# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/30/2008 06:20:00 PM
any one who uses twitter should be beaten with a sack of potatos containing rocks. in all seriousness, its useless, its even more egotistical then blogs, facebooks, myspace, and all that other online crap rolled into one. its ment to keep people up to date on meaningless crap happening in your everyday life. small sentences that tell your friends and family what you're up to at any given moment. personally, i think you have to be a total prick to think anyone other then yourself would read your twitter blog. i can't think of any practical use for it. then i saw this in the news the other day. if i had time to text message something from the back seat of a police car, it wouldn't be to twitter. it'd be to 911 or a friend or a rock, or someplace i though someone might read it. i realize other countries are troublesome for foreigners, but come on, this is just dumb. moral of the story, fuck twitter and anyone who uses it. the end.
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/26/2008 09:33:00 AM
ok, so our ridiculous home depot journey only ended up delaying our insane problems by a day or two. long enough for us to find our that our customer has bigger problems then our parts not being clean. they have 7 other vendors who are more messed up then we are. as relieving as this sounds, it also means that the large chunks of metal my product will be passing through the oil system of 60000 large trucks a year, is not the most pressing issue at the moment. that worries me. our shower enclosure and pressure washer set up worked at first. until we tried it again and left someone other then myself to do it. seriously, i spent hours showing grown men twice my age how to tighten nuts yesterday. the leak test fails if you don't tighten nuts. its that simple yet every time (once an hour or more) a failure occurs, they come screaming for me. its gotten to the point that i'm telling management to fuck off and i'm not touching it until they can prove every nut it tight. so they did. i walked out, rechecked the 12 nuts that had to be tight, and found 2 that were obviously loose. i told our plant manager to fuck off and i'm not touching that machine again. he looked at me with helpless disgust because he knows i right. i'm totally justified in telling all these people standing around that they are retarded and its wasting my time.
oh, and the results of our pressure washer experiment? totally screwed up by the co-op we're relying on to run the test accurately. i've stated openly and in multiple emails that this kid has no idea what he's doing and our results are not reliable. so yesterday, the plant manager, the black ops project hitman and myself decided to watch him do a test. i was once again totally correct. this kid was fucking up so bad that every crazy test we've tried was basically useless because he tested all the results incorrectly. disappointing and depressing don't even begin to explain how i felt at 7:00 last night when i finally left.
Jesus man. We all got shit going on at work. But its just work. Do what you can and thats that. Your going to give yourself and ulcer. I suggest a hooker tonight.
damn son, you should be running that place. can you fire people? you should fire people.
i think brancy is right, most work has its problems. but i know it can be pretty frustrating. like overall, i like my job. but the thing is, as a company we set certain expectations. but if the other side pushes, we compromise most of the time. but it's really my boss with the authority to change what we can do, but since i'm the conduit between customers/other companies and our company, everyone thinks i'm an asshole or i'm fucking retarded for setting certain standards or arguing for certain things and then later conceding stuff.
anyway, if you give me a raise i'll tighten bolts for your project so that you stop failing leak tests.
i have a giant 18" caliper set that i use at work, i've nicknamed it "HoboKiller". maybe i'll hack me up some hooker while i'm at it. it looks like a nice sized axe.
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/24/2008 10:47:00 PM
there is no way for me to describe the series of events that led up to what happened today but i really can't do anything but laugh about it. i started my day by innocently trying to clean parts with a pressure washer from our maintenance department as a hopeless last ditch effort to save our failing product launch. in an attempt the dissolve an unknown concoction of junk found in our parts, i made the first trip to home depot of the day. i walked up to the counter and dropped an arm full of chemicals. literally anything i could find on the shelves that had the words solvent, cleaner, or remover on it. plus a gun cleaning kit. and some brushes. this actually prompted a call to check my legitimacy. they called my boss and had to double check the company card i was using because of all the chemicals. an hour later i was on a conference call with our VP explaining how i used said pressure washer in detail. we then had results from my innocent experiment telling us that it was the best thing we've tried so far and currently the only way we had to clean these parts. this saved our company from a multi-million dollar disaster and a significant embarrassment. an hour after that i found myself at home depot with my boss arguing with an old man about the price of a broken shower frame. (we got him from 329.00$ down to 175.00$). an hour later i'm talking to a recruiter about how i can't make my interview in the afternoon because of the previous series of events. 30 minutes later i'm assembling a new pressure washer and a shower enclosure (both from our 700.00$, 2 hour, home depot trip). after that i'm trying to detail how i want a young Hispanic guy who we'd hired as a temp worker how to use the previously mentioned pressure washer and shower enclosure to clean hundreds of parts that will one day be installed on thousands of 8 liter diesel engines for large trucks. after that i had to help the second shift and maintenence guys remove a bolt that our idiot operators had applied locktite to. around 7ish i went out for a couple of drinks and dinner with my boss (ryan leahy). we spent the evening drinking too much and figuring out how we knew each other from high school ( a conversation long over due). its now 11:00 and i'm going to attempt to clean my apartment for tomorrow because my family is visiting for the weekend. they'll be here before i get home from work so this is literally my last chance.
life never stops amazing me. who knows what tomorrow will bring.
That's my motto these days. I still feel a bit like an asshole when I sent the email saying " sorry, just don't feel a connection". But hey, what are you gonna do? call? yea I'm sure you all think I'm the supreme asshole for using impersonal email to do my dirty work but thats how things roll these days. Through the virtue of internet dating I've had the pleasure of dumping many girls and my experience is to either ignore or use email. If you bang them then its a courtesy to call. Otherwise a txt would do.
maybe thats your problem, you treat the girls you meet online as nothing more than online girls, to be discarded and replaced at will. maybe meeting people in the old fashion sense, on your own, is the only way for you to feel that connection? just a thought.
bingo matt. I realized that about half a year ago. The mentality (for me) about meeting girls on the internet is different. If there is something you don't like about the current one then you know you can meet a few more next week. Its a fucking revolving door.
