The Workermonkey


Friday, September 02, 2005

You know what... FUCK OFF 

i'm sick of all these fucking religous retards attacking our right and proper science and logic. they're all sick, everyone of them. most of them have either cherry picked the parts of religion they feel like following or have distorted the actual meaning of anything jesus taught to the point of skewing the point altogeather. what ever happened to tolerance? or love thy neighbor? na, its bomb that fuck before he steals our oil. religon teaches intolerance and fear. it's the worlds greatest public control divice, because it can't be questioned.

don't understand why you have to give 10% of your earnings to the church? have faith. don't like the fact your state is under 6 feet of water? have faith, jesus loves you. he loves you so much he decided to flood your city so that yacht you wanted would float its way into your back yard. but have faith, the lord will provide for you. he will provide you with enough lies to vote for a guy who would rather see you die from starvation and lack of clean water rather than listen to the army corp of engineers who have been working on those levees and water pumps for 40 years. good old GW has so much faith in those barely working pumps that he cut thier funding compleatly so we can bomb the hell out of an innocent country and make rich people richer.

our high and mighty president has all the faith in the world and look what it got him? war, famine, chaos and anarchy in N.O. i have a hard time feeling bad for people who are dumb enough to try and sit tight through a hurricane and then suddenly find thier house under water when they live below sea level. the south is suposed to be this great and wonderful religous place where everyone loves jesus but they'll fight you to the death over wether or you should be protistant or babtist. but look what happens when things get a little crazy, they shoot hospitals, helicopters and create gangs and attack the police. even some of the police have turn against themselves. the hipocrisy of these people is astounding

you're all insane. everyone i've ever met in my life that really follows this stuff is creepy or just plain difficult to be around. they teach tolerance and peace, but are the first ones to go to war for thier "honor" or would rather change the laws so that you and i can't be a hethen.

what? i'm getting it all wrong you say? maybe i can't damn all religion by the actions of a few "extremists". what about the good people? you mean like the priests who rape little boys and then get transfered so they can do it all over again. no don't look at them. how about the vatican, the holyest place on earth. its only the worlds richest corporation, yet they use that money to speard desease and pestelence by fighting birth control and promoting poor food starved people to breed like rats. i'm sure that helps everyone.

i'd just like to give a big fat hairy FUCK YOU to anyone stumbling across this website who thinks they can change anyone of our opinions by spewing baseless facts, ignorant retoric and mindless religous bullshit. stop standing in the way of progress and go dry hump your bible. or nephew, what ever kind of religion you prefer, just keep that stupid shit away from me.

PS: if anyone ever tries to prove the existense of god or the legitimacy of the bible by quoting from it, i'll personally come over to your house, rip your fucking eyes out and skull fuck you infront of your nice old baptist grandma. then i'll fill you house with gay porn and light it on fire so all your friends think you were a pervert, thus giving religion a bad name once again.

if you want to be nice to people, why do you need religion?


Umm....yeah....anyways, I think Matt's clinched the "Violent Outburst" award for the day.

Personally, I think I'd have to strain pretty hard to blame religion for a misfit shooting a helicopter. Much less the war (well, religion's sorta involved there, but not on our side.) Then again, I hear sweeping generalizations are like "the new pink" this year.
These religios coming here don't have bad intentions, but it's probably good they know they're running into a wall when it comes to laying down the logic.

By Blogger DJ Booze PiƱata, at Friday, September 02, 2005 5:07:00 PM  

attaboy matt! both matts!

hercules! hercules! hercules!

By Blogger josh, at Friday, September 02, 2005 7:06:00 PM  

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