Thursday, September 30, 2010
Coffee break
# posted by Brancibeer @ 9/30/2010 10:41:00 AM
I'm getting married in 10 days. So that's cool, and some of you guys are already married so whats the big deal right? The experience of planning the wedding was/ is quite...well...an experience. Nothing like having an event constantly on your mind for 10 months. Advice: Don't have a wedding, or plan it within a month. Seriously. I'm sure it will be great and fun and everything, but right now it's not worth all the stress and work. Of course if we were rich, things would be eaiser. We could just pay for people to do everything for us. Instead we are doing mostly everything by ourselves and with the help of friends or close contacts. Which is cool. But christ, I coordinate things for my job all day. I'm tired of coordinating all the time. Atleast I'm good at it though. Speaking of jobs, Kim hates hers. And its not the actual work, that could be good. It's the fucked up people above and around her. That place is fucked up. Makes me apprecieate progressive and fair leadership and cooperative work environments. To "help" us with the wedding, my future father-in-law decided to come stay with us for 2 weeks before. JFC. Talking about building stress on top of stress. Luckily we kicked him out into an extended stay. But we still have to spend time with him every couple of days or so. And on top of that, our frikkin cats just cant seem to get along. One of them peed on our bed. Tim, I can't image dealing wtih kids. Ever. Not on top of all this. So Kolpak mailed me $60 in a card for our wedding/ egagement. Which was super nice and awesome. However, he has not paid me for fantasy football. So I'll probably end up taking the $10 out of the $60. Whatever, classic Kolpak. SOB. See his kid yet? Looks like a smiley Kolpak. Pretty cute. Remember parties at Kolpaks pool? I was reminded of it because my neighbors kid was throwing parites all week when his parents were away. Sweet pool in the back. I almost called the cops a couple times, but held off. I kept thinking that could be me back there having an awesome time. Hell, I could even be in a drinking contest with Jessie and Ron for the most beers. (18's my reoord.) Those parties are where my best memories were made, let em go. Damon better not win our league. Matt, your team sucks.
Here is the best advice ever:
Keep your eye on the prize.
We say that alot around here because life is chaotic and its easy to get lost in a moment and lose your head.
Animal piss happens. Sweetpea pee'd in the bed at least three times after we brought the baby home (while we were in it sleeping). Some kind "how dare you create change in my universe" deal that animals go through. I wish I could tell you how to make it go away.
Kids are easier than most parents would let on. 1) Hormones take over your brain and change you. 2) They are pretty darn cute. Wedding planning is harder because its optional. Get through this and you'll know you're in good shape.
In Laws. What is that guy thinking. He must know he is making it harder for you two. Maybe thats his plan. Trial by fire. That too will pass.
Keep your eye on the prize.
Tim is totally right about changes in the brain when u have kids, i had never changed a diaper in my life, thought it was totally gross. Now if i even think my kid crapped, i stick my nose in there and check it out. All i can think is, "my kid's got crap on him, i gotta get it off... got to get it off!"
And its amazing how women have such terrible pregnancies and births and recoveries and then about a month after the baby is born they say to u, "u know i really want another," and u look at them like they have three heads and all u can think is, "DONT U REMEMBER THE LAST F*ING YEAR!" (Baby-Brain Wipe: All of a sudden it "wasn't that bad")
All of u people with pets are crazy! The added work, extra expenses, lack of vacations, the ugly smells, dirty house and hoping they dont attack u or a neighbor. I dont get it. Never really thought about it, but maybe its a psychological problem we have here in America, smaller families and more spread out means fewer people love us on a day to day basis, so we get a pet and at least we got one thing in our lives that we know loves us, wonder if anyone has done a study on that...
For missing the draft i think i got a sweet team, if i had just benched DeAngelo Williams the last two games i would be 3-0, damn the pass happy panthers, what are they thinking.
Anyone here from Tino lately, hows he doing?
