they cant hear it.


Yeah, I just ordered a USB cable to connect my phone to my computer, so I can set mp3 ringers. They can be caller-specific too. Ron - you're getting "3000" by Dr. Octagon, cut to the chorus of course. In my alternate role as Amateaur Producer I just might make some crew-specific songs myself. And they're gonna be just.....wonderful.

I'm also hoping to be the one with the coolest car in like a year's time, if I end up with a job that actually pays. Say hello plug-n-play Prius...

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Wednesday, September 14, 2005 10:17:00 PM  

yes, i'm going to get the usb for my phone and have the "crew" ringers too.

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 12:33:00 PM  

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Johhny Boy 

I wanted to comment on that Michael C. article. I enjoyed reading it and it made me think. Well first...
"Today it is said we live in a secular society in which many people---the best people, the most enlightened people---do not believe in any religion."
Hey thanks! What do I owe for such a compliment?

"Why do I say it's a religion (environmentalism)?.....You can not believe in God, but you still have to believe in something that gives meaning to your life, and shapes your sense of the world. Such a belief is religious."
Well, what he says makes sense, but i don’t think it is truly accurate. The word "religion" has a different meaning than what he's claiming. That word has a history of meaning. A meaning that is burned into all of our brains and behavior. I do have beliefs that give meaning to my life and that shapes my world- but it I still do not feel it is religious. Believing in good, morals, and a better world is not religious. It’s down right decency and common sense. Yes, we all have to live by something, some kind of standard and I can see why and how he relates the two. But there is simply more to it than this simple analogy.

Then he goes on to talk about how harsh nature is and how people don't understand it. Ya ya, good good, he goes way off point though... Then he talks about his little trip to Karakorum:

" Many years ago I was trekking in the Karakorum mountains of northern Pakistan, when my group came to a river that we had to cross. It was a glacial river, freezing cold, and it was running very fast, but it wasn't deep---maybe three feet at most. My guide set out ropes for people to hold as they crossed the river, and everybody proceeded, one at a time, with extreme care. I asked the guide what was the big deal about crossing a three-foot river. He said, well, supposing you fell and suffered a compound fracture. We were now four days trek from the last big town, where there was a radio. Even if the guide went back double time to get help, it'd still be at least three days before he could return with a helicopter. If a helicopter were available at all. And in three days, I'd probably be dead from my injuries. So that was why everybody was crossing carefully. Because out in nature a little slip could be deadly."

Now I bolded that last sentence because that's what I wanted to point out. "A little slip could be deadly". Is not the human race a simple trekker on the planet Earth? Should be not tread lightly and carefully? Or should we wait for disasters to strike first (i.e. Katrina) then spread the blame and regret around? "...the environment is that we are dealing with incredibly complex, evolving systems, and we usually are not certain how best to proceed." That's right Mike, we are not certain about how best to proceed. So why take away the caution? Why not just trudge across that 3 foot river without a rope? Conservation Biology is a tricky field. There are no true facts or answers. We have to make the best informed decisions of what we have and what we believe to be. We need that safety rope.

And on a side note:

"over the last decade world population seems to be taking an unexpected turn. Fertility rates are falling almost everywhere."
Gee! Why don’t you examine the facts on this one Mike! Is there a reason for an unexpected change in fertility rates? Is it because there is an unnatural amount of toxins in our bodies that is screwing up our hormones? Why have men's sperm count decreased by OVER 60% over the last 60 years? Isit because of the
religious environmental scare tactics?

Overall I found this speech very self contradicting. He advocates caution while seeking to eliminate the caution. He calls for a change in environmental policy that is based on hard science, in a field where you will never have hard science (before it is too late). Basically he says alot without really saying much at all. He tries to stick to his "environmental religiousness" point but falls short of making any kind of genuine analogy. But I liked entertaining many of his thoughts nonetheless.



By Blogger Damon, at Tuesday, September 13, 2005 3:43:00 PM  

oh you know i've got something to say about this one. wait til later.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, September 14, 2005 2:53:00 PM  

heyyyyyy matt's alive!

