# posted by wyldshaman @ 9/27/2010 10:28:00 AM
Ok, after ur guys first full weekend of CIV:V, i want the full report.
Highs lows and in betweens....
A few of my questions;
How was multiplayer?
Is it really clicky, i mean u got to click the mouse alot or is it a little more streamlined?
Is it alot slower the Civ4, i thought civ4 was slow, slow like Europa?
For some reason my cd drives on my computer have disappeared and dont work, so it could be awhile before i actually get to play at home.
Multiplayer is good. I think i enjoy it more than 1P b/c we can strategize
Its clicky. Since there are no unit stacks, unit movement is click happy, the rest isnt too bad.
Overall, its slower than Civ4, but there are less techs and that means every turn counts more.
Good News! You can download Civ5, thats how I did it.
Pretty graphics, hexes, toned down wonders, revamped social policies, unit movement requires a lot of forethought
Buggy, no hot seat, unit movement requires a lot of forthought.
When u say slower do u mean in game time moves slowly, i hated it before when u get to a new tech level and in a few turns its basically outdated, or do u mean the game just takes long time but its basically like before.
How u like the new social policies part of the game? But no religion...
I'd say its more balanced in that regard. B/c there are fewer techs and they are farther apart, you get more time with any particular unit. The units are now more balanced too. B/c units don't auto die if they lose combat, they stick around alot longer too.
It feels like a longer game, i think on normal speed its 400+ turns, but each turn takes a little more thought than before. Unit movement can eat some time too.
No religion, but if you look in the source code its there. Its like they were planning or are planning to include it.
The social policies are a big improvement.