Monday, August 31, 2009
Still in shock: Disney buys Marvel!
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 8/31/2009 06:52:00 PM
wow. um, awesome. didn't see that coming. as much as i fear the disnification of marvel, i'm all for this. i can't wait to see captain america on ESPN, and a new marvel theme park at disney, and more movies and tv shows and more awesomeness out of marvel now that they have disney money behind them. fuck yeah. the possibilities are endless.
as much as i want to nerd out over this, the business side of it takes just as much importance. marvel has been building their own brand and struggeling to get finacing for thier movies and pay for animation and so on. now they have Disney money to do all that. Marvel has a ton of liscenecd products right now that will slow the merger. spiderman and xmen movie rights are owned by others so that won't be touched for awhile, paramount still has distribution rights to the next 4-5 marvel films, universal still has domestic theme park rights for a majority of the marvel characters, there are a ton of licensed goods out there from underwear to yogurt. these all need to expire. nuts. maybe the hulk will be in the next kingdom hearts game. is disney going to let them do the darker stuff? what happens to the creator owned properties at Icon, like Powers?
Oh thank god your alive! You'd been quiet so long, I thought for sure you'd either kicked the bucket or gone to prison.
Good to have you back.
speaking of prison. Did you buy that house?
don't know yet, still haven't heard back on the offer, this is getter rediculous.
how often do you refresh this? wow
Did you ever buy Marvel stock?
And who the F- is Gundam?
I check the blog every 15 minutes or so. If some one doesnt post at least once a week, I always assume the worst.
Yeah, buying a house is ridiculous.
inever did buy marvel stock, right now i wish i had gone broke doing so. i was waiting for it to go below i think it was 20$ at the time, it never did and now its over 50.
mobile suit gundamn, landmark anime
Im not a fan of Marvel or Disney... i did like Venom back in the day... but thats it.
Much more into some of the good Image stuff like Spawn or Dark Horse and independent stuff.
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 8/31/2009 06:52:00 PM
Friday, August 28, 2009
God Bless Matt and the crazy shit he leaves on my computer
# posted by NoBrainRequired @ 8/28/2009 06:18:00 PM
And, equally as funny if not more so... A word doc called "i win"
So I'm minding my business, flipping around my dork stuff folder and I find a folder called "Matt's Shit" and it has these things in it and the note.
incidentally, we're tied 2-2 in our competition over who passes out first, which common law dictates as "First to pass out loses"
Reminds me of a competition we used to have at Willi Oaks called something like "Can you hit it". This was not about sex.
hehehe, I WIN!
hey, email me the folder with all this crap, i think i saved it for reason. it was all the crap after the one we went to in hartford.
if you want it, you'll come here and drink your way thru to it. Next week maybe?
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Fantasy Football Discussion
# posted by Brancibeer @ 8/25/2009 05:15:00 PM
Anyone playing? I'm signed up for two leagues and can't wait! So got any advice? How's Vick going to do? Who are your gambles? Is Brady going to pick right back up?
Mo and I are in a league with Burns and some other guys from Uconn. We just did our draft on Saturday. Oddly, my first match is against Mo.
QB Tom Brady WR Randy Moss WR Santana Moss WR Lance Moore RB Thomas Jones RB LenDale White TE Jason Witten K Adam Vinatieri DEF Baltimore
Pretty good team. How many people in the league? Your RB's are probably your weakest. Hopefully Brady-Moss will be back to 07-08 levels.
10 Total on Yahoo
Here is my bench, pretty mediocre Jay Cutler (Chi - QB) BN Jamal Lewis (Cle - RB) BN John Carlson (Sea - TE) BN Le'Ron McClain (Bal - RB) BN Isaac Bruce (SF - WR) BN Justin Gage (Ten - WR) BN - NYJ Jets (Def)
not a bad team tim. for the first year in a while i dont have any league, but i'm hoping brady and moss pick up where they left off a couple years ago.
My league is doing the draft next thursday night. I'll fill you in on who I pick up.
I'll trade you some RBs in a few weeks Looney.