Monday, September 27, 2010
Full Weekend Report
# posted by wyldshaman @ 9/27/2010 10:28:00 AM
Ok, after ur guys first full weekend of CIV:V, i want the full report. Highs lows and in betweens.... A few of my questions; How was multiplayer? Is it really clicky, i mean u got to click the mouse alot or is it a little more streamlined? Is it alot slower the Civ4, i thought civ4 was slow, slow like Europa? For some reason my cd drives on my computer have disappeared and dont work, so it could be awhile before i actually get to play at home.
Multiplayer is good. I think i enjoy it more than 1P b/c we can strategize
Its clicky. Since there are no unit stacks, unit movement is click happy, the rest isnt too bad. Overall, its slower than Civ4, but there are less techs and that means every turn counts more. Good News! You can download Civ5, thats how I did it.
Highs: Pretty graphics, hexes, toned down wonders, revamped social policies, unit movement requires a lot of forethought
Lows Buggy, no hot seat, unit movement requires a lot of forthought.
When u say slower do u mean in game time moves slowly, i hated it before when u get to a new tech level and in a few turns its basically outdated, or do u mean the game just takes long time but its basically like before.
How u like the new social policies part of the game? But no religion...
I'd say its more balanced in that regard. B/c there are fewer techs and they are farther apart, you get more time with any particular unit. The units are now more balanced too. B/c units don't auto die if they lose combat, they stick around alot longer too.
It feels like a longer game, i think on normal speed its 400+ turns, but each turn takes a little more thought than before. Unit movement can eat some time too.
No religion, but if you look in the source code its there. Its like they were planning or are planning to include it.
The social policies are a big improvement.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
You try to do the right thing...
# posted by wyldshaman @ 9/23/2010 01:52:00 PM
You try to do the right things(ok maybe not always), especially when it comes to your kids, now im not saying im the perfect parent by any stretch of the imagination. But, when it comes to my baby i try not to cut corners, i want to give him the best i can. So when it came to choosing a formula to feed him, i wanted the best, cost was not a factor, I just wanted the best for my little man. So today i find out that the top shelf Similac that i feed my kid is being recalled. Apparently a bunch of beetles(cockroaches im sure) got into the factory and started having a ball, eating up the formula, banging and making their own babies... and on and on. I guess this went on awhile(weeks as it sounds), until someone noticed something was up in the packages. So they closed the factory and recalled the containers, but their website crashed so no one can find out if their containers are part of the recall and the phones are jammed. Glad my kid just supplements with formula at night, but i feel for any mother that feeds their kid only Similac and cant run to the store and pick up a new brand, how would like to answer this question: should i give my kid the bug food or let him cry because he is hungry.... Thats piss poor.... and im Mad!
Obviously the problem is too much regulation of the industry. Fucking Republicans!
is it seriously just bugs in the factory? whats the big deal? how clean do you think baby food really is?
i wouldn't be too concerned. i can understand looking out for hte kids and all but i'm this isn't full on crisis mode either. it'll be contained to a certain amount of lot numbers and hopefully they'll all have been sold in the mid west. and everyones happy.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Launch day: it's here, it's finally here!!!!!
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 9/21/2010 10:51:00 PM
Civilization V finally hit stores today. I had planned on going to the grumble mall during my lnch hour because there are three stores there that should be carrying he special edition I sought. The first guy just straight up told me he didn't order one at all. The first thing the second guy said was "what do you want that for?". He bad no desire to sell me any thing. Target hadn't even gotten heir truck yet! I ended up looking up what was left at best buys on my phone. Closest store that had one left was on rt 1 in orange. Ugh. I went back to work for about an hour until I freaked out and came up with a half ass excuse to go visit a supplier "on the way" to orange. At least I was able to listen to the sound track for the game for about an hour befor I got home.
The game is sweet. I like all the improvements so far, the game is much slower but still awesome. I love the hexes, the graphics are pushing the limits of my rig which is concernig, it's four years old but still rock solid. It is time for an upgrade though, well see.