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/22/2008 07:58:00 PM
happy earth day, the one time a year when everyone gives a shit about the environment. oh wait, you didn't know it was earth day? me either. not until i got home, turned on my internets, and got bombarded with earth day crap.
so what have i done to help save the world since last earth day? i moved closer to work to cut down on my gas usage, and i've switched to water saving paper plates and plastic cups. i'm saving water by using disposable stuff right? fuck it, paper is a renewable resource, just because the people cutting down trees aren't replacing them, doesn't mean i have to do dishes by hand. fuck that shit.
just out of curiosity, why does earth day fall so close to 4-20? its hard for our consumer culture to make money off of earth day but 4-20 could be the next great american holiday. just imagine all the special 4-20 weed themed stuff you could produce and make millions off of. i find it hard to believe that hallmark doesn't support the leagalization of marijuana when they stand to directly profit from it. shouldn't major corporations be lobbying to legalize it when they stand ot make even more money? we're already celebrating it, yet they can't make money off of us because it's illegal. such a shame.
Hey Matt, If this is the only way to reach you then so be it. We are having a party in Cromwell, on the 19th of March,Saturday there will food, beer, and fire. It starts at 5 pm. Tim and wife and others that I also can not reach My telephone number is 860-316-7444 The address is 15 Oak Rd, Cromwell, 06416 Mapquest will help.
yes i realize stumble upon is old, i've been using it for years. i was mostly showing jesse and Lu'ne Tiem who'd never heard of it and i was passing the word along
# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/08/2008 08:11:00 PM
Last friday i hit two milestone as of late. One being the completion of a huge project at work, the other being my one year anniversary there. odd how they collide, one year into a new job to the day, and I'm finishing my biggest project. i think a few people loose the pool, i've made it a year already. suck it.
Look, its not that bad. I only have 50 health left before I turn to the mega-dragon. You guys will beat me no problem. By the way, I'm play destroy everything you have card. That takes 2 resources...that leaves me three left. Now I'm playing the every body discards a card.... that costs one.... And I have just enough left attack one play for 20....
1. John McCain voted against establishing a national holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Now he says his position has "evolved," yet he's continued to oppose key civil rights laws.
2. According to Bloomberg News, McCain is more hawkish than Bush on Iraq, Russia and China. Conservative columnist Pat Buchanan says McCain "will make Cheney look like Gandhi."
3. His reputation is built on his opposition to torture, but McCain voted against a bill to ban waterboarding, and then applauded President Bush for vetoing that ban.
4. McCain opposes a woman's right to choose. He said, "I do not support Roe versus Wade. It should be overturned."
5. The Children's Defense Fund rated McCain as the worst senator in Congress for children. He voted against the children's health care bill last year, then defended Bush's veto of the bill.
6. He's one of the richest people in a Senate filled with millionaires. The Associated Press reports he and his wife own at least eight homes! Yet McCain says the solution to the housing crisis is for people facing foreclosure to get a "second job" and skip their vacations.
7. Many of McCain's fellow Republican senators say he's too reckless to be commander in chief. One Republican senator said: "The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine. He's erratic. He's hotheaded. He loses his temper and he worries me."
8. McCain talks a lot about taking on special interests, but his campaign manager and top advisers are actually lobbyists. The government watchdog group Public Citizen says McCain has 59 lobbyists raising money for his campaign, more than any of the other presidential candidates.
9. McCain has sought closer ties to the extreme religious right in recent years. The pastor McCain calls his "spiritual guide," Rod Parsley, believes America's founding mission is to destroy Islam, which he calls a "false religion." McCain sought the political support of right-wing preacher John Hagee, who believes Hurricane Katrina was God's punishment for gay rights and called the Catholic Church "the Antichrist" and a "false cult."
10. He positions himself as pro-environment, but he scored a 0—yes, zero—from the League of Conservation Voters last year.
i definitely agree with ron. plus, he's pretty old. everyone knows that old people shouldn't be given much responsibility, especially on issues that matter. at least as president he'd have a personal driver, which would mean 1 less old person off the road.
i take every piece of media with a grain of salt. that's not to say i'm nihilistic when it comes to news, but i'm as skeptical of moveon as i would be of fox news.
1. voting histories are legit. unfortunately, there are lots of racist people in this country.
2. i dont think much of anything pat buchanan says, regardless of whether it supports or opposes my point/opinion. that's a real judgment call from someone who hasn't shown a lot of judgment.
6. eh. there's no simple solution here. but i do agree that while everyone needs/deserves some down time/vacation, people should still be responsible about how/when they take that time. however, i do not see a direct correlation b/w someone taking vacation time and getting a second job and the housing crisis.
7. kind of general. also, see #2.
8. lobbyists are all over in our system. moreso than we even know i bet. it takes a certain type of person to become a prominent politician, and i would never be surprised by any of them having ties to many lobbyists.
9. just scary. i dont care what religion they are, no one who is so devout should be leading a country founded on separation of church and state.
overall, i havent gotten too into the election yet. part of it is intentional. i feel like many of the same issues are rehashed over and over again and not much new comes about until the last months leading up to the election. i used to be really into politics, but it's not hard to become jaded by it if you follow closely enough. i voted in the primary, and i will vote in november. i will pay attention enough to make an informed vote. but right now my response to politics is just plain "meh".