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, September 14, 2005 8:32:00 PM  

ok, fertility rates aren't really dropping because people are still having as many kids as they ever did. the population is still growing and this trend isn't expected to change for almost 50 years. whats happening is that there is a widening gap between where these people are being born and in which social class they belong. rich smart people are having less children then stupid poor people. The idiots of this world are simply out breading us almost 2:1. Look at the population booms in india and africa. China had to limit reproductive rights to stop thier own crazy upward spiral.

but china has already surpased us in a lot of stuff. we have a Joint Review coming up at work and there has been an inspector appointed to the review team. i was talking with my insurance inspector and he said this guy looks like he's from china. i said that sounded odd but apparently what the chineese have been doing is sending people over to take jobs like this and then pull them back and start thier own version of a ASME code. they work in the USA for a while and then bring back any and every system we have. sounds nuts again but its happened a few times. and i won't go into the history of chinese steel in this country, no room.

the analogy to religion is silly. because i believe oranges are orange doesn't make it my religion. facts are facts, if you belive them you don't belong to the religion of truth. This need to have some sort of higher authority tell you what to do is a little unsetteling. why can't you just think for yourself? or use the experiences of millions of other people to derive proper corses of action when confronted with a problem, or to prevent a problem. those who ignor history are doomed to repeat it.

on the crossing of the river, why cross the river when you could just dam it up, divert the water across a field and then rasie the temp. of the area by pumping millions of tons of carbon dioxide in to the atmosphere. thats even safer right? thats the approach we've taken so far.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, September 15, 2005 4:55:00 PM  

Yeah, I'm pretty sure none of our evidence has been concretized. Even the catastrophists will concede that the Earth has its cyclical temperature fluctuations. Because of that, our causal relationships between data and effect get muddled.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Friday, September 16, 2005 5:46:00 PM  

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Monday, September 12, 2005

a cowardly new world 

some things sicken me. tonight i saw a commercial about mcdonalds hurricane katrina relief. so what's the problem? the problem is that the focus of the commercial was on mcdonalds helping, not people in general helping. the victims were not the point, helping was not the point. mcdonalds helping was the point.

what are we coming to when we are turning disasters like hurricane katrina into public relations ads?

this is so despicable i cant even type or talk or think. help cuz you fucking want to, nto cuz it will make you seem compassionate or cuz it will get you more business. i know that's not really realistic in our country today, but FUCK!!! i havent seen (which of course doesnt mean there havent been any) any ads by walmart about its help yet. but i did read about it on fine. that's the way to do it. just do your shit and let the news report it. your job isnt to suck your own dick, it's to help.

i've had it. that's it. i'm out. sometimes i fucking hate this country (or significant parts of it)

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hey maybe everyone besides ron and me should do the yahoo fantasy football thing this week. if you sign up in time to draft before next weekend we can still salvage the season.



yea, what a half assed attempt, who though of this anyway?

By Blogger ron, at Monday, September 12, 2005 3:10:00 PM  

Sorry buddies, ive been away and my life is in turmoil. Cut me some slack!!

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Monday, September 12, 2005 4:47:00 PM  

yeah, let us know how that's goin brancy. if you dont wanna post it here, you can always email. good luck!

By Blogger josh, at Monday, September 12, 2005 9:18:00 PM  

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Sunday, September 11, 2005

a treatise on why comcast can suck a fat cock 

this makes no sense. why, no sense at all. so it's a big red sox/yanks series this weekend, and inexplicably the sunday game is not televised nationally. hmmm biggest rivalry in sports plus one of the tightest races in baseball this year, nah, no need to show that.

ok, fine. so the game's not on. so i go to order it on one of the pay per view channels. to order, call 243-xxxx. ok. deal. wait, what? i can't order a single baseball game?! but i can order a day of college football. and i can order an individual porn. but no baseball? oh, well you can order the baseball package. ok, how much is that? 49.95, hell no. oh, sorry, you cant do that anyway. you had to order it by sept 4. huh?

so, in this age of digital television, tivo, hdtv, it's still somehow impossible, if you have comcast (which, it should be noted, is not really your choice since by area cable companies are basically monopolies) to order just one baseball game. just one assfucking, yeah, you can order that. but no baseball. NO BASEBALL. i think i'm the one getting assfucked, by comcast.

so, comcast, let me state something for the record: fuck you. if your customer service rep didnt sound hot, i would've gone off on you. instead i resigned myself to asking her annoyingly rhetorical questions such as "why cant you order just one game?" and "how come it doesnt work like pay per view?" and "college football but no baseball?"

i miss nesn. i would even take yes today.