4025 Points, Cultural Victory, Chieftan, French, Small Continents
8:43P 9.23.10
Now its time for multiplayer!
4101 Points, domination, cheiftan, americans, small, continents
9:27pm 9-23-10
You son of a bitch. Its on like donkey kong now.
Unfortunetly, my laptop can't handle the late game on standard, so im confined to small maps until i upgrade.
What's the big deal? Isn't it just the same game recycled with better graphics and a few new gimmicks? On that note, I can't wait for Madden 11 to come out!
If it were only that easy. They took a radical departure from the last installment of the series on several fundemental points. Yes, they did pepper in a few gimmicks. Yes, they did recycle some older ideas.
Great game. I can tell I will be giving up a few days of my life to this one.
when you say days, you really mean months correct? one of hte worst parts of WoW was that it riminded you of howmany days and hours you'd played total on a character. i'm not going to state what my overall play time was with that, its embarrassing.
Monday, September 20, 2010
C'mon, c'mon, c'mooooooooooooooun
# posted by NoBrainRequired @ 9/20/2010 06:37:00 PM
I can't take the waiting. Finished the book Matt gave me in two days (World War Z). It was just excellent but didn't kill enough time. I would highly highly recommend the book. Time dialation, worse than LSD. Thats what it feels like. I'm only posting to keep my fingers busy. I keep drinking, but its not working, my alcohol time machine is broken (I guess thats better than going backwords by accident). I don't know what else to do. I keep clicking the icon but steam won't let me pass. Stupid steam. How can they let you download a game but then make you wait a week to play it. Madness. To make things worse, stupid ohio has this new stupid law on its books and I have to comply with it if I want to do business in their state. So now, when I had ear marked that time on my outlook calendar with fake meetings with non-existant people, I have to cancel them, and not taste the sweet fruit of progress and instead meet with lawyers (yeah, like they have short conversations ever) and sales people (the only people who are more long winded than lawyers) and hope they don't hear my frantic clicking, moaning, and occassional zippering (yeah you heard that, that was my zipper dude, do you really want to know?). I was hoping to get a 6 hr lead on Matt. Now I have deliverables to handle. Stupid job. I should just quit. The job market is good right now, right? Pipe dream, you know I'll eat it tomorrow because I got to put food on the table. Stupid job. Stupid Steam. Stupid Ohio laws. Stupid ducks wearing pants. MMMMM...frankenfish. Sounds good. People are crazy. I just don't know who's worse. The idiots that are worried about a little monkeying with the genetic code or the the idiots that think its okay to monkey with the genetic code. In a decade, those gen-salmon will be our slave master overlords. Whats next, genetically modified corn? Impossible, nothing could improve corn, except possibly Vishnu (the jury is out until Vishnu emails me back). Ok, I'm back, sorry about that. I had to read bed time stories to Addy. The kid loves books. Here is some free parenting advice. Reading to your kids calms them and helps them sleep. She's a good kid but has buckets of energy. Reading helps. The dog on the otherhand is very very lazy. That Tosh.O show is funny. Didnt like it at first, but now it makes me laugh. Kinda like Sunny in Philadelphia. What else I got. Hmmmm. This whole exercise will be a failure unless I can keep typing until 10am. Matt, you got anything? No. Hmmmm. So did you hear the Wolfpack are renaming to the Whale. We're one step close to having a real hockey team here. Probably happen the next time the Redsox win a series. Coincedentally, that will happen 16 years after haleys comet comes back thru, so we'll all be dead. Except maybe Ron, who we all know is indestructible (is he a cyborg? think about it). Lets see, what else. I find Branci's tag line "You're going down like your sister on nickel night" to be very amusing but shouldn't he be the last one to bring up sisters in this group. I'd say we got more sister ammo on him than any one else. I'm not going to sink to that level, I'm just pointing out the irony (is it ironic? not sure I'll check the dictionary after I post this). Notably, we all have sisters and so maybe we should just call it even because they are all such wonderful people. Okay, back in two minutes the dog wants to be let out. My plan for the zombie apocalypse is to stay put. Here in coventry, I'm wedged between