# posted by wyldshaman @ 10/23/2010 10:22:00 PM
Im just so damn tired of all the conservative bullshit.
I saw this graph yesterday in National Geographic and it kinda drove me crazy. We spend 10 times as much as Mexico and get only a few extra years of life. And thats the
only country we can compare to, as Mexico is the only other "free market" health system. All the others cost half as much and get extra years of life.
What im tired of hearing about.....The Best Healthcare System in the World, Creationism, Pro-Life(like im pro death, what about all them welfare moms u talk shit about, they are just making babies like god told them too!), Death Penalty(wow, what happened to pro life?), Welfare (Wealthfare?), Anti-Gay, Low Taxes(=shitty government), Big Government(u mean the giant fucking military or the SS checks to grandmom?), Pro-Business(u mean Anti-people?), Regulation(u hate rules?), Law and Order, Anti-Drugs(except the ones i get from my doc and the sell/do)... im sure there is more, alot more, but im drunk and im just tired of it.
It wears ya down u know. Its like what the fuck.
Link to chart, it kind interesting and better with the blurb from mag about how we blow money..