The Workermonkey


Monday, January 09, 2012

Day 24 

As you return to Kingsdale, you think about the increasingly bizarre circumstances that surround you. You walk into the abandoned office building at the old Toyota plant. Up the flight of stairs to what was once the cafeteria and is now the makeshift bar you've started. A sign at the door says "Vocalist needed - auditions at noon. Choir experience a plus". The room is dimly lit by a few lights and the hum of a generator can be heard. A guitar leans against an amp in the corner.

Lou slides himself behind the bar, reaches under and grabs a pack of cigarettes. A cluster of off-duty soldiers play cards at a nearby table. Mike and Ramirez sit, heads hanging low, at the bar across from where Lou now stands.

Lou: "Whats the matter guys? This is the quietest I've seen you."
Mike: "We just did the last of our blow, and given the state of things, its probably the last we'll ever see of it"
Lou: "Have you tried searching an evidence locker in a police station, I mean, they got to keep all kinds of stuff in there."
Mike (finishes his drink): "Huh?"
Lou: "Well sure, I mean, it seemed like every day there is a drug bust in the news."

At that moment, Mike and Ramirez look up, then at each other. They grab their coats and hurry out of the bar.
Lou turns to you and says "That should keep him busy for a couple of days, I mean, really, if I had to listen to just one more of Mike's stories, I thought I might have to shoot him".

Lou places two glasses on the bar and fills them with whiskey. He lights a cigarette and then casually pushes the glasses towards you.

Lou: "You guys tend the bar for awhile, my set begins in 5 minutes."


Jesse downs his glass and gets up from the stool. "its my shift to watch the rape room, watch the bar". Lou hollers back "that a boy!"
I step behind the bar and pour myself another drink while Lou leans back in a chair and starts to whale on his 6 string. the sound can only be described as thrash-hell-metal-core.

hearing the noise, people start to wonder into the bar. first walked in a guard from the door thinking something was wrong. next a pair of women walk in hearing the music and looking for a good time.

Lou starts to fill the bar as people are looking for a little entertainment. the music is a welcomed distraction from the hellish reality outside.

i get sick of pouring drinks for other people and pass it off to someone else. "turn the charm down a little lou" i holler back, he's starting to draw too much attention and he can't just draw people in like this, those unwilling bastards.

i grab a bottle and head down to the old factory.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Tuesday, January 10, 2012 6:39:00 PM  

About 40 or so people wander into the bar. Lou rocks out covers of 80's and 90's music that has everyone moving. At one point, an enormous black woman joins him at the microphone (he introduces her as 'Sweet Kaylene') and they belt out some classic rock and 70's soul tunes. At the end of the set, Lou plants a big kiss on Kaylenes cheek and says "What do you think folks, is she amazing or what!" They wrap up. People move out of the bar, going back across the way and getting back work. A handful of men show up with power tools and lumber, and Lou directs them to a corner where they begin sawing and drilling together a raised stage area.

As far as the rape room goes, progress is slow. The two days you were away, Lou got some people to help him move your stuff from the 5th floor to the cafeteria on the 2nd floor (no one wanted to walk up 5 flights of stairs - he gets better audiences on the second). He rearranged the cafeteria a bit, but mostly just played guitar for people. For several reasons, this is not a priority for him; 1) It attracts the wrong kind of attention 2) He is only attracted to members of his own species and not humans 3) 'He' lacks any human genitalia in his native form (they reproduce by different means).
You also have no sex workers. The people here are generally optimistic and forward looking. There isn't a level of depravity yet that would reduce people to that behavior. This is a community of people that largely know each other and if anything you are an outsider with a less than stellar reputation (you fled at the first sign of trouble and have made minimal contribution to the community's well being). You and Jesse, at the present, are only tolerated because of your association with Mike, Ramirez, Lou and Col. Ryan. There is even a growing element that views you as so unreliable and self-interested that you might be a liability. People's number one concern right now is the safety of themselves and their loved ones, they have no other wants (they have warmth, food, booze ect). If you want to start selling rape, you have some work to do.

Outside, across the way at the robotics factory, work continues at a rapid pace. Trucks of all kinds are coming and going. About half the people go out looting during the day. There is construction going on. Parts of the factory main are being bolstered and repaired. Prefab sheds are being assembled and placed - used to store looted goods like cement which they cannot make and will be ruined if it gets wet. There are backhoes and tractors doing earthwork.

There are about 400 people here and more arrive everyday. At night fall, the robotics factory is locked down and guards are placed on the roof, at the doors and in areas considered vulnerable. People here are a bit on edge after the breach two nights ago, so they have become increasingly vigilant and more disciplined about security.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Thursday, January 12, 2012 1:38:00 PM  

the factory is humming like a bee hive during the day. trucks are coming and going hourly. they've opened up a new entrance to the factory along the outer wall so trucks can come and go a little easier. they carry scavenger teams sent out during the day to look for suppliers and materials.

soon the factory begins staying open at night. the lights stay on and the sound of grinding and heavy equipment can be heard through out the compound. security starts to lock down on people walking near the factory and trying to keep people away form the windows.

curious about where all these trucks are coming and going from, i work my way onto one of the day trucks. todays trip sounds like its to a Home Depot they found about 20 miles from the toyota factory. didn't realize they were traveling that far out now.