QB: Peyton Manning RBs: Matt Forte, Chris Johnson, Ronnie Brown, Ray Ride, Knowshon Moreno, Felix Jones, Donald Brown WRs: Colston, Chris Henry, DeSean Jackson, Houshmanzadegdfbhasde3h, Anthony Gonzalez TE: Chris Cooley K: Josh Brown DEF: Packers
Donald Brown?
Brown played for UConn, he's on the Colts.
I am aware of that. What I'm asking is -> Will you trade me donald brown?
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Twilight Imperium And Beyond
# posted by wyldshaman @ 8/23/2009 10:08:00 AM
Because i believe this site has finally evolved into something on a higher state, and I DO hope this is what the blog has become, i plan to utilize it more often. So all you facebook'ers can talk about your mom's there, but here we will get down to the real business... nerd games and comic books! This post is mostly geared toward Matt, as your hard to contact via email. Me and and BonerRager are thinking about getting Twilight Imperium, its a crazy space game. Also, i would like to get the Shattered Empire Expansion, so we dont have to worry about anything, as there was some talk on Amazon about it closing some loop holes in the original game, and i like my holes tight!I checked Amazon and got a "Price For Both: $107.64," which includes shipping. So thats $35 a piece, or we can shop local from the Timemachine and pay a little more, up to you guys? Any discussion of game machanics im cool with, but after reading countless websites, i just know this is the best Galactic Space game out there. One problem, unlike A&A, its 3 person minimum, with a hefty learning curve, the first rulebook is 44 pages... unsure about the expansion, plus a few updates, corrections and options on the website. Oh and Check out this game: Chaos in the Old World, you play a Demon lord and try to take over, wipping the puny humans and trying to defeat the other Demon lords to become the #1 Hellspawn around! Lucky its not out yet, so we dont have to buy it too! PEACE BE WITH YOU ALL
The 107 for both is the best deal around. Time Machine wants 30 for the expansion. Funny, I read the rules to the Chaos game this morning and also thought it looked cool.
Amazon has it for $59 base game and $48 for expansion... so maybe we should split the purchase? Just make sure the expansion is 3rd Edition.
On Conan: Im not that interested, but strangely i like the world of Conan.
On MEQ: Does this game run like a quest, or are we against each other? If its quest style, you and Mo should figure it out and let me and Matt know... if its ffa... well, maybe i will read the damn rulebook.
its quest oriented. Mo and I are about 80% through one game. While there are alot of rules, most apply to Sauron. The hero side focuses more on the card battles.
and, i didnt mean to imply that you needed to read the rule book. it was only provided so you both give it a cursory review and the interest or the time was there, you could review it in greater detail. Almost everything about the game is explained on a card or on the board. Its not a hard game to learn. Its just very involved and requires a lot of strategy on both sides part ( but not nearly to the extent of Axis and Allies). With 2 people the game takes about 2hrs with 3-4 i'd say 3hrs only because of the various 'breaks' and all the convo that goes on. It is a good drinking game.
What do your wives do with all this stimulating evening conversation?
My wife plays with us. She's almost as big a geek as I am.
My wife not so much, but she is into Monopoly and a number of other games...
can we really handle 2 new games? these had better be worth it.
Of course we can.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Its Cool, NOT!
# posted by wyldshaman @ 8/20/2009 05:49:00 PM
So i was listening to this guy at work talk about how cold it was in the arctic this year, and i was thinking, dam...(in June) its been cold here too, maybe there is something to this anti-cooling effect. So i looked into it. The key is one must remember that weather is local... not global, so while we might have had a cool spring in New England, others(such as the very hot weather in CA-LA[southwestern US, 28 day out of 30, 100+]), overall there seems to be a warming of normal temperatures. While it might seem warm today... think about this... "Add to that an unusual weather pattern this summer where the warmest temperatures seem to be just over oceans, while slightly cooler air is concentrated over land, said Deke Arndt, head of climate monitoring at the climate data center." "It's not just the ocean off the Northeast coast that is super-warm this summer. July was the hottest the world's oceans have been in almost 130 years of record-keeping." "The heat is most noticeable near the Arctic, where water temperatures are as much as 10 degrees above average." "This warm water we're seeing doesn't just disappear next year; it'll be around for a long time," said climate scientist Andrew Weaver of the University of Victoria in British Columbia. It takes five times more energy to warm water than land. DANGER! DANGER WILL ROBINSON! Unlike many... what are we calling them these days... Republicans?, here is the website i got this info from. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090820/ap_on_sc/us_sci_warm_oceans
Oh come on! You can prove anything with 'facts'.
