# posted by wyldshaman @ 11/01/2010 10:33:00 PM
I could barely walk today, math forget it, so thirsty.
God damn, i even had to check the score, did we really just win 20-10?
My wife said i dont remember anything from last night and i dont have the balls to ask her what she means.
I either have a drinking problem or a football problem.... i think its football!
Drinking problem. Now that you're a parent, its time to slow down.
Your clearly and Asshole! I need a drink.
I'm willing to concede that I'm an asshole, but I'm not clear about anything.
Seriously, I know exactly what you are going through. I'm just projecting. We both drink too much and need to pare it back for sake of money and sanity. Plus, neither of our wives are drinking right now, so it just annoys them.
Secret drinking is one solution, but you'll get caught eventually and they just blow it way out of proportion and never let it go, so don't try it.
Grass is an effective substitute, but since neither of our wives are smoking, you're substituting one trouble for another.
During Lent, I gave up drinking for 40 days and it wasn't that hard. We should attempt something similar, you know, minus the reliousosity (though the psychological impact of the religous attachment to the ritual may have been what made it seem easy). And 40 days is crazy. Like, two weeks is much more reasonable.
I need a drink.
drinking isn't the problem. the green is a great substitute but both are hard to drop for 40 days. secret drinking will only lead to other problems. i could carry a flask everywhere i go but it would be counter productive. i'd be really drunk in public all the time. it would be ugly, and hilarious, for on lookers.
my drink just ran out.