I concur. I did not know about pay per view issues, and haven't had Comcast in years, but their advertising alone is thoroughly annoying (the one on EQX has some moron shouting YEAH! and SWWEEEET! after every point) and addresses consumers as idiots by only mentioning the price for the first 4 months and not even in the end-of-ad-legal-speed-speak saying the normal price you'll be locked into for the next 8 months.

By Blogger Damon, at Sunday, September 11, 2005 3:09:00 PM  

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The cold slap of sobriety 

Im not even sure that is how you spell sobriety. Not a word that has entered my mind in the past couple of months. However this post is the first i have written sober in... i dont know how long.

Work is slowing down as the season comes to a close. Sept. 26 the guides and i are going on a river trip for a week in Cataract canyon. After that me and eli and two others are driving back east and i should be home by mid Oct. I miss back home and look forward to catching up with all of you. I finally got my cell phone taken care of. I mailed it to motorola to get it fixed and the sent it back saying nothing was wrong with it. Fuckers.

It was nice not having a phone for the whole summer. I revived the pop-in with everyone out here and look forward to making my rounds in CT. keep an eye out.

My plan as of right now is to stay in CT for a couple of weeks and then head back out to MT for the winter to ski. Ski all winter in Bozeman, MT, raft guide next summer and come back to CT in the Fall of 2006 to start my Grad program at University of New Haven.

Were getting a sweet house and the skiing will be phenomenal, not to mention all the MSU chicks running around looking to get plowed out by Ol' Thor. That is the nickname the guides gave me this summer, despite the efforts of eli to have everyone call me Lil Justy.

I miss you guys alot and i cant wait to see everyone, sorry i havent been keeping in touch all that much but drop me an email

one more thing, my latest title i have obtained is homerecker. Ive got the Kavorka-its the only explaination



i'm such a lame ass that i had to google "Kavorka"

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, September 13, 2005 10:38:00 AM  

Be sure to inform the authorities at the mountain that 'Thor' will be skiing. That way they can warn all the little kids you will recklessly plow over. Powder Ridge in the house!

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Tuesday, September 13, 2005 10:54:00 AM  

Alright there hormone Harry...just remember theres good pizza and bad pizza...oh wait. Seriously dude banging around can be dangerous in many ways. The last (and only) time i did that i ended up swimming in a mindfull of guilt and retribution. Maybe its just not for me, but it just wasnt worth it. Whatever though, just be carefull in all ways.

By Blogger Brancibeer, at Tuesday, September 13, 2005 11:08:00 AM  

other nick names included, "loins of fire", "Captain Snatch", "Hep Cat C", and "Private Steam Roller"

By Blogger ron, at Tuesday, September 13, 2005 1:13:00 PM  

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Friday, September 09, 2005

The Manifesto: Chapter A - God's Words to Your Ears 

My name is No Brain Required.
I love pussy. Love it.

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oooooh the drama! 

In all seriousness, no brainer, think twice about what you are about to post. This site is far from private and your identity is not as easily concealed as you may think it is. I remember a quote from some internet analyst saying that " some presidental candidates facebook entry will come back to haunt them". Its true, in fact if I had enough motivation it would be easy to save blog entries and black mail people later in live (not you guys, ass). Hard drives are at a record low in price and its not hard to trace IP's and get identities. That being said just use judgement and personal censorship. Keep in mind the spies and e-stalkers.