Global warming isnt real. WMD's and scary brown terrorists are real.
Its not just warming. The proper term is Global Climate Change.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
I thought this was interesting
# posted by NoBrainRequired @ 8/15/2009 08:20:00 AM
Sounds a little "Eastern" to me, are you going Hindu or something?
Now that I'm black, I'm converting to Islam. Thats practically hinduism, right?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
why I love facebook
# posted by ron @ 8/13/2009 09:30:00 PM
Any fucker can find you Tony sent you a message.
Subject: HI
When you come over Monday to see Murphey and Tino, please leave your new boyfriend at home.
I have small children, and I'd rather not have him rubbing up on them.
along these same lines,Tim Shepard contacted me the same way yesterday.
hahaha awesome. they both contacted me in the past week as well. fucking weird.
Ignore and ignore
"along these same lines" means people we haven't talked to since (and maybe) during elementary or high school, but Tim and Tony are definitely not along the same lines
I agree. I always thought Tim was a good egg. Tony, on the other hand, makes my skin crawl.
I considered Shep but after reviewing his profile, I saw it as a possible liability.
i accepted shep
comic book conventions
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 8/13/2009 07:05:00 PM

A few weeks ago i went to comic con for the third year in a row. i love it, its fun and i love the content. this year it was just more difficult to see it. i've seen a lot of stuff online about how twilight didn't ruin the con, but my 2 hours in a unsuccessful line and subsequent sun burn say otherwise. The Twilight movie hadd a panel this year in the big hall H. its the biggest room at the con and there is always a line. they don't clear room between panels so you can stay all day adn usually after waiting an hour or more in line you feel like staying for more that one hour long panel. i waited 2 hours for the Avatar panel by james cameron because he showed 20 mins of footage from it. i didn't get it because twilight was two hours before the panel. the twilight kids, nearly 2000 of them, camped out over night to get in line for a panel that had three before it. they fillind a line and ruined a day for me because they stayed though to the day into the avatar panel. i didn't get in by a small margin and got a sun burn from standing in noon time sun for two hours.
the second reason i say fuck twilight is because i had to wait an hour and a half for the dexter panel i was then 20 minutes late for. all those stupid twilight kids that had left went straight to the dexter room for the show after dexter. screwed twice by the same fuckers. i spent close to 4 hours in lines on the first day of the con. ugh.
friday was much better. i was able to catch the image comics panel which is always good and the presentations for The 9, Legion, district 9 and the peter jackson/ james cameron panel. all awesome. jackson and cameron are awesome and masters of their craft. it was interesting to hear them talk about move making and the future of movies. their main point was the future is digital and 3D. also, the commercials for district 9 are not awesome enough for how amazing the movie looks. i was able to see about 8 minutes of footage at the panel and it looks great. also that moive 9 coming out about sock puppet looking characters looks good too. Legion, its what would happen if god wanted to cleans the earth again and instead of a flood, he lets the angels go ape-shit on humans. looks interesting.
saturday i spent a bunch of time roaming hte floor and then a ton of time in one room to satisfy my sister for hte weekend. i caught panels for the new remake show V, Trueblood and Fringe. every year there seems to be one or two famous people i come across that tend to be cool shit in real life. this year it was joshua jackson at the fringe panel. also, seth green is little, very little. so is ray park. i almost walked into him without seeing him. that short.
best picture contest ever!
the other thing is celebs who no one is talking to. they either aren't famous anymore or just no one knows thier real name. this year i saw Lou ferigno two days in a row with no people around him. he gave me a dirty look when i took a picture of it. i wish i had a pic of the look, it was priceless. hulk not happy.
Rob liefield was the same, he's a fallen star artist who is still really good, but he said some bad things on message boards and his signing table was a desert wasteland.
sunday i was only there for an hour as we had to go but it was book buying day and it was well worth it. i bought 14 books for 5$, saved myself a ton, ever with the extra cost to pay for the checked luggarge (i went out with 2 bags and came back with 4)). overall it was a good con. well worth the trip. i have more photos, i posted a bunch on facebook and my sister and her friend hether did as well. we took another trip to wine counntry and made our way up to LA. (LA is a shit hole, you're not missing much).
