# posted by Supreme Monkey Overlord @ 8/26/2010 08:20:00 PM
i don't know how i started getting these but i love it. free cash in the mail for doing nothing. its fantastic. it started out as just a buck. an amazingly crisp, perfect one dollar bill, in an envelope which looks like it could be trash. i almost threw it out. glad i didn't because Arbitron has been sending me free money for months now. a dollar here, two dollars there. this week it happened to be 5$ with a letter telling me i may or may not be randomly chosen to participate in an upcoming survey. some times they call, sometimes they don't. but they paid me to just open the letter.
their questions are never complicated, or long. they are usually short generic questions about radio, tv and internet. nto usually all three at once but its like 3 questions about how much i watch/listen/read stuff. takes about 3 minutes and then they send me 10 more dollars. i think they've sent me around 60$ in the past 8 months. always the crispest bills I've ever seen. always sequential too.
i don't know what they are doing with my data and i don't really care. they don't know anything about me that isn't already splashed all over the internet or previously stolen when my credit card company gets hacked. as long as these awesome crisp bills keep showing up in the mail i'm happy.
Is this spam?
I did Arbitron surveys last year with the same deal - its pretty sweet. All they're looking for is demographic data on what you watch or listen to. They sell the data to media companies and advertisers so they know how to price commercials by audience size. I mostly just watch CSPAN and listen to NPR so my data is useless for that.
Branci, my man, can you email me your address, I want to mail you the FF money for me and mo.
tlooneyjr@ yahoo.com
Haha, you beat me too it, nevermind. The money is on its way!
Jesse, my friend, we need a tenth person for my other FF league. This one is free, also on yahoo. Me, Burns and Mo plus some of Burns' friends. Very laid back. Let me know!
We got a guy, never mind.