# posted by NoBrainRequired @ 11/24/2011 11:36:00 AM
Well, I couldnt be more pleased with our 1st annual Scotchgiving. I got pee'd on by 7pm, two hours ahead of schedule. I did manage to Prestige last night, so that was cool.
I look forward toward celebrating Scotchmas Eve with my friends next month. Remember, if you're still wearing pants, you pour the next round.
Happy Scotchgiving!
Not sure why i was not invited to this festival of liquids?
I might actual be able to make Scotchmass, that is if im invited?
Of course, all are welcome! We should have our scotchmas party in conjunction with the Tree Decorating. A good combination of Germanic Pagan traditions and modern alcoholism.
Any fridays or saturdays in December that would be good for you? If we do daytime, you could bring Jimmy.