# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 5/08/2011 02:24:00 PM
take a look at the attached map. this has been my travel points over the last 4 days. This was starting thursday in fitchburg mass and ending sunday back in fitchburg.
Thursday: Fitchburg to beacon falls, with a quick pit stop in Coventry.
Friday: beacon falls to enfield, from Enfield to Bridgeport, and back up to Coventry. I was able to do Enfield to Bridgeport in 50 minutes with a quick stop in a commuter parking lot to change my clothes. trying to change yours pants while driving was harder than i though and was going to get me killed. i should have been arrested for the speed of this trip but i needed to get there fast. i did pass a cop on the merrit at 70 without noticing but he didn't pull out so i got lucky.
Saturday: Coventry to Middletown, then to new Brittan and back to beacon falls. this was for Joe's bachelor party, where i won the poker tournament as well. fuck yeah. i got to sleep in my own bed which was a nice change of pace as well
Sunday: beacon falls back up to Fitchburg.
all told, about 575 miles in 4 days.there were countless beer sacrifices along the way and an unfortunate bottle of scotch that happen to get caught in the line of fire.my car has been a trooper as well, it gets some props.
i don't know who i've missed telling but the reason i'm in fitchburg massachusets for the sumer is that i'm helping our a sister plant with a project they are behind on. its actually pretty cool and i'm not too opposed to living on the road a few days a week. i'm getting put up in a hotel and living on an expense report so its not all bad. i'm basically living for free 4 days a week. the project i'm working on is for the next wave of navy ships,
LM2500 engines on the
DDG-1000 program. these units are the generators run by jet engines.
How was Joes party? Did you make a decision on the job front? Why were we so hungover Saturday? It really didnt seem like we drank all that much?