The Workermonkey


Friday, February 10, 2012


I have given strong consideration to our latest drunken idea - Multgaming or playing more than one board game at a time.

So there is some complexity here, so lets start with what we can physically support.
1) I have the bar table, the dinner table and three decent folding tables.
                                  > That w/b 5 potential table top games; we could use the bar or my small tables for support
                                  > Due to space constraints and children, to do all five we would need to split floors
2) I can field a game on the downstairs PC and hook up the laptop to either TV for two hotseat computer games
                                 > If some one brings a laptop and RGB cord, we could do both TVs and the desktop for three hotseat games
                                > Alternatively, I could get two hotseat games on Xbox and use that on the TV's, then between the laptop and the desktop, we could field 4 games not counting any imported laptops.
                                > Stairs could be an issue here too
3) As I see it, there are two kinds of games. The easiest to facilitate would be games that don't require a 'reaction' from other players (ie Carcassone or Pandemic). The challenge would be games that require more than one player to participate on any give players turn (ie Mordheim, WoW, BB or A&A). Some games can be either - think Dominion. That could be setup as interactive with attack cards or "multiplayer solitaire" with no cards that interact. Theoretically, we could setup at least 3 games of Dominion between Jesse, Jo(h)n and myself {matt, how does he spell it?}.


Here is what I envision for the test run (mind you, this require some level of sobriety between say, a little and and not totally)

Game 1: Hot seat Civ 4 downstairs PC
Game 2: Hotseat Civ 5 upstairs TV
Game 3: Carcassone - dinner table
Game 4: Pandemic - bar table
Game 5: Multiplayer Solitaire Dominion - ancillary table downstairs
Game 6: Axis and Allies, upstairs ancillary table (its teams, so a fellow team mate could handle your defensive rolls)

Mo envisions a smaller, drunker, test run
Game 1: Dominion or Peuro Rico on bar table
Game 2: Hot seat Civ 4 on desktop

There is merit to her suggestion in that
a) We have difficulty staying sober
b) noise is contained to the basement
c) Hot seat Civ is much longer than typical boardgame, thus allowing multible board games in succession
d) no stairs

So, to me, the next logical step is to start cataloging our total game invotories (I'll open up one the blog sites I'm camping in for that, prbably Blog-nomic). From there we can seperate games by reaction and non-reaction and hotseat.

Welcome to the Dorkside....


we only need one Civ going at a time. replace 5 with chaos overlords. i'm still pissed about 5 sucking.


we might want to try a more passive version of this first. i think we might be able to find like 5 browser games that we can all play at once and switch between quickly. one of the things we'd have to cut out is movement time in order to finish them all. it would be a lot of movement to go from game to game if they are spread out around the house.

i have to admit, Mo knows us pretty well. stairs were my first concern also. sobriety will be an issue.

i'm excited by the though of us going more professional with our gaming. this is new ground for us.

we must be able to set up a video game as well, i'm sure there is something i'm just not thinking of. perhaps a Mario party game, those used to be fun. FF tactics? advanced wars? street fighter/mortal kombat as tie breaker?

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Saturday, February 11, 2012 1:26:00 AM  

Mario Party is definitly an option.
The problem with Chaos Overlords is that it is unstable - think of how often it crashes or gets messed up.
Moving around isnt that bad - keeps people awake.
Time is a managable issue. Some games will finish before others, so we just need to pick games appropiate to our time frame.
Civ5 is a much longer hotseat than Civ4, but I have a many more options than just CO to replace it. Some are longer than others, so again, time appropiate games.
If we had an all day saturday marathon, I could have everything setup the night before and we could even spill outside in daylight for beer pong (it is a turn based game...)

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Saturday, February 11, 2012 8:18:00 AM  

I can't believe Whitney Houstan died, what a tragedy.

By Anonymous Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Saturday, February 11, 2012 8:35:00 PM  

where the fuck did that come from? i'm surprised she lived this long. not my comment above.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Sunday, February 12, 2012 1:57:00 PM  

don't worry, no one actually thought you posted a sympathetic comment

By Blogger josh, at Sunday, February 12, 2012 9:42:00 PM  

Seriously, human emotion? Empathy? Compassion? Mis-Spelling a name? Definitely not the Overlord.

When are we doing this?

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Monday, February 13, 2012 7:07:00 PM  

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