# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 11/05/2011 09:03:00 PM
wow, this was a long one. or a long two. work has been crazy so i've been working 60-70 hour weeks, so last week ended with a long saturday of work and then the power going out the second i walked into my building. not thinking this was going to be the disaster storm of the century, i was totally unprepared. at lease i had a massive booze supply. when the power went out i knocked on the door of my neighbor and coworker jon and we proceeded to get drunk with nothing else to do in the snow and no power. turns out jon is a nerd so he's into card gaming. so drunk, i ended up drunk dialing a bunch of people. i apologize for any unnecessary interruptions. the night ended with me throwing up a copious amount of questionable cheese wax. some of it made it in to the toilet. some.
sunday was not pleasant. so i surveyed the damage and decided to adventure south where power would be plentiful. my phone had died the night before from the excessive calling so i was completely off the grid and informationless. i headed to kolpaks who i figured would have power. nope, missed him by a few minutes. oh well, it'll be back to normal soon so i'll just head home.
awe snap, i'm almost out of gas and no one has power? shoot i'll just wait until tomorrow and it'll be better. no luck. monday started with a ice cold shower. there was a lot of swearing. i headed over to work on fumes, luckily it's only 2 miles. the building was open but work was canceled with no power. i managed to power my phone off of my laptop while i was there so around noon i was finally semi out of the dark.
i managed to call my parents and convince them i wasn't dead but the reception was terrible since the towers didn't have power either. nuts. so monday night was more drinking, until we got a call that work had power again and tomorrow would be working. the 4-5 companies on our street had made a deal and they were the only things open in enfield on tuesday. Jon and i car pooled since we were both in the same no gas situation.
back to the grind. tuesday night after work a old lady took us on a ride of local gas stations with no luck. she dropped us off and then the power came back on at home and things seemed to return to normal. wednesday morning we ventured out to search for gas hoping things had come back. we ended up just making it to the pump after a half hour wait. fuck yeah. normal again.
work continues to be busy, opening a new building and moving a company is hard. its been a long week trying to catch up again.
some where along the line people started to follow me. i don't get it and it shocks the hell out of me every time. there must have been a crack in the matrix this week because two different people reviled to me that they envied my life. this one guy has become a right hand man for me taking care of stuff i can't get to, not too much of a surprise. the other guy was out of the blue. this kind of shit creeps me out a little. it's kind of flattering but i have to think i can't be doing that well. how bad are they doing? what is it about me?
wow, the monkey has been slow. i take full responsibility, i have no intention of letting this die. its been too long.
1) I'm disappointed I wasn't on the drunk dial list.
2) Tell that son of a bitch Kolpak to pay his god damn fantasy football dues. Last year he didn't pay them until he knew he was in the playoffs. This behavior is unacceptable, and all members should be pissed.
3) You should be carpooling with that guy everyday. And ride a bike or walk you lazy bastard!
1) i'm not sure being on the list was a positive or a list you want to be on.
3)you'd be surprised how much i walk at work. i'll come home quite often with sore legs from walking to different parts of the building and up and down stairs. Jon had tried riding a bike, but it just doesn't work. changing at work isn't really an option and its awkward riding a bike in a shirt and khakis.
Luckily some mangnificent bastard left a handle of Jameson at my place. We were off the grid for 7 days. Fortunetly, my father loaned me a small generator that could power the important things... The xbox, TV and furnace.