Nothing related to no brainers topic:
I was talking with a friend this past weekend about life. I think we are all coming of age and realizing that we are not going to become the movie stars, race car drivers, pro athletes that we onced dreamed of. For one reason or another we are becoming the average whether we like it or not. There is bills to pay, food to buy and beers to drink, which doesnt leave much time to pursue the dream if we are even motivated to do so these days. I feel a bit broken in that sense. I'll most likely take on an average lifestyle with all the included average credit debt and enourmous morgage (eh, probably not, I'd rather have a small house).
I dont feel that I'm relapsing into my cynical bastard self of my teen years at all. I'm decently satisfied with my self/choices/and current situation. There is room for improvement of course but nothing to panic about.
back on topic. I think that every generation has a certian chip on it shoulder. I know I once though things were 'so fucked up' and that I was living in some crutial time in the history of the world. I hope everyone realizes that its not the case (no bullshit specifics, I'm talking generally here, of course your life has uniqueness, just like everyone else's). If you think that times werent changing when our parents were growing up then your fooling yourself. The point is, despite all the things that you think are so fucked up and horribly wrong, just keep in mind that this is nothing new. As Johnny Weed said, the world has all ways been chaos and destruction.

yea, gas is 3$ a gallon but I'm still driving and buying non-esscential shit, you? One key to happiness (for me atleast) is the ability to adapt to situations. Those who cant get fucked. I read an article in the paper this afternoon that said a study has shown that the human brain is evolving (new genes) and basically the mind capacity is increasing. Maybe this is our evolutionary reaction to the flood of media and readily available information these days.

onto a new topic:
I defended my thesis yesterday with positive results. The presentation went smooth and was clearly presented (so I was told). All that is left to do is to edit for publication and check one result that was questioned. Nothing big I'll be entirely finished next week. So thats it, I've got my masters. Time to go get my piece of the pie.......


maybe it's a crucial time now, but if we let things go on, it will simply be a more crucial and amazing time for our kids

congrats on the MSc man, defending my thesis seems oh so far away, I haven't even a clue what it will be about or where I'll do it

By Blogger Damon, at Friday, September 09, 2005 3:27:00 PM  

hey congrats ron! that's great to hear.

i'll update my life here in a comment, as there's not too much right now. i'm approximately 1/3 lawyer right now i guess. i've made some friends, joined some clubs, and i'm trying to find a professor who specializes in environmental or some type of property/natural resources law to do research for. my spare time is about the same: golf and beer.

By Blogger josh, at Friday, September 09, 2005 3:29:00 PM  

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Thursday, September 08, 2005


In a few days I am going to post my manifesto. It will contain some very questionable, some would say offensive, claims. I ask two things. 1 Those of you who know me must never, ever use my real name (Manny Feltersnatch) or my oft used pseudonymn (Smokey McPott) in connection with that post. 2 If you think my words will go to far, step on the wrong toes or possibly increase the Federal surveillance of this site. Then I want you to warn me before I post and then go fuck yourself for being a fascist censoring cock sucker.

You have two days to vacate the premises before I celebrate St. James(on) Day.

That is all.


goddamn fucking spammers are back.

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, September 08, 2005 8:25:00 PM  

yeah, I was looking forward to reading the comments after the post, but no, they were useless. Anyway I am intrigued about the manifesto and think I will have some disagreement as y'all probably think me too pc. One point already, if you can't post with your name, even with a nickname, that means you do not fully stand behind the ideas? That you are contributing to the lack of responsibility that causes so many problems. That you are afraid of the consequences of your own ideas?

By Blogger Damon, at Friday, September 09, 2005 5:30:00 AM  

The things I'm gonna say are going to limit any kind of future political career. Furthermore, I run the risk of retribution from certain types who lack my sense humor and/ or poise. And, finally, go fuck yourself, if I want call myself No Brain Required, or Cunt Man or NutBuster I fucking will. Many great writers have used clever(at times) psuedonymns

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, September 09, 2005 6:55:00 AM  

well, if your ideas are that far out there, i dont think you have much of a shot for a political career anyway, unless you're talkin deep south, or maybe north korea

By Blogger josh, at Friday, September 09, 2005 11:57:00 AM  

Josh he's going to have a great political career because he says his ideas would limit his politics, so he will run telling the people what they want, not what he thinks. That's the way it's done. As long as he hides his real agenda as he has already begun to do, he is set. You and I, the direct and honest guys we are, will each suffer humiliating loses in the first polls after our first political runs when we brutally tell people the truth.