to major metropolitan areas. This is definitly going to be in the exclusion (the area completely abondoned by whats left of the govt and left to fend for itself) zone. Plus with two very young children, extensive foot travel is just too dangerous. I'll just secure the homestead as much as possible and we'll live in the attic like ann frank. As the mortality rates rise, foraging should become easier in the near term. Winter will be tough, but I have a woodstove and a gun. Here is the theoligical question of the week: If a zombie bites you, and your about to become a zombie, if you blow your brains out with a gun so you don't become one-does that count as suicide? Do you go to hell? What if don't do it and it would mean your family would be killed by you? Would not splattering your own brains be murder of your family? I doubt the pope will ever weigh in on that one. Still, sharpen your shovels and stockpile your ammo. I stockpile lots of things. Matt will back me up on this. I'm a firm believer in an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Especially if replace prevention with p*****y and cure with c*****k. Seriously, I've got guides to edible plants, I've got potatoes planted in the woodline, I've got something to make that hour before the asteroid hits be as long and happy as possible. I've got shit that you would never even think about (The decision to eat the family dog is never an easy one and shouldn't be taken lightly). Maybe I'm crazy. I don't put money into anything I wouldnt be better off with anyways (like the panels). Hey, everyday I have to walk this dog a mile around the neighborhood. Might as well use that time to find every food source and vunrable snior possible. Might point is, don't get caught with your pants down. Don't panic. Have a plan. Its very possible that staying put is best plan. Maybe you live in an apartment in the city. Then you should know where your headed (stay off the main roads), you'll be on foot so make sure you know the way and can travel light. Assume that you'll be doing it in the dark without any map or tech. Remember that crowds (herds) are a double edge sword. Most people are dumb as nails but not nearly as stable. You could come here. My home is open to this small crowd. A few extra young adults males only increases my fire power. Now if you all show up at my door, it might get tough, but its the warmth to food ratio. It takes the same amount of burn to warm 10 people as it does 4 people. Every body not on firewood duty gets guard or food duty. As long we can eat, we're okay. Fresh water might be tough, thats my one concern. It takes a community to produce water at this elevation. Wells are not easy and will pass thru septic tanks. The community well requires electricy. There is a whole lot 'ifs' and 'hows' in the water equation. I love my family, I don't want to get into the lengths I would go to get water. okay, 7:58, thats a full hour gone. maybe a more positive topic. I love Civ. God dammit. now its all I can think about. Stupid steam. Stupid slow moving time. Stupid OH laws. I wish I had a time machine or a hobbit size freezer. AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how drunk are you at 6:30 pm? so much to comment on here. are you really not going to be able to play early?!?!?muAHAHAHAHA!!!!! i saw today that Kmart is giving a 20$ coupon with the regular edition this week.
read a review today that said Civ V was perfection. it made my dick move a little. is that wrong? it felt right. i'm currently clearing space on my hard drive for it. i actually just canceled my WoW account as well. that wasn't easy for me...(snif)
i loved that part in the book about the priests becoming the death squads. i say its still a sin, even if you're bit and haven't changed yet.
i'll eventually make my way to your house during the zombie apocalypse from where i'm living now. it's almost on the way but it'll take a few days to get there. its a little scary how prepared he's going to be. i'm starting to get worried about all the books on what you can eat in your yard that are piling up around the house. are you fattening sweetpea up on purpose? would she be safer with me? what's around you for industrial buildings? i have a feeling we're going to be able to find a treasure trove of useful stuff in abandoned factories and industrial businesses.
Double AAAAARRRRRGGGG.... I'm gonna manage tomorrow. I'm good at what I do, I think i can delay the conferance calls until after lunch. That gives me 2hrs. Then I have total work blackout until 3. Then I can go back to Civ. 7pm, me and you play our first MP game.
