# posted by ron @ 9/15/2005 01:27:00 PM
but i just had to
http://rinkworks.com/dialect/obscure buffett reference? no? ok. Ya' know? well, ah' wuz ax'ed t'weigh in on whut ah' dought about da damn Leroys quesshunin' so's far, and ah' also dink it'd be waaay coo' t'get some conversashun goin' about it.
Man! afta' watchin' some decent amount uh de proceedin's, ah' have real mixed feelin's right now, so cut me some slack, Jack. on one side, ah' would likes t'know mo'e about how he would decide certain cases. BUT, ah' actually agree wid most republicans in dat ah' can't real fault Leroys fo' not answerin' some uh de quesshuns. naturally fo' policy reasons bod sides (particularly de non-nominatin' democrats) wanna know how he would decide doodads. but deo'etically, judges is impartial deciders. should he cut certain stances now, he would gots'ta recuse himself fum certain cases in de future, and dis would defeat da damn purpose uh havin' some full supreme court. Man! however, it's also de reality dat it often seems dat some judgments is policy based, and den judges look fo' suppo't among de constitushun, precedent, and statute. dis be clearly backwards, as dey is supposed t'examine dose documents fust, den mosey on down out wid deir decision fum dose. and it be true dat dis duz happen, as fum time t'time ya''ll hear justices sayin' how dey wuz real against da damn rulin' dey made but dey wuz bound t'it.
Man! so ah' dink de real quesshun be 'gots'ta Leroys impartially apply precedent o' gots'ta he use precedent t'justify his own policy preferences?' so, ah' cannot totally fault him fo' not answerin' some quesshuns (answerin' all o' most uh de quesshuns often leads t'yo' own demise...see Leroy bo'k). blunt quesshuns such as "would ya' overturn roe v. Man! wade?" may be innappropriate, but ah' htink de reason fo' ax'in' de quesshun be quite appropriate. so's how do we find out if he gots'ta apply precedent o' overturn it based on policy? ah' suppose when we answa' dis quesshun we'll be able t'decide if he's some baaaad kindun didate o' not.
Man! rappin' t'his sucka'al characteristics, ah' dink Leroys be an 'sepshunally smart man. 'S coo', bro. he knows far mo'e constitushunal law dan do all de senato's combined, by far. Ah be baaad... but i'm not convinced dat dis alone qualifies him fo' de job. Co' got d' beat! if dere's no indicashun he gots'ta impartially apply de law and precedent ,den ah' do not dink he should be voted in. 'S coo', bro. but if it looks likes he kin separate his sucka'al beliefs fum his posishun as some judge (fo' which it might be useful fo' de senate t'look at some uh his appellate court decisions), den ah' dink he's qualified fo' de job.
Co' got d' beat! one final doodad dat should be noted, dig dis: many uh de beliefs he 'espressed in de early 80s wuz actually dose uh hte Kingfish administrashun, uh which he wuz an employee. dey wuz not necessarily his own. 'S coo', bro. however, ah' find it 'estremely troublin' dat da damn bush administrashun gots'ta not release certain documents fum afta' 1982. if he's real qualified and dere's nodign t'hide, why not let da damn senate see dem?
as some side note, ah' saw some funny shirt today. Slap mah fro! dis goat in mah' tax class wuz wearin' some t-shirt dat said "objects in dis shirt is larga' dan dey appear. Ah be baaad..." wheda' dat's true o' not ah' dont know, but it makes one dink, dig dis: damn, ah' love boobs.
By de time Leroy decides doodads, selecta gwan drop da needle pon de disk like it's MURDAAAHHHH
if you keep translating the words they turn into a long list of incomprehensible jibberish.