# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 8/06/2008 05:24:00 PM
so i made it back in one piece last night. ron/brians whereabouts still unknown. trip was a success. there was a ton of stuff to talk about at all the locations i hit but i'll try to summarize it.
quote of the con "G.I. Joe just grabbed my ass!" (amanda) right after this pic:

i focused a little more on the panels this year at the con so most people will have no idea what i'm talking about. the creative legends panel was awesome and grant morrison is stranger then i thought. mike mignola (hellboy) was amazing and really down to earth. Jim lee kicks ass and robert kirkman is super cool, even if no one recognises him. (this was the resaon i was able to talk to him AT the image signing table, no one knows what he looks like). this happens every year, people don't recognise famous writers and artists because they only know them from thier work, or they are there for the movie/tv people. many comic people are much more approachable then you'd think.
the Heroes panel was cool, they showed the entire first episode from next season. brendan fraiser was coked out of his gord at his panel, bug eyed , sniffeling and incoherent rambeling.

funny stuff. there was this kid at the terminator panel who asked his question in an arnold accent that made the entire place laugh and then he had his 15 minutes of fame on stage when the director brought him up and told him to keep talking like that. he made a hilarious speach and when he finally broke character it was one of the funniest things i'd ever seen.
the floor was once again so packed on saturday it was impossible to move anywhere. so we spent the whole day in hall H, the big panel room. i dragged amanda along the first day and she had so much fun she wanted to go all three days (i skip sunday, or kids day) and now wants to go back next year. anyone who thinks this thing is just for comics or nerds hasn't been there and should go at some point, even if just to experience it once.
i got to meet matt groening who was just hanging around the bongo comics booth who had simpson stuff everywhere. a ton more happened, but i dont care t o write about it, there were many other things i did on this vacation.
legoland. damn it we're not young enough to go on any of the rides. fuck.

we hit the San Diego zoo and the museum of natural history followed by drinking in the gas lamp distric and a padres game.the next day it was wine country time. good shit.oh yeah, and you might have heard, there was an earthquake while we were out there. unfortunatly we were in the car and didn't really feel it. nuts. the next day it was off to the woods for ron and I, but not before another quick trip to wine country to hit the places we missed.camped in Idyll wild at a state park in the center of "town", got drunk off margaritas and cheap tacos. after that is was the hike of a life time to the top of Mt. Jancinto, 6 miles up hill, follwed by the same 6 miles back. about 7 hours total and a mile vertically. holy ball sac was i hurt. it was high enough in elevation that we couldn't breath right at the top.

cool shit at the top, take that you fucking mountain. the next day it was a drive throuhg joshua tree national park where we could see the mountain we had just concured

then it was vegas time. a bunch of cool shit here too but i'm tired of typing. maybe ron can pick it up here as this is were brian comes into the picture a little, or a little blurry, i don't really remember seeing him. we met amanda in LV and her and I did a bunch of stuff on our own, like the hoover dam and blueman group. it was a ton of fun. a long two weeks but totally worth it. i think i'll do comicon again next year but i'll try to limit to a week at best. fuck yeah.
Cool Daddy-O!
we should talk before you go next year