By Blogger Damon, at Friday, September 09, 2005 12:25:00 PM  

I agree with Damon, politics is not about telling the truth. If anything its pandering to the most common denominator

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, September 09, 2005 5:19:00 PM  

we will never be happy with politics if we keep these attitudes. it isnt about truth, but that doesnt make it right and that doesnt make it impossible to break thru by telling the truth or acting like you say. improbable does not equal impossible.

By Blogger josh, at Friday, September 09, 2005 7:54:00 PM  

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are you guys dead, busy, bored, or on a bender?


I've been collecting my thoughts. I have alot to say, but rage is preventing the words from coelescing in my brain.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, September 08, 2005 5:36:00 PM  

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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

happy post labor 

let's kick it off with the llama song

can't go wrong there!

llama llama duck!


i think i watched the hamster dance longer then this one. fucking llamas.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, September 07, 2005 9:10:00 AM  

awww dont hate on the llamas, they just wanna be ducks!

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, September 07, 2005 12:17:00 PM  

signup for fantasy football if you got an email...the draft is tomorrow and so far its just ron and me!

By Blogger josh, at Wednesday, September 07, 2005 1:51:00 PM  

I got the email, even though I either previously ignored the discussion or said no if anyone specifically asked me. I play with Penn Staters as I have for 5 years, and playing more than one league is both wierd and takes too much time. Hopefully you get enough people though. By the way, my schedule is getting very busy - more than 20 US credits - so that will explain if you don't see me post or comment much anymore.

By Blogger Damon, at Wednesday, September 07, 2005 1:58:00 PM  

fine take your peen state ass elsewhere! ha ha ha

now you know the pain that is grad school. good luck man.

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, September 07, 2005 3:42:00 PM  

there is no way in hell i'm going to be able to do the draft, i'm going to be in buffalo thursday and friday for business. i can't do it

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, September 07, 2005 3:54:00 PM  

it takes 2 seconds, its an auto draft, just rank and it picks

By Blogger ron, at Wednesday, September 07, 2005 4:34:00 PM  

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Saturday, September 03, 2005

this is how we do itttttttttttttttt 

1. environmentalism is not a religion but rathr wanting ot prologn human life. strict environmentalists are wrong as hey ignore the progress of human indiustrialization but anti-environmentalsits are wrong cu they will run out of resources. we need moderation, a nice meduium

2. weeds is a fantastic hosw. i love kevin nealon.

3. red sox rock even if they lost to baltirmoe cuz it dosnt matter

4. pa > sc

5 . religious people can lick my balls nutil they give me concrete reasons for their faith. blidn faith is irrational and stupid. you dont need god to be moral, nice, polite, humaitatiran, or anything else. if you believe it in yourself, you can be it. that's it.

6. christopher walken is the man. i watched last action hero today. he's not in it, but arnold is. fuckin sweet

7. santos fuckin rokks

78. dirty joek day didnt go over as planned. fuck it

9. the situation w/ tucker carlson is actuall y a good show except now cuz its all about katriane. when it gets back to normal news it will be good agina. now it sucks.

`10. peter griffin is on the cover of espn the magazine.

1.1. feel free to disregard antyghin in 1-10 as i've had a few cocktails this evening. and i'l l do it again , dammit!!!!!!

rock out with your cock out!


i dont ge tth e rest either! what the fuck? WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?

tell meeeeeeeee

By Blogger josh, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 1:31:00 AM  

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Friday, September 02, 2005

You know what... FUCK OFF 

i'm sick of all these fucking religous retards attacking our right and proper science and logic. they're all sick, everyone of them. most of them have either cherry picked the parts of religion they feel like following or have distorted the actual meaning of anything jesus taught to the point of skewing the point altogeather. what ever happened to tolerance? or love thy neighbor? na, its bomb that fuck before he steals our oil. religon teaches intolerance and fear. it's the worlds greatest public control divice, because it can't be questioned.

don't understand why you have to give 10% of your earnings to the church? have faith. don't like the fact your state is under 6 feet of water? have faith, jesus loves you. he loves you so much he decided to flood your city so that yacht you wanted would float its way into your back yard. but have faith, the lord will provide for you. he will provide you with enough lies to vote for a guy who would rather see you die from starvation and lack of clean water rather than listen to the army corp of engineers who have been working on those levees and water pumps for 40 years. good old GW has so much faith in those barely working pumps that he cut thier funding compleatly so we can bomb the hell out of an innocent country and make rich people richer.

