# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 8/13/2009 07:05:00 PM

A few weeks ago i went to comic con for the third year in a row. i love it, its fun and i love the content. this year it was just more difficult to see it. i've seen a lot of stuff online about how twilight didn't ruin the con, but my 2 hours in a unsuccessful line and subsequent sun burn say otherwise. The Twilight movie hadd a panel this year in the big hall H. its the
biggest room at the con and there is always a line. they don't clear room between panels so you can stay all day adn usually after waiting an hour or more in line you feel like staying for more that one hour long panel. i waited 2 hours for the Avatar panel by james cameron because he showed 20 mins of footage from it. i didn't get it because twilight was two hours before the panel. the twilight kids, nearly 2000 of them, camped out over night to get in line for a panel that had three before it. they fillind a line and ruined a day for me because they stayed though to the day into the avatar panel. i didn't get in by a small margin and got a sun burn from standing in noon time sun for two hours.
the second reason i say fuck twilight is because i had to wait an hour and a half for the dexter panel i was then 20 minutes late for. all those stupid twilight kids that had left went straight to the dexter room for the show after dexter. screwed twice by the same fuckers. i spent close to 4 hours in lines on the first day of the con. ugh.
friday was much better. i was able to catch the image comics panel which is always good and the presentations for The 9, Legion, district 9 and the peter jackson/ james cameron panel. all awesome. jackson and cameron are awesome and masters of their craft. it was interesting to hear them talk about move making and the future of movies. their main point was the future is digital and 3D. also, the commercials for district 9 are not awesome enough for how amazing the movie looks. i was able to see about 8 minutes of footage at the panel and it looks great. also that moive 9 coming out about sock puppet looking characters looks good too. Legion, its what would happen if god wanted to cleans the earth again and instead of a flood, he lets the angels go ape-shit on humans. looks interesting.
saturday i spent a bunch of time roaming hte floor and then a ton of time in one room to satisfy my sister for hte weekend. i caught panels for the new remake show V, Trueblood and Fringe. every year there seems to be one or two famous people i come across that tend to be cool shit in real life. this year it was
joshua jackson at the fringe panel. also,
seth green is little, very little. so is
ray park. i almost walked into him without seeing him. that short.
best picture contest ever!
the other thing is celebs who no one is talking to. they either aren't famous anymore or just no one knows thier real name. this year i saw
Lou ferigno two days in a row with no people around him. he gave me a dirty look when i took a picture of it. i wish i had a pic of the look, it was priceless. hulk not happy.

Rob liefield was the same, he's a fallen star artist who is still really good, but he said some bad things on message boards and his signing table was a desert wasteland.
sunday i was only there for an hour as we had to go but it was book buying day and it was well worth it. i bought 14 books for 5$, saved myself a ton, ever with the extra cost to pay for the checked luggarge (i went out with 2 bags and came back with 4)). overall it was a good con. well worth the trip. i have more photos, i posted a bunch on facebook and my sister and her friend hether did as well. we took another trip to wine counntry and made our way up to LA. (LA is a shit hole, you're not missing much).
See, what i dont understand is when you talk about "satisfy my sister for hte weekend," why you dont talk to me first!
Ok, so now im a married man and all... but wouldn't a vacation be something... special, different?
Next time you come over, i will hide all the Twilight paraphernalia, because this house is a huge fan!
I hope you got some good shit for me an BoRager to read!