# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/24/2008 10:47:00 PM
there is no way for me to describe the series of events that led up to what happened today but i really can't do anything but laugh about it. i started my day by innocently trying to clean parts with a pressure washer from our maintenance department as a hopeless last ditch effort to save our failing product launch. in an attempt the dissolve an unknown concoction of junk found in our parts, i made the first trip to home depot of the day. i walked up to the counter and dropped an arm full of chemicals. literally anything i could find on the shelves that had the words solvent, cleaner, or remover on it. plus a gun cleaning kit. and some brushes. this actually prompted a call to check my legitimacy. they called my boss and had to double check the company card i was using because of all the chemicals. an hour later i was on a conference call with our VP explaining how i used said pressure washer in detail. we then had results from my innocent experiment telling us that it was the best thing we've tried so far and currently the only way we had to clean these parts. this saved our company from a multi-million dollar disaster and a significant embarrassment. an hour after that i found myself at home depot with my boss arguing with an old man about the price of a broken shower frame. (we got him from 329.00$ down to 175.00$). an hour later i'm talking to a recruiter about how i can't make my interview in the afternoon because of the previous series of events. 30 minutes later i'm assembling a new pressure washer and a shower enclosure (both from our 700.00$, 2 hour, home depot trip). after that i'm trying to detail how i want a young Hispanic guy who we'd hired as a temp worker how to use the previously mentioned pressure washer and shower enclosure to clean hundreds of parts that will one day be installed on thousands of 8 liter diesel engines for large trucks. after that i had to help the second shift and maintenence guys remove a bolt that our idiot operators had applied locktite to. around 7ish i went out for a couple of drinks and dinner with my boss (ryan leahy). we spent the evening drinking too much and figuring out how we knew each other from high school ( a conversation long over due). its now 11:00 and i'm going to attempt to clean my apartment for tomorrow because my family is visiting for the weekend. they'll be here before i get home from work so this is literally my last chance.
life never stops amazing me. who knows what tomorrow will bring.
Maybe tomorrow will bring Mordheim...just a thought.
Is this what we've become?
dude. you work too hard.
no shit