# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 4/26/2011 08:38:00 PM
oh yeah, the other thing going on in my life is that i'll be actually living in
Fitchburg, Mass for most of the summer. i'm taking a temporary position at a sister plant in Fitchburg to help them finish a first article project for the navy. its a generator run by a jet engine to power one of the new stealth destroyers the navy is buying. i'll be living in Fitchburg during the week starting this coming Monday. they work 9days/80hrs so i'll have a bunch of Fridays off and i still need to spend a day every two weeks in Bridgeport at normal work. when i was looking at the project i was actually amazed that it encompasses just about everything I've ever done in my professional life. i worked with the engines at Pratt, built and designed the heat exchangers, made the piping and manufactured the million miles of tubes that surrounds this thing and i've assembled power generators now.
anyone know anything about Fitchburg, MA? i was up there yesterday checking the whole place out and looking at places to stay. i'll be on a fully covered expense report and living out of a hotel. it seems like a pretty neat town, the plant is almost downtown and i'll be able to walk to a ton of stuff.
i'm going to turn off most of my services at my apartment starting with cable. i'll keep internet at a lowered rate but between netflix and hulu i think i'll be pretty set, plus i'll have to buy the MLB.TV package to watch Yankee games up there. as part of this, what everyone's opinion on ipads? i'll save enough by canceling cable that it'll justify the purchase.
last thing, any have a good way of keeping track of expenses? i'll be racking up many daily and i'm sure it'll be a hassle.
I think Liz Ski was getting an Ipad, not sure if she did or not. As far as expenses- just be diligent and use excel? Or keep an seperate account for all reimbursable charges and let the bank keep track of it for you. Plus you can earn points or cash back on their dime.
Re: "...i was actually amazed that it encompasses just about everything I've ever done in my professional life". Oh yeah? Does that include being a pompous know-it-all young punk who thinks he can do better than everyone else around him? Boooom! Just kidding dude.
no way, it totally applies here, because it does include that. the two quality guys i'm going to be working with both openly admit they don't understand quality, and they only have one ME who is basically a glorified technician. i will once again be in the role of know-it-all. surprisingly, i still find myself being the youngest guy in the room.