our high and mighty president has all the faith in the world and look what it got him? war, famine, chaos and anarchy in N.O. i have a hard time feeling bad for people who are dumb enough to try and sit tight through a hurricane and then suddenly find thier house under water when they live below sea level. the south is suposed to be this great and wonderful religous place where everyone loves jesus but they'll fight you to the death over wether or you should be protistant or babtist. but look what happens when things get a little crazy, they shoot hospitals, helicopters and create gangs and attack the police. even some of the police have turn against themselves. the hipocrisy of these people is astounding

you're all insane. everyone i've ever met in my life that really follows this stuff is creepy or just plain difficult to be around. they teach tolerance and peace, but are the first ones to go to war for thier "honor" or would rather change the laws so that you and i can't be a hethen.

what? i'm getting it all wrong you say? maybe i can't damn all religion by the actions of a few "extremists". what about the good people? you mean like the priests who rape little boys and then get transfered so they can do it all over again. no don't look at them. how about the vatican, the holyest place on earth. its only the worlds richest corporation, yet they use that money to speard desease and pestelence by fighting birth control and promoting poor food starved people to breed like rats. i'm sure that helps everyone.

i'd just like to give a big fat hairy FUCK YOU to anyone stumbling across this website who thinks they can change anyone of our opinions by spewing baseless facts, ignorant retoric and mindless religous bullshit. stop standing in the way of progress and go dry hump your bible. or nephew, what ever kind of religion you prefer, just keep that stupid shit away from me.

PS: if anyone ever tries to prove the existense of god or the legitimacy of the bible by quoting from it, i'll personally come over to your house, rip your fucking eyes out and skull fuck you infront of your nice old baptist grandma. then i'll fill you house with gay porn and light it on fire so all your friends think you were a pervert, thus giving religion a bad name once again.

if you want to be nice to people, why do you need religion?


Umm....yeah....anyways, I think Matt's clinched the "Violent Outburst" award for the day.

Personally, I think I'd have to strain pretty hard to blame religion for a misfit shooting a helicopter. Much less the war (well, religion's sorta involved there, but not on our side.) Then again, I hear sweeping generalizations are like "the new pink" this year.
These religios coming here don't have bad intentions, but it's probably good they know they're running into a wall when it comes to laying down the logic.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Friday, September 02, 2005 5:07:00 PM  

attaboy matt! both matts!

hercules! hercules! hercules!

By Blogger josh, at Friday, September 02, 2005 7:06:00 PM  

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Is the world is chaos? 

Mad cow disease may have originated from human remains mixed into cattle feed
Jesus... And guess who ate those cows...

The rich getting richer and the poor still getting screwed
I blame poor leadership. Bush failed at business, and hes failing at being a president.

Chaos and maddness persue in New Orleans
Kim and I are thinking about heading over to Mississippi to help out with the relief sometime in the future. We would hook up with a team of 7 people, and be able to use agency vehicles, and get paid. They keep saying that its not for the faint of heart- we would have to pack everything to survive for 2 weeks. Probably would see bodies and other life scarring sights. We are still thinking about it. Some people in the office are leaving tommorrow to head over. If we werent going on vacation next week (feel bad saying that) we might consider. But im sure the relief will persist well into the weeks ahead...


oh course, we're all screwed. the oil crisis has already hit us and we are all unprepared. gas will hit 4 dollars a gallon way too soon and then stay there. oil companies figure, once we get used to paying that much for gas they can leave the price where it is and rake in massive profits.

our dependency on oil is going to rocket us back to the olden days when you never travel farther then a horse can take you. at 4 dollars a gallon, it would cost me 8 dollars a day to get back and forth from work. my balls are stapled to the pump with this one.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, September 02, 2005 3:50:00 PM  

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Thursday, September 01, 2005

corrections, retractions, and omissions 

i deleted the post with the tasteless jokes, and all the comments which ensued. unfortunately i also deleted my advice to brancy, so to him i say i'm there for you bud if you need to air issues, vent, or want advice.