See, what i dont understand is when you talk about "satisfy my sister for hte weekend," why you dont talk to me first!
Ok, so now im a married man and all... but wouldn't a vacation be something... special, different?
Next time you come over, i will hide all the Twilight paraphernalia, because this house is a huge fan!
I hope you got some good shit for me an BoRager to read!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
'42 First Turn Japan
# posted by NoBrainRequired @ 8/11/2009 06:45:00 AM
Matt and Jesse, Lets discuss this, shall we. I think we can all agree Japan's opening move really determines the flow of the game. Do the they put pressure on Russia, England or the USA? Any successes they have ultimately help the Axis powers in the European theatre by forcing the Allies to expend resources in the Pacific. 
Japans SE Pacific Setup.
*Not pictured: British 3 Inf + 1 Fighter on Australia. 1 Inf on New Zealand.
 Japans Central Pacific Setup. *Not Pictured: USA 1 Inf in Alaska.
 Japan's North China Setup. *Note, those are all 3 Inf setups for Russia and Japan on the grey discs
I can provide pictures of any other area if you need it for your decision. Once we have concensus, I will move the pieces, and we'll move onto Russia turn 1.
The Japaneses transport and the Caroline Island fleet, moves to seazone 16. This allows an attack on India next turn and also protects against any American aggression.
All other fleets are move to the South Burma Sea, this facilitates an attack on the the Chinese province of Yunnan(for future reference, it would be helpful if you did not cover up the names of the provinces with the men... i think its Yunnan anyway), while allowing for the fighters in Thailand and Formosa to land on the Carrier.
Move all forces in Burma and Thailand into Yunnan, along with Bomber support from Japan. Destroying the Flying Tigers is critical and basically negates China from the game as their infantry even in mass only attack on a 1.
This move also leaves vulnerable Burma and the East Indies, daring the British player to spread his India defense forces thin, possibly facilitating a crushing Japanese takeover of South Asia.
In addition, the take over of Yunnan allows for the back dooring of Russia. And who doesn't like a little back door action with a Russian?
As for cash expenditures, one can argue for building a factory in Thailand, the two tanks being pumped out each round after the first will quickly overrun any opposition on the entire continent and will threaten the Middle East and Southern Russia in short order. Its also untakeable by the Allies player early on, due to the fleet movements to the South Burma Sea.
A minimum of one transport is to be built in Japan, along with a destroyer or some other sort of protection. A strong naval presence in Japan will keep the Americans at bay.
For my part, I have less to add from a specific set maneouvers.
Japan seems to need to deal with certain 'issues'.
1. Americans can strategically bomb Japan from Hawaii. 2. America's fleet is powerful, and three turns from the sea of Japan with Bomber support. 3. The Brits have a decent starting fleet in the Indian Ocean. 4. If the Brits place a Industry on the first turn on India, they can start place 3 units there on turn 2. 5. Russia has 7 infantry in Buryatia S.S.R. on turn 2.
Japan is not without its strengths. The most obvious of which is that they hold the initiative and go first. They can attack before the other players have been able to consolidate into better defensive positions. Here I am thinking about;
A. Buryatia SSR has only three defenders now, the elimation of with cuts Russias eastern defense force by 40%. B. The American fleet is spread between Hawaii and West USA. C. Your fleet in SE Asia is bigger than the British Fleet at India, and has more Air support.
Which really brings us to the core of Japans strength: Air power. They can strike far and are powerful defenders that dont need transports.
I cannot, however, find a way to exploit A,B, and C all on the first turn.
Now I completely agree with Jesse's sort of 'fade' defence, where you pull your forces back from Burma, daring the British to spread thin.
Is this what the blog has become?
Hey, if you got something better to talk about, for god's sake, post it. I'm bored out of my mind here. With the baby and all, I dont get out much and most of my social interaction is with the dog. All I got right now is a board game setup in my basement and no one to play it with.
On the Russian Front: An all out blitz on the Russian far east is the only other logical first move in my mind. With a possible factory in Manchuria, one could quickly move on China and Russia simultaneously, in conjunction with a threat to Alaska.