Pretty drunk at 6:30. Even drunmker at 8pm. 930 seemed to wane on me so I slammed 2 more. I will sleep tonight!
Tough thing is I have a deliverable, so I have to fly dry. Plus, you know hurricane Addy hits the shore at 630 every morning, thats 3.5hrs of just waiting
coffee should be able to handle that. i'm going to try and bail a little early from work, maybe 4:30 if i can. i think i can pick up the game at lunch and that might save a little time. of course i'm just going to drive myself crazy knowing the game is in the car waiting for me. son of a bitch...
deliverables my ass. i stayed til 6:30 to get mine out of the way tonight so i would have my shit together for tomorrow.
alcohol time machine was a good choice.
Matt, the time machine isnt working. Goddammit, i can;t remmember what doc brown told us.
9 deep. Nothing. Drunk yes. Tired no.
Its broken man. I'm not gonna make. You'll be digging another 3 ft tomoroow to put my body.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Business titties!
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 9/16/2010 11:50:00 PM
So after a long successful day being a business professional, fighting off bribes from a local so I wouldn't send him a corrective action in the future, what better way to celebrate than by having the guy sneak a 100$ bill to the waiter then leaving for an unknown "thing" that had to get done. We ended up having a great meal we weren't expecting, then withthe left over 30 bucks, straight to the titty bar. Business titties. Dr k, I didn't buy lunch this week so that 40$ went to a poor single mother just trying to make ends meet by providing a little company to a stranger. As Tucker max once said, I hope they serve beer in hell. I basically had a good night at the tittie bar, in a distant town, for free. Thank you mental health softball. Thank you slimmy business guy, tonight was a lot of fun.
Business travel is awesome. You get to see cool places, meet interesting people, learn a new way of doing stuff, have some fun, and oh yeah, do a lot of work. And I really hope they serve beer in hell.
PS: I now have to be on a plane in 7 hours. Sleep is only an option
Yes, that town is known for good strip bars.
Monday, September 13, 2010
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 9/13/2010 08:06:00 PM
oops. i spent Saturday in the sun umpiring softball games for Kolpak's mental health league. the picture is from Saturday night after i'd spent 6 hours in the sun. its not that bad today but i'm still a little burned. yesterday sucked though and i essentially had a thick layer of cream on my face all day. so far no pealing and i'm not sick yet. so its a push right now. is a hilarious picture worth 3 days of minor pain? i think so.
the games were a lot of fun. i only made one umpiring mistake over a game and a half. i botched the infield fly rule and i let the douche bag coach for the other team have that one. he was arguing balls and strikes in a friendly slow pitch softball game. he was also trying to defend his pitcher for trying to throw curve balls. his scum bag buddy also intentionally dropped a ball on the pitchers mound to get a guy out. there were a few close calls on fly balls and no one got hurt which was good. over all i did a pretty good job and should be the alternate for next years tournament too.
Sure, you got time to blog but not help me finish off mansa musa. I see how it is, jerkass.
Ouch is right. It's called sunscreen stupid. You northerners...
Look here, jonny reb, its also called 'sexified'. He got his bronze on and now he better looking than ever. Go get 'em tiger!
I liked hearing about the thick layer of cream on ur face MM
Tim, you really need to stop posting as anonymous, that last one is kind of creepy.
I had a little sun screen on but it wasn't enough. You should see what all the players looked like. Remember, they aren't capable of moving though every day life on their own, let alone remembering sun screen.
Damn right I was sexified a healthy nuclear orange is what the ladies love
Hey Dumbass, 'MM' is Mr Magu not me.
i'm sorry, half cocked and dreaming of strippers i happened to miss the MM. my bad.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
is that all you got?
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 9/11/2010 12:15:00 AM
 One game in your hall of fame? thats it? please tell me i'm missing something here. i think i'm still on the original install of this game so these may be stats from day one.
ya, i know it seems lame, but i did it on mo's laptop. My HOF on the other computer is not that steller either.
