# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 1/12/2011 10:30:00 AM
Holy crap its a lot of snow. they actually stopped plowing and clearing the complex i live in. they just couldn't keep up and no one is going anywhere. the snow blowers stopped at 7 this morning and everyone just stayed in side.
I was watching the local news and they had this guy driving around the roads showing footage of the traffic and plows and how bad the roads were. they eventually came across a pack of snow plows with a big rig tailgating the plows and at one point trying to pass them. the reporter kept following the truck and saying how stupid the driver was and how bad it was to be driving like that. the funny part was that he was tailgating the truck trying to get the story, making the whole situation more dangerous than it had to be. i still hate the local news.
No work today. it was actually canceled. I've never worked at a place which closes for snow. it doesn't feel right. its a perfect opportunity to play video games all day though...
I think its time to go build a fort...
yeah, i was shocked, we were shut down today too. i don't know if our office has ever been shut down before here, certainly not since 2007. the most we ever have is a 2 hr delay. anyone driving around here today will be good for business. the dogs and i took it easy too. today's big activities were shoveling and making sausage and peppers in the crock pot.
Apparently Florida is the only state that does not have snow. It's still frikkin cold though.