the road is pretty clear, they've been traveling it pretty constantly for days now. we pass several trucks on their way back as we head out. after about 45 minutes we come upon an area that looks like a old shopping town. there's mini-malls and little restaurants. we pass a comic shop and i beg to stop but i receive nothing but odd looks. the road continues to get more and more congested with old stores and buildings. we eventually hit a home depot with a few other trucks already out front.

a couple of security guards roam the parking lot keeping an eye out for trouble. the store seems fairly locked down from the outside. the other trucks are being loaded with lumber from the store, 2x4's and plywood it seems. the guy organizing everyone points us toward the the plumbing section and tells us to clean it out. we spend the next hour lugging metal pipe fittings and sections of tubing back to the truck until its full.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Thursday, January 19, 2012 9:02:00 PM  

Matt strikes up easy conversation with a group of former employees from the Toyota plant and Robotics factory (all engineers).

After you finish loading the last of the items in the trailers, one of the soldiers turns to Matt and throws him two sets of keys. Pointing to two box trucks, he orders "The four of you take these trucks back through town and do some shopping - you have two hours until we're all due back for unloading"

One of the engineers turns to Matt and says "There was a Radio Shack next to that comic book shop, lets head back there." There were 2-3 other small shops in that plaza (you choice) - what are you going to get?

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Friday, January 20, 2012 8:13:00 PM  

what are the other stores?

i start with the radio shack and grab as many radio components as i can carry. then its another trip inside for resistors, capacitors, fuses and soldering equipment. i try to carry a little bit of the wiring they have as well. the next trip is into the comic shop where i cherish the non digital world harking back to a time when printed books where looked down upon.

blinded by my own giddiness, i run in excited by the prospect of an open comic shop at my disposal. action figures, statues, hardcovers, and manga, oh my! do i have time to recreate the invasion of normandy with G.I. Joes? maybe not.

my childish enthusiasm blinds me ot the fact that there's a zombie standing in the corner, not totally out of place in a comic shop.

"die cobra command die, pew pew pew.."
"SCHLUNK! thud."
"what the fuck was that!?!"
the engineer with me stands over a motionless zombie with a peculiar spike sticking out of his shirt sleeve. the spike quickly retracts, disappearing into his shirt.
"where did you get that?"
"a better question would be what happened to yours?"
"ummm... i broke it?..."
"humm... we should go to the sporting goods store next door and see if they have any refills."

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Saturday, January 21, 2012 8:32:00 AM  

The other stores are "your choice", you may pick and loot as you see fit.

What kind of spike are you describing? Is it a real life product found in sports stores? Post a link in your response so I can see what this is.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Saturday, January 21, 2012 10:33:00 AM  

i'm thinking more along the lines of "no country for old men" style spike. something used to spike a cow in the back of hte head.

oops, missed the your choice part.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Saturday, January 21, 2012 6:33:00 PM  

havent seen that movie, but am familiar with the device you are describing.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Saturday, January 21, 2012 7:14:00 PM  

next door is a used sporting good outlet. not much has been touched in here. there isn't much demand for weights, old ice skates, and used cleats. maybe the cleats will be useful for some of the runners who get caught in the woods. i head over there thinking it might be useful. maybe a couple of foot balls and baseball gloves will help morale around the compound. we can always expand and start a soccer league right?

my counter part rips the place apart in obvious search of something specific. he becomes frustrated and starts throwing things around the shop.

"damn it no cylinders!..."
what is he looking for? i grab some old fishing poles and some camping equipment and head for the door. the other guy grabs a hand full of darts and follows quickly behind. he passes some fishing poles and cooking stoves as he lease almost barehanded. i'm not going to ask whats wrong. i need to figure out what's going on in this factory.

at this point the truck is full and we've hungry. time to head back. i let the other guy drive as i'm not sure how we're getting into the factory. he must know what's up, he's got the spike and he's done this before. kind of odd that he hasn't asked who i was or how i got here.

we head back to the factory along what was once empty roads. now there seems to be a few roamers wondering along the sides. at first i don't think anything of it until we get a little closer to the outer wall of the compound and see how many are there.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Saturday, January 21, 2012 7:39:00 PM  

Thinking about icecream but making no sudden moves.

By Blogger Tino, at Saturday, January 21, 2012 11:36:00 PM  

Actually Tino, thats going to be tough. On day 1 Matt crushed your skull in with a piece of firewood when you turned into a Zombie. But I like your effort. You've earned a Minor Icecream Perk (next time you eat Icecream, you auto-resist brain freeze).

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Sunday, January 22, 2012 12:57:00 PM  

umm what happened to the last comment? i get that it was inappropriate, but it was still there. who took it down?

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Tuesday, January 24, 2012 10:28:00 PM  

Last time I checked, there was no one named Anonymous playing zombie apocalypse.


By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Wednesday, January 25, 2012 5:10:00 PM  

at this point i generally assume you're anonymous but that one was out there.

By Blogger Supreme Monkey Overlord, at Wednesday, January 25, 2012 10:08:00 PM  

Nope, we have had multiple anonymous pretenders. Anything troll-worthy or flame based is probably me. I suspect the last one was Jesse but who knows.

By Blogger NoBrainRequired, at Thursday, January 26, 2012 8:35:00 AM  

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