# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 11/04/2008 07:22:00 PM
give it to me straight blitzer! and i need numbers. plus booze and smoke. but its still early. there is plenty of time for this to go wrong.
speaking of the smoke...last i saw massachusetts was approving a thing that would make having less than an ounce of weed on you essentially the equivalent of a parking violation--a $100 fine and nothing on your criminal record
Its over. Its fucking over.
I told you we'd get FL. Fuck yeah.
about time... fuck yeah dem's, fuck yeah. looking back on it all now, where were the swiftboat ads against obama? why wasn't there a bunch of crazy negative stuff? they got people believing that kerry never even went to vietnam, but they couldn't destroy a black man in this country? how did the republicans drop the ball here?
i'm just glad its over and we won. thats all that matters. now i just want to see a few clintons in the cabinate. let bill have whatever he wants and make hilary something as a kind gesture for raising obama all that money and not destroying each other during the primary. i'd love to see him clean house in washington and remove all the people that have been there forever and start fresh, but this won't happen. he'll bring in some new faces and leave some in place. i've already seen it reported that he's going to keep the current secretary of defense but we'll see.
fuck yeah america, you got one right. this slightly reduces the level of anger i feel towards your average joe-the-plummer.
I miss your drunken rants barone, keep and eye out cause their on to ya! Always watching, always judging. Seriously though send me your email or that link you sent a while back cause I deleted it on accident. Your pal in the land of the short and brown people, Murphy
Monday, November 03, 2008
Yes, I'm voting for Obama, now leave me the fuck alone!
# posted by Brancibeer @ 11/03/2008 10:40:00 PM
Ah the woes of living in a battleground state. I've been averaging 2 phone calls a day from volunteers or the Democratic party urging me to vote or vote early and to vote for Barrack Obama. 3 people knocked on my door this weekend, and that was when I was home. I mean...its good and all, but lay the fuck off me! I'm on your side and voting!
Soon it will be over. I guess I can't complain much. At least my vote will actually matter unlike all of you Yanks! Damn the northeast and its wry progressive sensible culture.
Oh and I forgot to add that Matt Damon, Scarlett Johanson, Michelle and Barack Obama have all called me personally requesting my vote.
Update 2- I have seen planes flying around today and yesterday toting Obama signs.
oh yes, we are quite insulated up here in Ct. battleground states are fucking crazy. next time, just put the biggest sign you can find on your lawn and the reps from both parties will ignore you.