But from my perspective, its all rather low value, 1 production until you reach Moscow, and with a well played Chinese/Russian player, it would take Japan a minimum of 5(via China)/6(via Russia) turns to reach Moscow.
This route also leaves the Japanese most highly valued Southeast Asian provinces vulnerable to a combined American/British takeover, which the lose of would be hard to come back from.
On the Americans: While tactical bombardment is an important strategy, especially in the 41 mission, once the Axis powers have cash flow its easy to repair factories. And if you look at the numbers, its only a good strategy when you have a clear cash advantage. (Cost 12 bomber shot down 1 out of 6, bombs 5 times for average of 17 = +5 damage)
You also give far to much credit to the American fleet, which can't attack mainland Japan from the Hawaiian Islands, it must move to Wake or Iwo Jima. At which point a clear thinking Japanese player would build 6 submarines and fly every fighter back home. And without bombardment from a number of ships, think about how many transports full of troops would be required to take on even a feeble Japanese defense force?
There are two first moves for Japan that make the most sense in my mind.
1. Move the fleet at Indonesia to India, support the attack with the fighter at Indochina. Thats 3 fighters, a Battleship and a carrier on a destroyer, carrier and fighter. Good Odds. Take the casualties in this order Battleship (1 hit), carrier, then fighters. If you lose the carrier, land the planes in Burma. Move the infantry in Indochina to Burma.
2. Amphipious assault on Buryatia with all the forces in Manchu, plus the tank and inf + battleship from Japan. Good odds. Move the infantry from Kiangsu to Manchu.
There is a third possible attack, but I can't say its the best move.
Take your fleets at Caroline Islands, the submarine, the cruiser in the Philipines, the fighter at Formosa, and the fighter and bomber from japan and Pearl Harbor the USA at Hawaii. The major consequence here is the fleet at West USA will counterattack and win. For this to be successful, you need to take minimal casualties in the attack so that your cruiser, carrier, 2 planes all survive. The US will counter attack with 2 planes, a bomber, a destroyer, a sub and a Battleship. They will still win, but you should be able to a dent in them. Its debateable whether this is prudent or not.
Just what do you expect to do with your plan #1? Stare at India intently with the eyes of your three infantry and Battleship?
There is a British fighter in Australia and a fighter in Egypt, and an infantry in Persia.(And possibly a tank in Trans-Jordon) All will move to India.
British: 4 Infantry and 2 Fighters Japan: 3 Infantry and 3 Fighters
Without more support, the Japanese losses would be rather heavy.
And even if you take India, China will be out of hand, 6 new infantry and still able to bring their fighter to attack Hong Kong, Kiangsu or Manchuria, whatever is least defended.
Under my plan the British may not expect an early attack on India, but all will know your plans.
I find your option #3 to be totally ridiculous, as stated, but intriguing. I would like to see how either of these options turn out.
i think initial needs should come into factor what decisions are made. japan needs either a transport or a factory first turn. there must be an eye on not letting china get out of hand by knocking them back fast and then get to the american fleet to crush them before they can grow. force america into a land/air battle and crush their fleet. let Germany and Italy worry about the UK, japan has enough on its plate.
ideally a transport with protection can be dropped first turn. the infantry and tanks can wait as the mainland japan has enough troops to hold off for a turn and still fill up the moving transports.
Russia needs to be dealt with but if you're not dropping a factory on the mainland then you may never get to the point of having enough troops to take the load Russia can build up on the border. Russia is either an all or nothing deal for the japanese.
one thing i've never done well is protect burma and india. its not wise to split the japanese fleet because of the impending american attack and you can't drop enough boats to build another fleet. it helps if italy can take care of those two boats the UK starts with in the area of india.
another option is to ignor the island of japan. let america bomb the fuck out of it and drop a factory near china first turn. your AA will help with attacks and you're going to take all the troops off the island to pick up other islands.
we shall see sunday....
I appreciate you letting me win for my birthday....
I was your birthday gift and I didn't want to see you cry.
Then I'm disappointed we didn't wear our birthday suits. Stupid public decency laws...
Anyways, looking forward to our rematch!