however, i dont think that it is a necessary conclusion that one who tells tasteless jokes (including racist ones) is racist or deplorable. stereotypes are perpetuated in society thru many means, and admittedly jokes are one. however, to say that one cannot joke about something without believing in something is inductive reasoning, which means that its premises do not demand its conclusion. take the statement "studies show that smokers suffer from lung cancer much more often than people who dont smoke" and the conclusion that smokers are more likely to suffer from lung cancer than nonsmokers. the premise does not demand the conclusion. sure, as a whole, perhaps its more likely. but if you take any given smoker compared to any given nonsmoker, it is possible to have a situation where the nonsmoker is more likely to suffer from lung cancer than the smoker (say, family history of cancer)

similarly, imagine A, B, and C have the qualities of X, Y, and Z. D resembles A, B, and C in that it has the qualities of X and Y. so we would infer that D also has the property of Z. but htis is not a necessary conclusion. say ABC are cats, which have the qualities of X (fur), Y (four-legged), and Z (meowing). D could be a dog, in which case it still has fur (X) and 4 legs (Y), but does NOT have the characteristic of Z.

the smoking example thwarts the argument that even if most people who tell tasteless jokes are tasteless, than the next person who tells one also will be. the cat example shows that just cuz item 1 has the same qualities as item 2 (e.g. tells tasteless jokes), it does not necessitate that the former falls into the same category as the latter.

listen, i apologize to anyone who read the jokes and was offended. i would like ot point out that many jokes do isolate someone or something as the butt of the joke. so lets stick to jokes the victim of whom chose to be where they are, people without feelings, like lawyers, janitors, and politicians.

Q. what do you call 1 million lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?
A. a good start


watch the movie "crash" good stereotype movie. i think i missed all the comments

i have heard a few tastless teri shavio jokes, anyone? then theres all wyas the most classless joke of all...... "how many jews can you fit in a volkswagon?"

if you know the answer, dont post it.

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 4:45:00 PM  

I heard "crash" was really good.
And yeah, I've been thinking - there really isn't any kind of joke where someone or something is not at the receiving end, even if it's the joke-teller or audience itself.
"I bought a new printer today. This printer is so bad that..." etc.
Someone try to think of a subjectless joke. You will be the least funny person ever.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 4:59:00 PM  

You racist bastard!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 5:00:00 PM  

I know how to fit 100 jews in a volkswagon. Two words: Time Machine.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, September 02, 2005 6:44:00 AM  

the only punch line i can think of involves a furnace

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Friday, September 02, 2005 9:19:00 AM  

I did not see any other comments after mine on the joke, but it sounds like people agreed?

Whether or not the tellers of racist jokes are racist depends on how you define racist. For people to understand the joke and the punchline, they must share a perception of the joke's subject. If the joke used in the post for example were told to and person from a remote place, who was unfamiliar with Mexico, it would not be very funny would it? And to find such as joke funny, a person must at least have an appreciation for the perception. Certainly if a person believed the total opposite, the joke again would not even make sense (stick a people you respect in for Mexicans in the joke.) Before I step off my soapbox, I unfortunately, often do find racist jokes funny, and I am aware that I am racist, sexist, and follow most stereotypes of white Americans. But I have learned to think consciously of it, and hopefully help the situation.

As for your reasoning examples: The smoking one is about probability and statistics, which are useless in individual cases, as they describe trends which are seen over time. We can think of many examples of this in poker.

In the second example, maybe just because my mind is trained in engineering, but I would not infer that D shared in property Z, since there was never a relationship established because X,Y, and Z. Knowing nothing about these properties, it is a total stab in the dark to assume D has Z, as the example you used shows.

