# posted by Brancibeer @ 2/03/2012 09:34:00 AM
Excerpt from email conversation with Ron earlier in the week:
Ron: I met up with Joe and Matt for beers last night and we decided that there should be a trophy for the FF league. Something so obnoxious that the wives g/f's hate it.
I asked Kim to do some concept sketches. Here they are. And the last one was intended to be a footballvagina.

As anyone who has previously placed in the top 3 knows, I have been trying to incorporate Jesus into the award certificate. I was hoping to carry that forward to the trophy. Perhaps Jesus could be delivering a monkey baby through a footballvagina??
How about baby jesus through a monkey vagine carrying a football?
I actually really like the first sketch - maybe you could swap out the football for a flying jesus holding a football?
i'm also a fan of the first one. Jesus should be behind the chick waving an american flag and wearing a cowboy hat. perhaps some fireworks would be appropriate as well. give it some flames on the sides too and a can of busch.
i also like the first one