Still. Diety victory. Let me know when you can boast that.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Hey Matt, Suck on this!
# posted by NoBrainRequired @ 9/10/2010 10:10:00 AM
ok so its hard to read. Victory on Diety
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Well that didn't work (and other musings)
# posted by NoBrainRequired @ 9/09/2010 09:07:00 AM
Well, me and Matt got our Civ asses handed to us last night. A combination of bad starting spot (penned in and lots of jungle) and poor choice to invade my neighbor early (we had him beat but another neighbor went to war with us and pulled my attention away before I could finish him off.). Oh well. Tonight is another night! On a seperate note, Matt and Jesse are both fired! Their attachment to reality and insistance on pragmatism have no place in my company. I'll never get this off the ground with them out of the picture. I thought long and hard on this, and I saw the trajectory my life was taking. I could either stay where I am, in a comfortable job that I'm good at and pays well. Or I could follow my dreams and start a business in an industry I know nothing about, with no capital, a small and shrinking market and almost certainly no chance to succeed. I mean really, why should I keep barely working for large sums of money, from my home, in my pajamas, probably retire early and provide a modest but comfortable life for my family? I'd much rather work like an animal at something I can't succeed at and die of a stress related heart-attack in my early 50's. (At least I won't be taking my friends with me.) So let me introduce to you, for the first time ever (and probably the last)... Certain Failure ProductionsWe're going to make and sell board games. I can't think of a faster shrinking market with almost no potential. I already have a few good ideas of my own (plus one I'm stealing from Jesse). Just don't ask Matt or Jesse about this, they'll want to about production and testing (blah blah blah) and capital requirements, legal matters ect. If you've read this far, obviously you have very little going on in your life and might be interested in one my intern positions. Fantasy Football. Well, enjoy my money you bastards. I don't stand a chance this year. I should have auto drafted. Every time I auto draft I end up in the top three. First game is tonight and I'm not sure who my match is but I'm going there next (after I'm done ranting). Uconn Football. First home game is saturday, and so the tailgating gear needs to be cleaned up and prepped. With a pregnant wife (again) in the middle of football season means the cold weather games might open up for any takers. You know we played Michegan last weekend and got beat ( I think that was expected, the two propgrams are worlds apart). Still, its not about who wins or loses, its about how good you tailgate. Brians Wedding. Good luck buddy. Marriage is like a pact with the devil. You go into it thinking you might end up on top, but you end up condemned to life time of hard labour. Oh, and just wait until you have kids. Good grief. You know some where in the bible is this thing about being unable to serve two masters, but that is exactly what being a parent is like. Talk about getting pulled in 15 different directions all the time. Its almost impossible to maintain your sanity. You stop seeing your friends. You have no money and you can't go anywhere even if you did. To top it all off, once that kid goes to sleep, you know your spouse will have things for you to do. Somedays, a heart attack in your 50's feels sounds like a solid exit strategy...
Well you started out sensibily enough. Drew Bree's was probably a smart first pick. But it all went downhill after your second pick of Wes Welker. But this is football and anything can happen, so what do I know.
And thanks for the advice...if it's advice. I'm looking forward to the wedding planning to be over so I can get back to what's important. Like spending my weekends watching football and playing more video games.
"If you've read this far, obviously you have very little going on in your life and might be interested in one my intern positions."
well, that made me sad. i got there and beyond. i guess i need an internship?
fantasy football is going to be fun this year, but i'm thinking i might have been better off autodrafting too. then i probably wouldn't have gotten a guy who doesnt have a contract yet.
Maybe you could help. I'm trying to become to big to fail. How big does a 1 man company need to be? When the feds say cook the books do they mean something like that nut in florida (not brian, the other guy, the with side burns, you know who I'm talking about, 15 minutes of fame, that guy)? I could do that. Not the koran though, don't have any. Think burning some copies of my college books I couldnt return would work?