# posted by wyldshaman @ 8/20/2009 05:49:00 PM
So i was listening to this guy at work talk about how cold it was in the arctic this year, and i was thinking, dam...(in June) its been cold here too, maybe there is something to this anti-cooling effect. So i looked into it.
The key is one must remember that weather is local... not global, so while we might have had a cool spring in New England, others(such as the very hot weather in CA-LA[southwestern US, 28 day out of 30, 100+]), overall there seems to be a warming of normal temperatures.
While it might seem warm today... think about this...
"Add to that an unusual weather pattern this summer where the warmest temperatures seem to be just over oceans, while slightly cooler air is concentrated over land, said Deke Arndt, head of climate monitoring at the
climate data center."
"It's not just the ocean off the Northeast coast that is super-warm this summer. July was the hottest the world's oceans have been in almost 130 years of record-keeping."
"The heat is most noticeable near the Arctic, where water temperatures are as much as 10 degrees above average."
"This warm water we're seeing doesn't just disappear next year; it'll be around for a long time," said climate scientist
Andrew Weaver of the University of Victoria in British Columbia. It takes five times more energy to warm water than land.
Unlike many... what are we calling them these days... Republicans?, here is the website i got this info from. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090820/ap_on_sc/us_sci_warm_oceans
Oh come on! You can prove anything with 'facts'.
Global warming isnt real. WMD's and scary brown terrorists are real.
Its not just warming. The proper term is Global Climate Change.