# posted by josh @ 9/17/2005 09:03:00 PM
and no i'm not talking about your mom. my dad's down here for the weekend cuz he was in baltimore for business this week and it's a quick trip up from there. we got some good golf in today, despite the fact that the meteorologists predicted rain from thursday all the way thru saturday (it should be known that it rained none of these days, and only briefly friday night. meteorology is so ridiculous. meteorologists get paid for bullshitting. maybe i should've done that). i shot an 83, then a 43 on the third 9. i'm getting there.
next week on thurs we have a mini golf tourney against dickinson students and our faculty (maybe dickinson faculty too). word on the street is there's prizes. should be sweet. but it got me thinking. we should have more of these competitions. make it an all day event. include lots of sports. and they should serve beer. and maybe at the end we can make it all high schoolish (since law school is kinda like high school anyway) and have a dance that night. god knows dickinson chicks have to be better as a whole than law chicks. and maybe the competition could even include some sort of drinkign competition. the law school would hold its own. alcoholism is a huge problem in our profession. besides, with sporting events its not whether you win or lose, but it's how drunk you get. or in the case of a drinking competition, it's both.