By Blogger Damon, at Friday, September 02, 2005 10:23:00 AM  

the ABC/XYZ example is not as clear cut when you take letters away and are viewing real events in life. hte letters more clearly show how the logic fails, and that's why its easier to see why you shouldn't infer property Z just cuz something has X and Y. that's exactly my point. but in real life its not as easy to distinguish. but i agree with you

By Blogger josh, at Friday, September 02, 2005 1:57:00 PM  

what is this the GRE's

By Blogger ron, at Sunday, September 04, 2005 4:45:00 PM  

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oh yeah 

what i originally came on to post about...ha, funny how the mind wanders

i've been reading about and watching reports on katrina, as i'm sure you all have, and i cant help but notice 1 thing: everyone's either praying for these people or asking god to save them, etc etc. why doesnt anyone ever assume that god created the hurricane? that (s)he did this to them? especially if you believe in something like intelligent design (oh my bad that's not related to religion, right?). wouldnt hurricanes fall into the category of something that was enabled by gods (the intelligent designer's, again my bad) design? so why do they never blame god?

after all, shouldnt he help you out of a mess he created? if they believe in god, but dont blame him, surely they must also believe in mother nature. but then, wouldnt she be as powerful, if not more so, than god? i mean, to override his system and cause the hurricane. if god is benevolent wouldnt he have tried to stop it? so is mother nature stronger than god, or was he just aloof? an all-powerful god would have to be, right?

so instead god has brought new orleans back to an 18th century mob town, where there's no electricity and street thugs rule the town. no god or divine injustice? you be the judge


Just passing thru and noticed your comment in reference to the disaster that is Hurricane Katrina. I dont know--nor does anyone fully--if God would purposely create such a horrendous disaster just for grins. Im sure there is a reason this has come to be. I know the saying goes, "He works in mysterious ways" would come to mind but I cant help but think it doesnt quite fit in this situation. Maybe it would work for a death in the family, or freak accident, you know? There are many scientific factors that could explain why a hurricane comes about also. But, have you ever stopped to wonder if it were the Devil(or evil powers in general) that created this chaos? I for thought I guess. I hope you find out--sooner than later---that God loves us more than words can explain. I would never think he would create a natural disaster and not have a grand plan behind it---if it were even Him that would create it in the first place!Sorry its so lengthy...just couldnt help but to comment.

By Blogger Sylvia, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 12:58:00 PM  

if what you're saying is correct, then the devil is more powerful then god. the devil has the abiliy to control what god has created. if He wasn't able to stop the Evil Forces from unleashing a horrible hurricane, then obviously God has lost the eternal battle of good vs. evil. heaven is vacant. ALL HAIL THE NEW SUPREME LORD, LUCIFER! if anything this hurricane is a giant bitch slap from god for voting republican.

what i love about this hurricane also is that no one seems to be blaming bush at all. he took huge chunks of cash from the disaster relief / prevention funds. all of the national guard is in iraq so there is no one left to help during a crisis. instead bush asked his buddies with a wink and a nod to not gouge people at the pump, because they haven't been doing that for the last few months, or every summer since the beginning of time.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 1:23:00 PM  

why dont we ever get any normal people posting comments? only religious fucks.
1)god did not create the hurricane, its a result of complex pressure gradients and weather patterns.
2)people take every/any event and use the excuse "god works like this" or "god wanted it".

religious people blame some ficticious character for everything. in my opinion this reflects no accountability in their character. if you argue that innocent people died because of this, i then tell you that I'll never live under a levee, or a muddy hill in cali.

I do happen to have relatives in Biloxi, Miss that no ones heard from yet so to say that i'm unaffected is false.

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 2:19:00 PM  

not to mention that these people with "moral values" are fucking looting and killing people in an outright panic. I even heard that an rescue army helicopter was shot at. the dumbass fuckers are acting like clowns.

By Blogger ron, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 2:22:00 PM  

It is kind of interesting that all the guest posts are from folks that step up to plate for the Lord. Whether or not that's 'normal' is any census-bureau's guess.

I'll take a spiritual stance. If there's an immense positive energy floating about then positive things can spontaniously happen - like the Statue of Liberty walking thru New York City in the late 1980's to the tune of "Your Love....Takes Me Higher." Negative energy means pink slime in our sewers, people. Let's be rational.

By Blogger DJ Booze Piñata, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 4:52:00 PM  

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yeah it's been horrible...i saw footage of cops looting the walmart there. COPS. awesome.

and people ask me why i dont respect teh fuzz. ha!

By Blogger josh, at Thursday, September 01, 2005 11:31:00 AM  

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